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The last few days in Hawaii, we didn't have much planned, we just went to the beach, and got drunk, but the last day, Ian wanted us to go sight seeing, for his vlog mostly, but I was okay with it.
George was a bit distant after that night he asked me on that date, but that's okay, I'm sure he'll be fine when we get home.
I understand if he doesn't want the boys to think something is up, but max will be going back to Australia so it won't be too hard to keep whatever is going on, a secret.
Ian has been talking to anisa constantly on this trip, so I think when he gets home he'll be with her all the time, which I think is super cute, I'm so glad Ian can have someone in his life that loves him like that.
We had been site seeing all day, and today of all days, that last day, I get totally sunburnt.
We get back to the hotel around 6 and order in some room service and hang out in Ian's room. Once I eat, I head to my room to shower, and put aloe all over my body.
I got so burnt I was getting cold chills but my body was so hot from the burn. This was awful. I carefully put lotion and aloe all over my shoulders and arms and neck, and put on a big oversized shirt and crawl into bed.
I flick on the tv and scroll through Twitter liking comments and responding to a few people from the pictures from our trip.
Ian: hey tomato, are you coming back over?
Me: no I don't think so, I don't feel well at all :/ just come check on me tomorrow if I don't wake up lol.
Ian: Okay night night fag
I set my phone down and get up to get some water and shut the lights off. I apply some lotion once more before settling in for bed. I flick on the office and munch on some chips and just hang out alone, which is much needed after being stuck on a island with these boys for a week.
But that alone time didn't last long because I got a knock on my door.
I carefully get up and go open it to find George.
"Oh hi." I smile.
"Hey Ian said you weren't feeling good are you alright?" He asks.
He's asking how I feel? That's never happened before.
"Um, yeah, I'm just super burnt and I guess I'm just tired." I reply.
"Oh well, I brought you some ice packs, for your shoulders." He says.
How sweet.
"Hey thanks.  Wanna come in? I have a little bit of weed left if you're down." I smile.
"Yeah sure." He smirks.
I let him in and I crawl back into the bed and get the blunt out from the night stand. He sheepishly sits at the edge of the bed, but I pat the open spot next to me, inviting him up. 
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Mhm." I smile.
He kicks off his shoes and comes up and sits next to me. We start to smoke and munch on some snacks while watching the office, I had put the ice packs in the freezer, so they should be ready, I go get them and get back in my spot and place them on my shoulders.
"Oh my god this feels so good." I sigh.
"That always helps me." He chuckles.
"I feel like you don't burn." I say.
"Why cause I'm not white? I mean shit I might as well be." He smiles.
"No because you hardly go outside." I giggle.
"Fair enough carter." He sighs, passing me the blunt.
"Why do you call me that?" I ask.
"Cause I think it'd be weird to call you anything else." He shrugs.
"Calling me my first name is weird?" I giggle.
"Isabella is just so proper." He mocks. "And you're just, yourself. You're not all proper. It's weird."
"Um, thanks I guess?" I smile. "Does that mean I get to call you miller?"
"I mean if ya want." He shrugs.
"Well that's just boring. We need cool names." I smile.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" He mocks.
"Um I haven't gotten that far yet." I laugh, he smiles.

