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This morning I woke up early since Ian insisted we all take max to the airport to say our goodbyes. I requested off work, so at least I don't have to worry about rushing around.
I roll out of bed, and throw on some joggers and a hoodie of Ian's I have lying around, my nikes, and braid my hair to the side.
I grab a quick cup of coffee and head out to my balcony to smoke a bit before I have to deal with those boys for the day.

It's not that I don't like them, well, George is another story, but max and Ian can be a bit... much sometimes. And I'd also like to try and enjoy myself around George as much as I can.
"Wow it's not even 10 am and you're already lighting up?" George scoffs from above me.
"And that's an issue because...?" I state.
"It's not an issue, I find it quite comical." He chuckles.
"Why's that?" I ask taking a puff.
"Because, you're you, a goody goody." He says.
"I'm not 16 anymore George." I scoff.
"Kinda look like it." He laughs.
"Good one." I sigh.
I finish up my bowl and head back inside. I grab myself some toast for breakfast and by the time I was done Ian was knocking down my door.
"Good morn- oh god are you alright?" He asks.
I look down at myself, and look back up at Ian.
"Uh, yeah?" I question.
"Oh, okay, you just look a little, uh-"
I pull my sunglasses down and reveal my eyes.
"High?" I smile.
"Oh my god Iz, it's literally 10 am!" He says.
"That's what I said." George scoffs coming down the stairs.
I roll my eyes and throw on a baseball cap and lock my door before we head out to pick up max. I hop in the back seat of Ian's car, letting George get the front so he doesn't throw a hissy fit, and play on my phone on the way to Max's hotel.

"What is up g- Isabella, What-"
"Bro I'm high! You guys have seen my high before what is so different!" I chuckle before even letting him finish.
"Oh shit, my bad." He laughed.
Ian takes us all out to mine and his favorite breakfast place before we head out to the airport.
Once we get inside I sit next to Ian and across from max, I take off my sunglasses but leave on my cap so no one can really see my eyes.

"And can I have a chocolate milk with my meal?" George asks.
"Of course, I'll put this right in for you guys." Our waitress says.
We all let out a group "thank you" as she heads back to the kitchen.
"So what are you guys gonna do when I'm gone?" Max asks.
I look at Ian, and then Ian looks over at George and we all shrug.
"Wow I see how it is." Max cries.
"We're kidding! Maybe we'll come see you next time." Ian laughs.
A short time later, the waitress comes back with our food and we stop all conversation and devour our food. I was quiet most of the time anyways, because being high in public is a struggle for me, so I try to not talk so I don't show it, and I've just gotten used to not talking when George is around, to not piss him off in front of his friends.


"Flight 638 now boarding to Sydney." The announcer says.
"Well that's me!" Max smiles.
We all give and exchange hugs with max, and I'm last, and he kisses me on the cheek and winks before he goes to board his plane.
"Did you see what I just saw?" Ian asks.
I'm shocked. And also confused.
"What a try hard." George scoffs before walking away.
"Um, is there something going on I don't know about Isabella?" Ian questions.
"I'm just as confused as you." I state.
We follow George back to the car and hop in and head back home. The whole time George is looking out the window not saying a word, something upset him.
"Yo do you guys wanna hang today?" Ian asks.
"No I'm busy." George says.
"Doin what?" Ian asks.
"None of your business." He huffs, getting out of the car, and slamming the door.
"Geez, wonder what pissed him off now." I sigh. "I'll hang out with you."
"Want to film a video with me?" He asks.
"Uh, I mean, sure? About what?" I ask, skeptically.
"I don't know, we can figure that out as we go along." He smiles, opening the door to his apartment.
"Can I go change and put some makeup on first?" I ask.
"Yeah go for it, you look homeless." He laughs.
"Eat a dick." I chuckle. "I'll be back over in like 30 minutes."
I head over to my place and put on a cute pair of ripped skinny jeans, an oversized jumper, and a beanie to replace my ball cap. I head to the bathroom and do my makeup, a little more than usual, one because I like to feel pretty sometimes, and makeup helps with that, and two, it's for a video that's gonna be all over the internet and I don't want to look like a crack head.

Once I finish up I hop on back over to Ian's, where I find the one and only, George Miller sitting on the couch smoking some weed, watching TV. Great. I was hoping for a day of peace.
When I stepped in, his gaze changed from the TV, over to me, he started to say something but then stopped. And this time, he didn't look so mad to see me
Weird. He's always upset whenever I'm within 5 feet of him.
I glance away, and make my way to the kitchen to find Ian getting some drinks.
"I thought he wasn't gonna be here." I whisper.
"I don't know, I guess he canceled whatever he had, and I figured he was upset over something like always so I invited him over." He shrugs.
"Is he gonna be in this video?" I ask.
"Nah, he'll probably help set up but that's it." He replies.
"Okay good." I sigh.
Ian and I head out the the balcony, to get things set up, I still have no clue what we're doing, but I'm just going with the flow. The boys set up the cameras and the mics, while I sit and watch. I watch George with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his long black hair peaking out of his ball cap.
He's not saying much, which isn't new, but he seems more annoyed than upset.
I shake myself from my thoughts as Ian sits down next to me and we start this video.

I don't know why I'm annoyed that max kissed her. Maybe because i know how he is with girls. And I don't like seeing Ian all flustered over his stupid sister all the time.
Because what we need more of, is him obsessing over his sister, not.
I've decided that I can't focus on writing anything at the moment, so I text Ian and he invites me over.
I knock on the door, hoping he's the only one in there, luckily he is. 
"Plans get cancelled?" He asks.
"I cancelled them." I sigh.
"Well wanna smoke before Iz comes over? We're just gonna film a video." He says.
Of course. She's coming over too.
"Why not." I huff.

After we smoked I was basically couch ridden watching American Dad while Ian was fucking around in the kitchen.
After about 20 minutes the door clicks open and here enters miss princess.
I glance over at her, and damn, she cleaned up really nice. Her jeans fit her well, her jumper was a bit large on her, but still cu- wait. What am I thinking.
She's the fucking devil she isn't cute.
She quickly takes her gaze away from mine and follows the noise Ian is creating in the kitchen.

Am I jealous?


Hey y'all. So I deleted this app for like 4 months cause people wouldn't stop talking shit but now I'm back. I may or may not continue this book, or just create a whole new one and say fuck it cause I've gotten disconnected from these stories cause it's been so long since I've read/ updated these.
But enjoy for now :)

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now