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Him. He lives right above me. Fuck.
I put on a smile and ignore him and continue talking with Ian.
"So where are you planning on taking us?" Ian asks, throwing on his shoes.
"Probably to this secluded lake I like to go to sometimes. It has some cool spots." I says shyly.
"Sweet! George do you want to come?" Ian says.
"No." George and I both say at the same time.
Ian and George shoot me a look.
"I mean, if he wants he can." I murmur.
I see him smirk and huff and then turn back to Ian.
"Well?" Ian asks.
"No I'm good, I've got some unpacking to do. Plus, Iz and I can catch up another time." He smiles, brushing past me as he walks out. "Can't we?"
He whispers in my ear making shivers go down my spine.
He always knows how to make me speechless. I don't know why he enjoys fucking with me so much. But he's always been hateful.
"Well, let's get going!" Ian cheers.
Max,Ian and I hop in Ian's car once more and head out to my special place.
We pull up to the park and get out. We have to do a bit of walking but that's alright.
"Damn do you really walk all the way through the woods to get some pictures?" Max asks.
"Of course." I smile. "We're almost there anyways. Come on."
We reach our destination in about 5 minutes and the boys are in awe. No one is here, per usual which was even better.
"Okay guys just do your thing." I giggle.
Of course they fuck around and I take some shots of them. But then I do some individuals and they turned out awesome.
"Hey do you want us to take some of you?" Max asks.
"No no that's fine, you don't have to. I just do this for fun." I say.
"No we must!" Ian shouts.
So of course I hand over my camera and they take a few pictures. Ian always making me laugh, causing him to take the perfect "candid"
Once we finished up we went back to my place so I could upload them to my laptop and then I could send them to them.
The boys left a while ago, and I've been editing these pictures for a bit.
I decide to take a quick shower and then make a snack and smoke a bit. Ever since I saw George, I couldn't get him off my mind. I can't imagine what he's planning to do to me now.
It's been 6 years since I graduated, and about 8 since I've actually seen him face to face.
After him and Ian graduated, they went off to college and I was free from George's bullshit my last 2 years of high school.
I came out of my shell a bit more after he left. I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest when I watched him walk across that stage and get his diploma.
I still have nightmares about him, but eventually I grew out of those. But now. Now he's right above me.
I hope he doesn't know which place is mine.
I can feel myself start to panic, so I take a minute and smoke to calm myself down. I sit on my balcony that has an okay view.
I pull out my book and just read and smoke for a bit. It's nice outside, not too warm, so I just hang out. I then hear a sliding door from above me open and close. I quietly get up and try to make sure he doesn't hear me walk back inside.
"Since when does little Izzy smoke?" His deep raspy voice asks.
Fuck. Now he really knows where I live.
"That's n-none of your business." I spit before running back inside.
I go to my kitchen and make myself a sandwich before sitting down on my couch. I flick on greys anatomy and just hang out.
My mind eventually drifts away from George and is now focused on this show I've been in love with forever.
I wrestle around in my bed not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep. My mind is racing and I can't stop it.
I decide to just say fuck it and go play some piano.
I throw on my slippers and grab my glasses and phone and head to my keyboard.
I turn down the volume a bit to not disturb anyone.
I'm at peace as I play along to my new "song" I guess you could say. It's not really a song since there's no words, but it's something I composed and I'm proud of it.
I set up my phone to take a video, when I get a knock at the door. Shit. Hopefully I didn't wake up Ms. burgess again, sometimes I wake her up, she's just our cute little neighbor who's about in her 70's.
Luckily she's nice and doesn't yell at me, she actually likes what I play, but sometimes it's a bit too loud.
I get up to go open the door and it was not ms. Burgess.
It was George Miller.
"Hey I was wondering if you could shut the fuck up." He spits.
"No." I state.
"Oh have you grown a spine since high school?" He chuckles.
"Can you just leave me alone, I'll turn it down. " I sigh.
"Hm. Gladly." He says before lighting a cig and walking away.
Jesus please never let that happen again.
I shut the door and get back to my piano. I turn down the volume a bit and then get back to my video.
I haven't seen Isabella since graduation.
She's a woman. She's grown. She must've started going to the gym, because her body is fit. She filled out her petit body. She still has those stupid fucking glasses, but she's different.
I can tell she's still scared of me, which is good. I don't need her liking me.
Her playing had gotten so much better since high school. But it's still annoying as fuck so I tell her to shut up.
When she disobeyed I was shocked. Maybe she's not so scared anymore.
I don't need anymore people in my life than Ian and max. And I'll tell myself that til the day I die.
Ian and max hardly see the real me anymore.
I don't need her to figure it out.
The boys know to never talk about her anymore. She is why I'm like this. She is why seclude myself. She is why I write music.
But it'll be hard, since Isabella has been up Ian's ass since she was born. They're always together.
I finish up my cig and throw it off the balcony and head to bed. But all I can think about is Isabella, and those stupid fucking glasses.

Word count: 1167

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now