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This morning I was woken up by the boys laughing around the fire. I smiled, this moment is so pure. I threw my hair up into a bun and walked out to join them.
"Morning Iz." Max smiles.
"Morning guys." I murmur.
I grab a plastic bowl and some cereal I packed out of the cooler, along with some milk and made myself some breakfast.
"Ian what are we doing today?" I ask.
"We're riding 4-wheelers." He cheers.
"Fuck yes." I smile.
"Oh god." Max sighs.
"What are you too pussy?" George laughs.
When I looked at him when he spoke, he had a different look in his eyes, like he was actually enjoying this trip. Like I'm not completely ruining everything for him.
Once I finish my cereal, I'm way to excited to get going, so I go change into my jeans and long sleeve shirt, that I wear to ride my bike, and meet up with the boys once they're all ready.
We all hop in Ian's car, and he drives us to the rental place we're going to, which isn't too far away from the camp sight.

"Okay, so you'll be following Stephen here, for your tour, and then after he takes you guys around, you'll have the choice of either riding around a bit on your own, or you can call it a day after your tour." A tall man with a beard says. "Now here's all your gear, we have tons of helmets to choose from, and we do require you to wear one, along with goggles."
I go and pick out my black helmet with some black goggles, because I'm boring, and I get the goggles with the reflective glass so no one can see my eyes.
And of course I'm the only one out of all of us, who knows how to properly put on and use gear, so I had to help the boys, who were all totally embarrassed.
Once I got to George, he pulled away.
"I watched you do theirs, I got this." He says.
"Alright have fun." I say, putting on my own things.
We get led out to where the 4-wheelers are, and we all hop on one of our choice.
Stephen, our guide, goes through how to start it and blah blah blah.  I already know all of this so I take this time to set up a go-pro I brought.
"Hey Ian, I'm gonna record this, if you want to use it you can." I smile.
"Cool! I'll probably borrow it later on." He says.
Our guide takes us on the trails and I stay in the back because I'm the more experienced one out of us.
It was super fun, the boys seemed like they had a blast. I gave Ian the go-pro after Stephen finished his part, and of course we wanted to keep going.
"Hey Iz! I bet you won't ramp that!" Ian shouts.
"20 bucks?" I ask.
He nods his head yes and then clicks record on the go pro. Alright here we go. I never pussy out, so hopefully this doesn't end up with me dying.
I start my 4-wheeler back up and ramp the dirt track as fast as I can, getting some good air time before landing. I turn back around and meet up with the boys, who are in total shock. Ian hands me my 20.
"Good god. Here." Ian sighs.
"Jesus Christ where did you learn that?" Max asks.
I shrug.
"She rides a fuckin bike, what do you expect?" George sassed.
My face gets hot. Why? Was that even a compliment?

We finish up messing around with the 4-wheelers and head back to camp for some lunch. Ian makes some hotdogs for us, while the other two are swimming.
"Do you need any help Ian?" I ask, coming out in my jeans and things, ready to ride and actually just go home.
This trip was fun, but it wore me out and I just want to sleep in my own bed again.
"No, but it's about ready if you want to go tell them." He smiles.
I do what he asks and walk up the dock and the boys are just hanging out in the warm water.
"Hey ian says the food is almost done." I say.
"Alright sweet!" Max smiles, getting out.
"I'll be there in a few." George states. " but can I ask you something?"
"Uh sure?" I question.
"Do you like swimming?" He smirks.
"Uh, I mean, yeah sometimes. W-"
And there I go right into the water.
"Max!" I scream.
"It was George's idea!" He says.
I look over and George is holding back a smile.
"You fuck! These are my only riding clothes!" I scream.
I see him shrug and he swim over and dunk him under, holding him down.
"Hey Hey it's alright, don't kill the guy!" Max says.
"What is going on? Where George?" Ian asks.
"Underwater." I smile.
"Why?!?" Ian yells.
"Because these assholes thought it was a good idea, to throw me in, and these are my only clothes I can ride in!" I shout.
Eventually George powers through me, grabbing my waist and shoving me under the water. His big arms are what are keeping me under. I Here gibberish coming from above me before George let's me go.
"Tell her." Ian scolds.
"Sorry for like, pushing you in the water." He sighs.
"Whatever." I snarl. I get out and stop back to my tent. God now I have no clothes to ride on the way back, and ironically the only thing I have left is my swimsuit.
I lay out my clothes to dry and then sit in my swimsuit in my tent alone.
Ian comes by and gives me some food, because he knows if he doesn't, I won't eat.

I can hear the boys cleaning up and probably packing the car, but my clothes are still wet and I have no way of getting home.
I  get up to go get my stuff packed and George is standing at my tent.
"Hey um, you can wear these." He murmurs, hanging me some joggers and a raggy shirt of his. "They might be a bit big, but it's better than riding in that."
"Thanks." I say.
That was actually super nice of him. He didn't have to offer his clothes. I quickly change, and he was right, these are pretty loose. I get my tent packed up and put in Ian's car and then I braid my still damp hair, and slip on my helmet.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay in those? Those pants look huge!" Ian says.
"I'm fine, I tied them." I smile.
I see George in the back seat smiling to himself, at the fact that I'm wearing his clothes.
Why is he being nice? Whatever, luckily it's not cold out yet, or this ride would be terrible.

We get back to town and decide to stop and McDonald's just to get a quick dinner. At this point, I'm pooped, and I just go home without the boys. I slip out of George's oddly good smelling clothes, and take a shower and head to bed.
"So George you like Iz now or what?" I joke.
"No. Just cause I gave her my clothes doesn't mean anything." He shrugs.
"I mean, but you guys are at least friends?" Max asks.
"Look max, don't worry I'm not gonna steal your girl or whatever, and no I wouldn't consider us friends." George sighs.
"Bro come on, I know you guys talked." I say.
"That doesn't mean we're mutual friends Alright?" He groans.
"Whatever." Max adds.
"Yeah I saw you smiling a few times, that never happens anymore." I scoff.
"Fuck off, maybe I enjoyed myself. What's wrong with that?" He asks.
"What's wrong, is that you don't admit it." Max huffs.
He's got a point, after him and Isabella had that talk at the dock, I think something changed in George. He seemed more, calm, less on edge, and he did laugh and smile more than usual.
God these two are always up my ass about her. I wish they would just leave us alone. Who cares if we had a couple conversations? They were basically forced upon us anyways by Ian's nosey ass. Yes, I probably should've thought about what I was doing before I ruined her only outfit, but it was a prank and if she can't handle it then it's her problem.
We finally get back home, and I'm just excited to get away from these assholes. I get my things and head up to my apartment.
I throw my things on my couch and plop down and flick on the tv, and guess what I hear.
That fucking piano. Does this girl ever stop testing my nerves?
Word count 1512
Wow I'm really bad at writing long chapters sorry xx
Enjoy :)

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now