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We stayed up pretty late smoking and playing games, but I think we all have a little jet lag and wanted to get some sleep so we decided to call it a night. Plus Ian has something else planned for tomorrow and he said we should all be up by at least 10am, causing all of us to groan.
"Okay goodnight guys." I yawn heading back into my room.
I take a picture of the night sky and the ocean and post it to twitter before falling asleep.

I was up bright and early actually. I showered and threw on a bit of makeup and a cute sundress with my sandals I wore my hair natural and decided to wear my glasses today. I skipped down to the lobby for the breakfast and got myself some toast and coffee.
I quickly finished, feeling awkward eating alone, and by the time I was done it was already 10:40. I headed back up to my room and when I got in there, Ian and the other 2 boys were waiting for me.
"Well good morning make yourselves at home I guess." I chuckle.
"We've been waiting!" Max sasses.
"I just went to go get some coffee!" I explain.
"Iz did you already eat???" Ian whines.
"Only some toast..." I whisper.
George and max chuckle while Ian let's out an over dramatic moan.
"Calm down you big baby you guys can still get some food." I say.
"Good let's go then, we've got a big day ahead of us." Ian smiles.

Once the boys got  some food it's already 11:30. After they finished eating we went back to our rooms so that I could change into my swim suit, because I guess they couldn't relay that message before we went to eat cause they were dying of starvation.
Once I was ready, I took my makeup off and switched to contacts and put my sandals on and went over to Ian's, where the boys were playing the Nintendo switch.
"Ian I swear to fucking god all you do is cheat!"Max yells.
"Shut up you cry baby!" Ian laughs.
"Um hello, i'm ready." I sass.
"Woah." Max whispers.
George scoffs and Ian slaps max.
"Alright let's go you horny fucks." Ian sighs.

Ian called us an Uber and made sure max sat in the front and I was between himself and George in the back.
"Okay iz, you have to close your eyes we're almost there." Ian smiles.
"Bro why the fuck do I have to keep closing my eyes." I complain.
"To make the element of surprise better now fucking do it." He sasses.
We all let out a chuckle and I put my hands over my eyes and wait til we stop.
"Okay I'm gonna help you out keep your eyes closed though." He explains.
"How fucking extra." George murmurs.
I stumble a few steps before Ian stops me.
"Okay now open." He says.
When I open I see we're swimming with dolphins today!
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god Ian!!" I squeal.
"Oh no." George says.
I look over and Max was filling me with a big smile on his face, and George was lighting up a cig.
"I've wanted to do this forever!" I chirp.
"Well let's go!" Ian smiles.

Once we get checked in and we all have our life jackets on the instructor shows us what to do and how to hold on to the fins without hurting them.
I got to go first, and Ian was recording me literally having the time of my life.
The dolphins took me around one more time before we went to switch and I look up and all the boys including George had a smile on their faces.
Once I was done with my turn max went next and he was not graceful at all. It was actually quit funny and sometimes he was even scared.
"What a pussy." George snickers.
"Max just hold on it's not that hard!" I laugh.
"Bro they're fucking fast!" He yells.
"They're literally swimming???" Ian says.
After max Ian went, and I made sure to take video of him too. George was sitting off the dock and I was standing and max was oddly close to me, watching me film.
"Here try to zoom in a little." He says, helping me with the zoom.
"Thanks." I smiled.
A dramatic sigh comes from George as he gets up and goes to get ready for his turn. Max was still standing super close to me, and when Ian got out of the water him and George noticed.
I don't want to make max feel bad but I'm not into him like that, or anyone for that matter. I like being just me.
I take this chance to go up to Ian and give him back his camera.
"Here I took some videos too." I smiled.
"Are you good?" He asks.
"Mhm." I say.
"Are you sure? I can beat his ass if yo-"
"Ian it's fine." I say.
"Okay." He replies, George chuckles before heading to the instructor.
Ian and I meet back up with max and watch George with the dolphins.
"I'm glad he's like, enjoying himself finally." Max starts.
"Yeah he's been a lot better since Iz has been teaching him music shit. "Ian says.
"Wait what?" Max asks.
"Yeah she's been teaching him piano I think." He shrugs.
"Only a few times. After I wrote a song for him he wanted to learn." I explain.
"Oh, that's cool." Max sighs.
He's so jealous. But of what? George would never like me. And I wouldn't date him. Or max. It's nothing against either of them. It would just be awkward.

