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After Ian and i's attempt at making a video, I insisted on going home because I couldn't sit an feel George staring at me any longer.
I couldn't tell if he was pissed at me, which is probably always correct, or he was looking at me, cause I looked good, which is probably always never correct.
I check my phone, 9:32pm. It's later than I thought. I walk over to the bathroom and start to wipe off my makeup.
Fuck. I have work tomorrow too. I wish I could just quit my job and take pictures, become a photographer or something. Or turn my piano playing into to something useful.
On that thought, I change into some sweatpants, a large t-shirt, and throw my hair up in a bun. I head out and take a seat at my keyboard.
It's been a minute.
I take out the piece of music I've been working on, this is actually my second. The first was more classical sounding, this one is one I want to turn into a song someday, put some lyrics to it.
I poured myself some wine before starting. Wine just calms me down, and helps me focus, I don't try to get drunk.
I start playing around and coming up with the next few bars, and before I know it, it's midnight, and i ended up getting myself drunk, 6 glasses of wine later, but surprisingly I was awake, and didn't want to stop.
After Isabella left, Ian and I hung out alone for the the first time in what seems to be forever. She's always around. Getting all the attention. Making Ian so fucking protective.
And of course, max sucking up to her, always asking what she wants to do, and always making sure she's happy.
So annoying.
Just like her piano playing. Which I can hear. Again.
"I thought I told her to shut up." I mutter under my breath, getting up from my sofa, to go tell her again.
I jog downstairs and knock on her door, loud as fuck.
She opens it, wine glass in hand, and leans against the door frame.
"George I'm sorry I was just trying to finish this new song I've been working on, and I really want to put some lyrics to it too, but I can't figure out how I wa-"
"Shut the fuck up." I sigh. "Are you drunk?"
"I mean, kinda." She giggles.
"Good god let's get inside." I sigh, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside.
"Hey watch my wine!" She whines.
"You'll live." I say, sitting her down on the couch.
"Do you want some?" She smiles.
"Might as well." I shrug.
She hops up and stumbles to the kitchen and pours me a glass. She comes back over, hands me my glass and sits down at her piano.
"Okay I know you probably don't give a shit but please listen, I think I'm onto something here." She says.
"Or you're just drunk." I smirk.
"Whatever." She laughs.
I sit and sip my wine while she plays her new song, it actually sounds good. As she's playing, she starts to hum along. It's like I'm in a trance, she's a lot better than what I thought she was. And all of a sudden she just stops.
"See! Right there! I want to end it but I don't know how! She exclaims all flustered.
I shrug and poor myself another glass of wine, and sit back as she stares at me.
"So you're just gonna drink all my wine but not help me out?" She sasses.
"Hey I already told you I don't know much about notes and shit, that's all you princess." I explain.
"God why do you call me that." She sighs, placing her head in her hands.
"Because I do what I want." I chuckle.
"Well Joey used to do what he wanted that was beat me and cheat on me!" She cries. "I-I im sorry, it I-just he- he just used to call m-me that and I h-hate it. I know you d-don't care b-"
"Oh my god I'm actually so sorry if I had known I would not have gone down that path." I say, getting up to go comfort her.
"It's all cool. I'm fine. It's fine. It's over with I'm just a baby." She sniffles, completely shifting gears and starts acting like nothing just happened.
Does she feel like she can't have feelings around me? Does she feel like she can't let her guard down when I'm around?
And just like that she's back to trying to finish her song. I sit back on the couch and stay quiet and sip some more wine. I watch as she plays, gets flustered then stops, and repeats.
By now she's had 3 more glasses of wine and so have I.
"If you don't mind, um, can I maybe write some lyrics to this?" I ask. "I can pay you for writing it and stuff."
"Uh, yeah sure, I wouldn't be very good at that part anyways, and no need to pay me, I do this for fun." She shrugs, looking down at the floor the whole time she's talking to me.
I know she's still thinking about what I said and the whole Joey thing. I actually feel awful. And a bit tipsy.
Hopefully this is just the wine speaking.
I tried so hard to not think about Joey, but every time he called me princess that's all my mind went to, and of course since I'm drunk I just spill everything out like a water fountain.
But I do what I usually do and suck it up and push it away. Plus I know George doesn't actually care. I continue to play and finally come up with an ending, after giving George permission to use it for a song.
"Here play it one more time so I can record it to practice." He smiles, sitting next to me on my bench. We've never been this close. But he smells nice. And his features are beautiful.
Wait a minute.
Drunk Isabella calm down.
He is not cute.
I shake my thoughts and start from the beginning. As I'm playing I see his gears turning in his brain, probably coming up with some words already.
This is nice, we're actually not fighting, and what's even surprising is that we're actually working together.
Once I finish we both smile at each other, for what seems to be the first time ever.
I shut off my keyboard and plop down on the couch and flick on Netflix. He pours us more wine and then sits down next to me, not too close though. I think he actually might feel bad. He's been looking over at me a lot, probably checking in on me.
"George I'm fine I promise. You can stop looking at me." I sigh.
"No I- I just. You're right. I am mean to you. And now that I think about it, there's no need to be." He shrugs.
"I'm sorry what?" I say.
"What?" He asks.
"Hm. Nothing." I shrug.
I see him look down and start to mess with his hands.
"I'm sorry I just dumped all that on you. I just couldn't hold it in for any longer." I admit.
"That's okay." He whispers.
I look up and give him another small smile, and after that, I think we both fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up on George's lap, I must've fallen over when I fell asleep, he had his hand in my hair and he was passed out on the arm of the couch.
I quickly got up and went to my room.
Please tell me nothing happened last night.
I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face to wake up. I really don't remember if we did anything, I'd assume no, just because it's George we're talking about, but he was also being nice last night, but he was also drunk so it could've just been the wine speaking. I'm so confused.
I change into my work clothes, jeans and a jumper, throw my hair up into a messy bun and put on some mascara. I then head out to the kitchen to make some breakfast, and George was just waking up.
"Oh, sorry if I woke you." I say.
"Sorry I spent the night." He sighs.
"No it's fine. I don't mind." I smiled.
"Okay." He says, returning a small smile. "Well I better go, um write that song."
"Okay." I agree.
"Okay. Well bye Iz." He murmured, shutting the door behind him.
As soon as I heard him walking up the steps I stop what I'm doing and run over to Ian's and start banging on the door.
"Good god what Isabella!" He shouts, yawning afterwards.
"We need to talk. Something happened." I state.

Hello :) hope you enjoy

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now