After talking for what seems like 10 minutes, time actually flew by and it was already 1am. I put the ice packs away, and put aloe on once more.
"Oh my god Iz, your back is so bad." George says.
"Really? That too? Ugh it's probably from when we went swimming I didn't even think about that." I sigh.
"Did you put any sunscreen on today?" He chuckles.
"Yes! Before we left! But I only put it on once and I think after we went swimming is when I should've put more on but I didn't bring any extra." I explain.
"I thought max brought some extra." He ponders.
"I don't know maybe. I should've asked, or just fricken bought some." I say. "Can you help get the rest? I didn't even know I was burnt back there." 
"Yeah sit up here." He says patting the bed right in front of him.
I crawl up there and lift my shirt up a bit so he can reach the parts I can't, and I start the shiver.
"Oh my god that's cold." I laugh.
"I'm almost done you'll live." He smiles.
"It's not just that, being this burnt gives me the chills, even though my skin is on fire." I explain.
"Have you ever been this burnt before?" He asks.
"Actually yes. Probably worse. But you'd think I'd learn my lesson." I giggle. "Ian and I were on a trip with our cousins and we were on a boat all day and I didn't put any sunscreen on, and my face and shoulders got so burnt, I had to get the actual aloe plant and rub that shit on my face, and after a few days, my face got so swollen from the burn, it was hard to even open my eyes cause I was so puffy. I had to constantly put ice packs on my face."
"Holy shit. Yeah how about you just stay inside from now on." He laughs.
"Okay well that's no fun." I sigh.
"It's more fun than being this burnt." He says.
"Ugh. I guess." I sass.
Once he's finished I put my shirt back down and crawl under the sheets cause I'm so cold. We continue watching the office and before I know it I've fallen asleep.
Isabella fell asleep not long after I helped her with the aloe lotion. I can imagine how tired she must be. She's resting her head on my chest and I don't want to wake her, so I've decided to stay, I hope she doesn't freak out. She can't right? I think she likes me. She agreed to that date. And she's kissed me.
Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her. Maybe this is a mistake. I don't want Ian kicking my ass or max never talking to me again.
But she makes me smile. I've played with her feelings too much already I can't do that anymore.
But my feelings, are all over the place. I'm ready to be happy and move on. But I don't want to use Isabella to be happy.
I'm not going to use her. She's a wonderful girl. I still don't know why I ever treated her the way I did.
I think I was just an asshole in high school, but Chloe, she broke me.
She completely changed me. I changed. I didn't want to continue my filthy frank, the music I started making was obvious. I was just bitter.
But something about being around Iz makes it better. Just watching her do what she loves, makes me want to change. And become who I was.
Eventually I slump down in the bed and she cuddles up by me and I fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up fairly late, but George was waiting for me, with some breakfast.
"Oh my god it's already 10:30? When does our flight leave?" I ask.
"I think 2." He answers. "I got you some breakfast."
"Did you sleep here?" I ask.
"Um, yeah I'm sorry if that was weird, you fell asleep on me and I didn't want to disturb you." He murmurs.
"Oh it's okay." I smile. "Thanks."
I throw my hair up in a bun and apply some lotion to my face and arms before joining him on the balcony to eat my breakfast.
"Does Ian know? Like that you slept here." I ask.
"Um, I don't think so." He answers.
My eyes widen.
"Do you think he'd be mad? Oh my god I know max would be, I don't want to mess up your guys friendship I-"
"Look it'll be alright. If they did find out, just tell them that we smoked and got tired, and that I slept on the chair." He shrugs.
"Okay. Yeah. You're right. No need to trip out." I sigh.
I finish up my food and excuse myself to go shower, once I finish I throw on some joggers and a crew neck for the plane. I don't bother with my hair or makeup and I wear my glasses.
When I walk back in to my room George is gone, so I take this time to get all my stuff packed up.
I make sure to grab my chargers and place what I need in my backpack, and by the time I'm done Ian comes in.
"Oh good you're alive. We hadn't heard from you all day." He sighs.
"Yeah I slept in and then just decided to get my things ready." I smile.
"You look awful. Are you okay?" He asks.
"Wow thanks butthole. And I feel better than I did, my body still hurts." I chuckle.
"Alright well we're going to grab lunch at the airport, so we're leavin like, now." He says.

"Alright well, I'll see you guys soon." Max sighs. "Happy birthday Iz."
"Thanks max. See you later." I smile, giving him a hug.
"Flight 247 to LAX now boarding."
Back to my boring life I guess.
Hopefully things with George won't be.


My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now