We finished up with the dolphins, and after George we all got to in and take some pictures.
After that we just hung out at the beach for a little bit, getting some sun. Well, Ian stayed under the little hut cause he burns real easy.
"Ian come on let's play some volleyball!" I say.
"Um, how about no cause I'd like to be able to enjoy the rest of this trip without being a tomato." He sasses.
"Pussy!! You won't!" Max yells
"If Isabella does a backflip or something I will." He smirks.
"Well, come on." George says.
I groan and  get ready.
"Why is this all you ever want me to do!!" I yell.
"Because it's cool as fuck!" He laughs.
"Agreed." Max says.
George looks at me and rolls his eyes, causing me to giggle. I do some tricks in the sand and then once I'm done I sit down.
"Okay come on Ian." I sigh.
"Fine!" He whines.
The teams are Ian and I and max and George.
"Ian these teams aren't fair! You know Iz is gonna kick ass!" Max complains. "George isn't gonna pay attention."
"No you just wanna he close to her." George scoffs.
Max smacks George's chest, causing Ian and George to laugh while I try to not.

After our one game we all decide to head back to the resort and shower and get ready for dinner. We all got a little burnt, but not so bad. I quickly showered and threw on some shorts and a tank top. I put on a little bit of makeup and braided my hair.
We weren't doing anything fancy tonight, just going to the buffet again with the boys this time.
Since tomorrow is my birthday, Ian said we should get to bed early cause we have tons of plans for tomorrow.
I went over to Ian's when I was ready and Ian was still in the shower and max was watching some show. George was still getting ready I think.
I plop down on the edge of the bed and scroll through Twitter.
"Hey so I know tomorrow is your birthday but I was too excited to give this to you." Max smiles pulling a bag out from behind him.
"Aw thanks." I smile.
I start opening the bag, and inside he got me a cute stuffed kangaroo, some fuzzy socks and a 50 dollar gift card to a store I've never heard of.
"That store is only in Australia, meaning you'll HAVE to come visit if you wanna use it." He smirks.
"We will I promise." I laugh. "Thank you."
I get up and give him a small hug before Ian walks in.
"Hey I thought we were doing gifts tomorrow!" Ian whines.
"I couldn't wait." Max laughs.
"Let's go bitches I'm starving." George groans busting through the door.

We head down to the buffet again and they always have something different. This time I got some noodles and some more fruit and found a table off by itself.
After dinner it was about 9:30 and Ian insisted we all went to bed.
"God what a buzz kill we could be getting drunk right now." George says.
"That's for tomorrow!!" Ian says.
We all laugh and head to our rooms. I change into some pjs and hang out on my balcony. I stole some of Ian's weed to smoke a bit. Once I felt pretty good I decided to just do my makeup and listen to music for fun.
My phone started blowing up with happy birthday texts and posts all over Twitter and Instagram. Ian made a heartfelt post that was super sweet and it was getting tons of attention.
I was just finishing up my makeup when there was a knock at the door.
It was George.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Oh hey, you look, different." He says.
"I got bored." I laugh.
"Well happy birthday. I wanted to piss Ian off by being the first one to say it." He smiles.
"Well thank you." I giggle. "You can come in."
"Did you smoke?" He asks.
"Of course." I smile.
I sit down on the bed and he sits on the chair. I pass him the bowl and we smoke a bit in silence.
"Here. There's more, but here's this to start." He says, passing me a bag.
"You got me something?" I ask.
"Of course." He murmurs.
I open the bag and inside there was a notebook and a nice set of pens. There was also a picture of a new keyboard.
"What's this?" I ask.
"That's yours." He smiles. "Like for real."
"Wait what?" I ask.
"Yeah I mean, I couldn't bring it with it it was too big, but it's back at my apartment." He explains.
"You got me a keyboard?" I smile.
"Yes." He says.
"No." I say.
"Yes!" He laughs.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal, hopping on him giving him a hug.
"You're welcome Iz, you deserve it." He whispers, hugging me back. "But there's one more thing."
"George that's too much to-"
"Shut up." He says pulling out his phone. "So, I don't have the actual record yet, but this is a rough draft of my album. There's another song that you wrote on here too."
"Wait, is it the first one? The first song on here is the one I wrote?" I smile.
"Yep." He says.
"Aw George! Can we listen?" I ask.
"Yeah I can show you this one, and then the other one we wrote, but I'm not gonna spoil the other songs yet." He answers.
He clicks on the second song we wrote a while ago, and it's called "YEAH RIGHT" I didn't have to write a whole lot, just one rift that he really liked, but it started off right away.

Ima fuck up my life
Ima fuck up my life
We gon' party all night
She don't care if I die,
Yeah right yeah right

I look up at George and he's just analyzing. It sounds really good, but the lyrics..

Yeah you bet I know that she ain't
Never give a single fuck about me,
Yeah you bet she know we ain't
Never gonna be together, I see
Yeah you bet I go to see you when
I'm feeling like a drum without a beat,
Yeah, you dance so good,
And I think that's kinda neat

I'm really liking his voice and the beat. He's super talented.
"Joji, that was super good." I smile.
"Thanks." He smiles.
"The lyrics are kinda sad." I admit.
"I know." He sighs.
"But I still like it." I smile.
A smile forms across his face as I place my hand on his leg. He looks up at me with his hazel eyes and the unthinkable happens.

We kissed.


My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now