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Tonight was going pretty well actually, I may have admitted that she's right, and I am a dick for no reason, but it needed to be said.
She eventually fell asleep on my lap, and I couldn't help but play with her long blonde hair. I twirled it in my fingers and scratched her scalp while she was peacefully sleeping.
I couldn't help myself.
But I told myself I wouldn't let myself fall for anyone again.
What am I doing?
"We need to talk. Something happened." I said.
"Oh okay come in, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" He worries.
"No ian no one hurt me, but George came down last night." I sigh.
"Oh my god are you sure? If he hurt you in any way I swear I'm go-"
"Ian no, he was being nice. And it was weird." I explain.
"This is good. Why are you questioning it?" He asks.
"Because! It was weird! He smiled at me Ian! He doesn't do that!" I exclaim.
"Maybe he's coming around?" He questions.
"We were drunk.." I ponder.
"You? And George ? drank? Did he try anything? Cause he likes to try things when he drinks." He says.
"No! But I gave him permission to use one of my songs for his album I guess. He wants to write lyrics to it. I guess he liked it." I shrug.
"Isabella do you know how good this is? He's finally becoming his old self again! He never wants any help with his music, but if he's asking you to use your stuff that's good." He smiles. "He's coming around."
"Oh wow." I sigh.
"Did he come down to ask or what?" He asks.
"Well no, at first he was mean, because I was being loud, but then He could tell I was drunk and tried to help. And then he called me princess to piss me off and I lost it. Cause Joey always did that. And I cried and cried and he apologized." I explain.
"I'm sorry, George apologized?" He asks.
"Yes! I know! Weird right?" I shout. "He was saying that he was mean to me and there was no reason to be!"
"Oh my god I have to call max." Ian exclaims.
"Don't make a huge deal out of this it could've just been the wine!" I say.
"It totally wasn't the wine. He was telling the truth." He smiles.
"Okay well I've gotta go to work." I sigh. "See you later?"
"Yeah! See you! Text me when you're off." He smiles.
I head out the door and George is running down the stairs and we bump into each other on the way down.
"Oh sorry." I snort.
"It's cool." He sighs.
We both don't really say much, and this is kinda of awkward, but he's just looking at me while I nervously play with my hands.
"Well um, I've got work. Bye." I smile before running down the steps.
That was awkward. He's always yelled at me whenever I've bumped into him or something, or even when he sees me he's just angry. But not this time. Maybe Ian was right.
Today I finally got some recording time in the studio and I was super pumped. It actually didn't take me long at all to write lyrics to Isabella's song, so that's what I'm hoping to record today. It was super easy to write to, it was so simple but I knew I could make something out of it.
I throw on some jeans, a flannel and my ball cap and head out. On my way down Isabella is leaving Ian's house as we bumped into each other.
"Oh sorry." She apologizes, looking up at me with her large brown eyes.
"It's cool." I smile.
She plays with her thumbs as she thinks of something today. I can tell she's uncomfortable, but I've decided I don't want to treat her poorly after what she had confessed to me.
I need to be better. I'm tired of being sad and upset and mean all the time. The boys were finally right about something.
"Well um, I've got work. Bye. " she finally gets out before walking down the steps.
I shake off that awkward interaction and follow her down the steps. I hop in my car and head to the studio, she's actually following me on her bike. And at a stop light she pulls up next to me and waves.
I smile at her and then we both go our separate ways.
I'm glad I've finally decided it's time for a change.
I lazily throw my bag and keys on the table and kick off my shoes and fall back on the couch. Today at work kinda sucked. I just didn't want to be there. I wanted to go ride around or make some more music.
I heard Ian and George running up the stairs laughing. I heard them head into Ian's house.
Now I don't have anything to do tonight.
I took a quick shower and sat down on the couch in my sweatpants and hoodie.
I flick on Netflix and grab a snack.  I cuddle up on the couch and just hang out. It feels nice to just hang out for once.
Until I get a knock at the door.
I get up and it's Ian, drunk.
"Hey girl I thought you were gonna come over!" He slurs.
"I mean I was gonna chill here tonight." I shrug.
"No come on over!" He smiles.
I grab my phone and head over to Ian's house and George is in there with a beer in his hand and they're watching Netflix too.
I sit down on the recliner and cuddle back up under my blanket.
Ian brings in some mixed drinks from the kitchen and insists we play some games.
"I think we should all play what are the odds again!" Ian cheers.
"I don't know that got a little awkward last time." I sigh.
"Come on we won't go past any boundaries this time." Ian insists.
"Ugh, fine I guess." I say.

It's currently 1:30am and we're still going, by now I'm more drunk and so are the boys, and we're all getting along and this is nice.
I like Max, but sometimes he did get kinda touchy or too flirty with me when the other boys were around, and that made it awkward, but this is good.
"Okay okay last one. Isabella." Ian starts.
"Oh no." I sigh.
"What are the odds, that you and George have to go on a date!" He laughs.
"Fuck." George murmurs.
"Ian I thought you said no boundaries are being passed!" I say.
"Come on there's like a 1 in 10 chance that it has to happen." He slurs.
"1 in 10 is still a very high chance!" I yell.
"Come on pleeeassssee." He begs.
I look over at George and we're both not happy. Glad we're on the same page.
And my eyes widen and I shoot my gaze right over at George.
He gets up and slams the door shut, probably heading back upstairs.
"Look what you did, we were finally getting along." I sigh.
"He's being dramatic! Tomorrow I'll tell him it was just a joke and he doesn't have to go through with that if he's not ready." Ian explains.
"Whatever Ian." I say, also getting up to head back to my place.
Once I get inside I go plop down on my couch and end up not being able to sleep.
Today was the first time George hasn't been mad at me. And now we're back to square one over a stupid game because of Ian.
I should've just stayed home.
I shouldn't have agreed to play.
And soon after all my worrying and thinking, I fall asleep.

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now