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"Isabella get the fuck up! We're leaving!" Ian yells jumping on my bed once more.
"Good god GO AWAY!" I yell back, throwing the covers over my head.
"Alright she clearly doesn't want to go let's go." George says.
"Why are you in my house?" I say, jolting up.
"To get you to get the fuck up so we can leave." He spits.
I groan and push all of them out of my room so I can change. I'm glad I already packed my shit because these boys are so impatient. I throw on my black skinny jeans and a normal t shirt, and braid my hair and grab my glasses. I get my bags and head out to the living room.
"Uh you do know we're going camping right?" Ian asks, questioning my outfit choice."
"You're all wearing pants fuck off." I scoff.
George lets out a chuckle and turns away.
We head out to Ian's car after we eat a quick breakfast at my place. I throw my bag in his car and then head to my garage.
"Um, Iz, what are you doing?" Ian asks.
"You'll see." I smirk." Just wait here."
I jog on over to my garage, getting so excited for this fun ride. I put in my Bluetooth headphones and put on my helmet and gloves. I then start her up and ride over to Ian and the boys.
"Oh no, oh NO that can NOT be yours." Ian scolds.
"Bro that's dope as FUCK what do you mean!!" Max cheers.
I cut the engine and take off my helmet.
"What? Is there an issue?" I smirk.
I look over at George who has a huge smile on his face. I know he likes to fuck with Ian and he knows that this will piss him off the most.
"Please tell me that's not actually yours." Ian sighs.
"Of course it is!" I smile.
"She also has a tattoo." George blurts.
"What!!" Ian yells.
"Thanks, dick." I groan. "Can we go now? You can yell at me when we get there."
"Good god just be safe." Ian says.
"Of course. I'll be right by you the whole time." I chuckle.
I start the engine back up and put my helmet back on. I look over at the boys, Ian obviously distraught, Max, who was taking pictures, and probably is going to send them to me, and lastly I looked at George who was in the back, and he mouthed "hot" at me a smirked before I shook my head and rode off.

We've been on the road for almost 30 minutes and I'm just cruising listening to music. Sometimes I swerve in front of in to freak him out and every time I look back over Max is always laughing at him.
I can tell George is, but doesn't want to get a kick out of this.
I have my phone in front of me on a little holder, and sometimes I get a random text from our "group chat" Ian made this morning in case something happens.
But George messages me separate sometimes.
Miller: you look sexy on that bike princess
Miller: I wish you wouldn't have shown Ian that, now he won't shut the fuck up about you.
Miller: way to already ruin this trip.
His little games always confuse me. He's so hot and cold with how he treats me and I wish he would just stop and treat me like a normal human. In high school it was just banter, and now he just straight up hates my guts.
We stop at a gas station to fill up and get a little snack before we're back out again.

We finally arrive at the camp sight, we get led back to where our little area is that we chose for the weekend and I park my bike and lock it to a tree, and put my cover over it.
"Okay fuckers first things first, these tents." Ian says.
"Fuck off let's have some fun first." Max argues.
"What the fuck is fun to do in the woods?" George scoffs.
"There's a whole ass lake right there." Ian points out. "Plus we can rent jet skis and shit."
"I'm in." I say.
"Hell yeah why didn't you mention jet skis?" Max exclaims.
"Cause you assholes didn't let me get there yet!" Ian sasses.

We all get changed into swim wear, me wearing a big t shirt over my bikini, and then we go over to the jet ski rental place.
We each get our own jet ski and fuck around on the lake for a bit. I brought my phone in a baggy just to take some pictures and I asked max to take one of Ian and I.
George was off doing his own thing, per usual, while the 3 of us were racing around, having a blast.

After a bit of riding around I can start to feel my legs and face start to burn from the sun. We end up parking the jet skis at the little dock right by our camp sight, I guess we rented these for the whole weekend which is awesome.
Max, Ian and I made some burgers and we had no clue where George was. He kinda just left on his own and didn't tell us where he went.
Ian had been messaging him to see if he needed any help, but no answer.
"Should someone go see if they can find him?" Max asks.
"Iz, you go." Ian says.
"Me? What the fuck why me? I'm the last person he wants to see." I scoff.
"Okay but this is your chance to talk to him!" Ian says.
"About what? You want me to ask why he hates me or something?" I ask.
"I mean... not really, maybe you could get him to talk about you know who."  He shrugs.
"No, I actually don't know who you're talking about." I say, puzzled.
"Oh god you didn't tell her about her?" Max gasps.
"I thought she knew!" Ian argues.
"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" I ask.
"Okay well, we don't really speak about her around George, because she's why he's all ya know, him." Ian shrugs.
"George has always been, just him, to me forever though, so I don't see why that is effected by some girl? Did they date or something?" I ask.
"Yes for a long time. And then she cheated on him, after he proposed. AFTER." Max explains.
"Wait what the fuck?" I say.
"Uh yeah, he was going to MARRY her and she cheated on him. That was like a year ago. And he's still fucked up over it." Ian sighs.
" well I fucking would be too, Ive been cheated on, by like my literal only boyfriend ever. It sucks. I don't blame him." I say.
"Are you like standing up for him?" Max chuckles.
"I mean no, he treats me like shit, but I get why he's upset." I reply.
"Okay so perfect, go talk to him and explain you were cheated on too and now you're okay." Ian smiles, throwing me my life jacket.
"Uh no, mine was totally different, I was in high school, he was about to get married, there's a huge difference. " I state.
"She's got a point." Max adds.
"Shut up jack ass, we're trying to get them to be friends. That's the whole reason we came here!" Ian says.
"Okay wow. Thanks Ian. But I'm satisfied with not liking George, and I think the one thing we have in common, is that we don't like each other so." I sass.
"Please just go try and find him." Ian begs.
"I'm literally getting nothing out of this, probably just a fuckin screaming match but fine." I sigh, putting on my life jacket.
"What a saint." Max chuckles.
"Fuck off." I spit before riding off to go find George.

word count : 1336
I think it's funny that people are saying I'm stealing books for my alex book, when I bet there's like the same persona that they're trying to portray the love interest (in my case Alex) in tons of other books. If you guys really think I'm trying to steal original work, I'll just stop writing because I don't want to continue to write something if people think I'm stealing, in my opinion I feel like my alex book is different than the ones I've already read, but whatever.

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