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I had been riding out for a while, I actually found this mountain with windy roads. But at about 7, I decided to go back and just go to sleep and get this trip over with.
Ian tried to bring me food, but I just didn't want to eat. I wanted to be alone. I just put in my headphones and was staring up into my tent.
Eventually max comes in and makes me come out, so we can all make s'mores.
Ian and max were talking about videos to record, and George and I were just on our phones. I started to burn my marshmallow, the way I like, and proceed to put it on my graham cracker and chocolate.
I look up and all of the boys are staring at me.
"What? I like it burnt." I shrug.
"I know only one other person who eats their s'mores like that." Ian smiles.
"Who?" I ask.
"Look to your left." Max chuckles.
I look over and there's George burning his marshmallow too. He blows on it, to cool off the on fire marshmallows.
"What? That's the only way to eat it." He shrugs.
I smile and the other boys laugh.
We go back to looking at our phones. Eventually I go get an oversized hoodie and head out to the dock.
The boys are at the showers now, so I get some time alone.
I dangle my feet off the edge, and my toes barely hang in.
I check my phone.
Ugh. And we still have all day tomorrow. I hope Ian has something planned.
And of course my mind goes back to that fight. I always think of the bad. George actually hates me. And I have no clue why. I just don't want Ian to get involved, because I don't want to fuck up their friendship.
I hold back tears and I hear someone come up behind me.
"Ian, I do-"
"It's uhh, it's not Ian." George coughs.
I turn around and he's looking down at his feet, hat covering his long shaggy hair, and a cig in his mouth.
"You can sit." I murmur.
He sits next to me, not too close, but close enough to talk. I found some pebbles and started tossing them.
"So Ian told me something." He starts.
"Yeah? What's that." I sigh.
Not wanting to even think about what Ian could have told him about me.
"That um, you uh, got c-"
"Cheated on too? Yeah I did." I finish.
"So he told you about her didn't he?" He scoffs.
"Yeah. Just a bit though. Not too much details." I shrug.
"Yeah. Good." He sighs. "So what happened to you?"
"Why would I tell you?" I say.
"In case you wanted to talk about it I don't know." He shrugs.
"You don't want to talk about what happened to you, so why would I trust you with my personal stuff?" I ask.
"Fair enough." He sighs. "I was going to marry her."
"I know." I say.
"She was the love of my life." He croaks.
"I know." I repeat.
"Now tell me what happened to you." He smirks.
"Not too sure if that's how that works." I scoff.
"Worth a shot." He shrugs, getting up to leave.
"It was senior year." I start.
He sits back down.
"We has only been together for a year. But it was his first year in college and I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I thought it would never happen to me." I sigh.
"Yeah. I know how that feels." He says.
"I mean it's nothing compared to what happened to you s-"
"That doesn't matter. You were still betrayed. You were still hurt. And I know after that, you probably felt like nothing." He interrupts.
I look over at him, dangling his feet off the edge of the dock, looking at the water.
"Yeah." I smile. "I did."
He looks over at me, hair in his eyes, and gives me a smile. After a minute, I look back down and so does he. Did he just feel sympathy for me? What is he doing?
"After that, I told myself "never again." He says, and we finished the sentence together.
Again, looking up at each other.
"We're more alike than you think." I say.
"I know. I just don't like to admit it, because you're annoying." He scoffs.
"Wow I thought we were having a moment." I laugh.
"In your dreams carter." He smirks.
"Yeah okay." I laugh.
I come out of my tent to put out the fire, and I see Isabella and George actually talking at the docks.
I go and get max to show him.
"Holy shit. They aren't fighting?" Max asks.
"Well, I don't know how long they've been talking, so this could go south at any moment." I say.
"Do you think it's because now he knows she was cheated on too?"Max asks.
"Probably. Just because he graduated, doesn't mean she wasn't still tortured her last 2 years of high school. It was rough. She would call me all the time, crying about how Joey would hit her and shit. She knows that if I was around that wouldn't have ever happened. I should've never encouraged her to date him." I sigh.
"Hey that's not your fault though. You didn't know he was like that." Max says.
"Yeah but, now she's 24, and has only ever had one boyfriend and that was her experience." I state.
"Well now maybe her and George can... be friends? Or at least tolerate each other now."Max questions.
"I don't know George is a tough one. I doubt she's even gonna tell him that she was abused. Which I don't blame her I wouldn't tell George that." I sigh.
"So uh, if you don't mind me asking, how did you find out?" George coughs.
"He told me." I sigh.
"Wait what? What the fuck?" George says.
"Yep. He called me and told me." I repeat. "But whatever right?"
"Yeah I guess." He scoffs.
"He hit me anyways. I shouldn't have been in that relationship." I sigh.
"You're kidding me right? He hit you?" He asks.
"Yeah. Sure did. The torchere didn't end after you left." I laughed.
"Oh. Uh, I- I'm sorry." He murmurs.
"It's cool." I sniffle. "I'm going to bed."
He nods his head and I get up and go back to my tent. Ian and max are sitting at the picknick table, probably waiting for one of us to spill the beans on how all of that just went.
"Are you friends?" Ian says, hopefully.
I shrug my shoulders and walk right past them to my tent.
When I get my tent zipped up I start balling. I hated thinking about what happened to me. And the fact I just let it all out to the boy that hates me the most. God what is wrong with me.
After Isabella went back to her tent, I went and joined the boys at the table.
"Ian What the fuck you never mentioned he beat her." I say.
"I didn't feel like that was my information to tell." Ian shrugs.
"Jesus Christ that's fucked up." Max adds.
"So you told her about her?" Ian asks.
" a little." I shrug.
"Good. It's good to talk through things." Max smiles.
"Oh fuck off you pussies." I sigh.
But she's hurting just like I am.
But I can't help her.
I need to help myself. Or at least try.
But is she actually helping me?

Word count 1274
Kinda shitty but enjoy :)

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