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This morning I was woken up by, none other, Ian. He tends to wake me up early as shit on the weekends for no reason.
"Iz let's gooo!" He shouts throwing a pillow at me.
"Ian fuck off!!" I yell back.
"Come on we're gonna go shopping!" He taunts.
I groan and roll out of bed.
"Fine." I sigh.
I go shower and throw on some black skinny jeans, and an oversized, orange T-shirt I got from a thrift shop and some black vans. I put on some makeup, mascara and do my eyebrows, and then put on my glasses.
I leave my hair natural wavy and meet Ian at his place.
Max is already up and ready to go as well, and now we're just waiting on Ian to get ready.
"Of course his ass is the last one to be ready when he's the one that wanted to go so early." I sass.
"We're waiting on George too." Max states.
"Wait w-"
"What's up fuckers I- oh no." George says right on queue.
"Alright are we ready?!" Ian chirps.
"No. I'm not going if she's going." George snorts.
"What- come on you said you'd come. We have to film this George. And we need your opinion on what to get !" Max states.
"Okay but why does she have to come?" George asks.
"Because I invited her.... and so she can film for us." Ian replies.
"Whatever. Let's go." George sighs.
Why is he the upset one? He's the one that bullies me.
We head out to the car and I get shotgun so I don't have to even look at George.
The Whole way to the store the boys are laughing and shouting lyrics to whatever songs they choose. But I notice George is just sitting quietly on his phone, smoking a cig out the window. He sees me looking at him from the rear view mirror and I look down at my lap. I feel him kick the back of my seat causing me to turn around in anger.
He gives me a smile and a waves at me and I roll my eyes and turn back around.
Let's get this over with.
We enter target and Ian grabs a cart.
"Iz, get in." He states.
"What?" I ask.
"Get in, so you can film." He repeats handing me his camera.
I reluctantly get in the cart, max laughing at me. I see George out of the corner of my eye, holding back a smile.
Ian starts pushing me around and I just film the dumb shit they do. The mainly get weird food items, but we spend lots of time in the toy section.
Max is super good at juggling? So he just started to juggle a bunch of shit and in threw in his classic "Hey that's pretty good"
I tried not to laugh while they were riding bikes or messing around, just so I wouldn't be in the video, but Ian took the camera and told me to hoolahoop with like 10 hoolahoops cause he knows I'm good at it.
Ian also made me do a couple of my gymnastics moves that I did when I was younger, like a back hand spring and whatnot, in the middle of target.
George was nowhere to be found, which I was alright with, because I could focus on helping Ian, and having a bit of fun.
Until Ian opened his mouth.
"George will you come do this with us." Ian huffs.
By now I had shut off the camera.
"Bro I'm fine just get whatever works." George sighs, not even looking up from his phone.
"Dude come on. We're almost done just have some fun for a bit. Then you can go back to being whatever it is you're being. " Max adds.
"For fucks sake fine. If it'll get you guys to shut the hell up. Let's do this." He huffs, walking down the toy isle.
I shyly turn the camera back on the the boys do a complete 180 and act like none of that just happened.
I go back to sitting in the cart, just filming them mess around, making sure they clean up their messes before we leave that section.
We finished shopping and now we're all starving. We decide to go to KFC and grab some lunch. I sit next to Ian in the booth. Right across from George.
I sit and eat my food quietly while max and Ian are messing around. George, of course on his phone.
"Hey iz, when do you work tomorrow? Wanna help us film again?" Ian asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Uh I think 9 to 4." I shrug.
I heard George sigh, the first sound he's made in an hour.
"What? Is there a problem?" I ask.
"Yeah. It's you." He snorts.
"George come on man." Ian sighs.
"No, no, it's alright. I'll see you guys later." I fake smile.
George looks up at me, surprised, when I get up to walk out.
Good thing our apartments are just a few blocks away, because it was hot as fuck and I was not in the mood.
Normally, back in high school, when he would bully me like that, I would just sit there and take it. But I'm an adult now I don't need that bullshit.
Once I get back to my place, I throw on some gym clothes and head out to the gym. The gym always helped me get my mind off things.
I always thought that if I made myself better, he would feel bad for how he treated me. I wanted to show him that I was better than him.
"Dude what the fuck. I know you've never gotten along with her but seriously? It's been forever since you've even seen her what's your deal." I spit.
George doesn't say anything. He just shrugs.
"She's actually pretty cool once you get to know her." Max states.
"That's cause you have a fucking crush on her retard." George scoffs.
"What happened to you?" I ask.
"You know exactly what happened. And we don't ever talk about it." George grits.
"Bro it's been like a year." Max says.
"Yeah seriously we miss the real you. " I sigh.
"I know! And I've been trying to fix it." He spits. "It's harder than you think."
"You can trust us dude, you just have to talk to us." Max says.
"Whatever. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I have shit to write." He sighs, getting up to leave.
"Well. This is shit." Max sighs.
"I know. " I agree.
"Has he really always hated Isabella?" Max asks.
"Yeah I guess. I mean In high school, when I was around he would just tease her, but I think a lot more happened when I wasn't around. She used to be terrified." I reply. "And now after you know who he just despises her even more."
After that shit show I decided to just walk home. I pull my cap down farther and lit a cig on my walk.
When I get to my place I see Isabella trying to open her door.
She was wearing some tight workout clothes that were clinging to her toned body.
She did look good I must admit.
I see a tattoo on the backside of her arm. That's not really like her.
"Is that a tattoo I see?" I smirk, making her jump.
"Nope. You see nothing." She stutters as she walks into her apartment, not even looking at me.
I then just continue my way up to my apartment. How odd. She seems like she'd never get a tattoo... I kick off my shoes and sit down at my laptop.
I started to mix somethings around and make some more music. Before I heard that fucking piano again.
Can she just get out of my head for one minute?

Word count: 1332

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now