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Now that we're finally home, this time change has messed all of us up. We ordered pizza and hung out in my apartment and smoked. Luckily, I don't have to go back to work until Monday.
"Hey guys I'm gonna go ansia is coming over." Ian says.
"Ooooh Ian!! When can I meet her?" I smile.
"Oh my god Iz it's nothing serious." He sighs.
"I'm gonna meet her one day." I say.
"Deal." He smiles.
He gets up and goes to meet his "girl" and it's just George and I, until George unexpectedly gets up and leaves too.
It surprised me, I'm just hoping he doesn't hate me? Or I said something wrong. I decide to just start cleaning up the mess the boys left me with, and then George just barged back in with a huge box, and he was super out of breath.
"Hey." He pants. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you think I was just dippin."
"It's cool." I chuckle.
"Here's your gift." He smiles.
"George really you didn't have to do this." I smile.
"No but, I wanted to." He smiles.
"Well thanks." I blush.
He helps get it out of the box and I take my old one off the stand and put it aside.
"This one comes with a new stand you don't need that one." He states.
"Oh okay." I reply.
I take the stand down as well, and I soon realize why it came with a stand, it's way bigger than my other one. We get it all set up and plugged in and I'm more than excited to play it.
"We'll go ahead." He smiles.
"What should I play?" I ask.
"Whatever your heart desires." He says.
"Okay don't be gay." I laugh.
I sat down and turned it on, I adjusted the settings to how I like, and started playing a classic, Für Elise.
This was one of the first songs I ever learned and I remember being so proud of myself.
Once I finish, I turn around to see George recording me.
"Oh my god stop." I chuckle.
"That was so good." He smiles. "That's going on my snap."
"Oh god." I laugh. "So when is your album being released?"
"Probably within the next few weeks." He smiles. "I'm working on one last song, but I'm gonna drop a single from it like tomorrow."
"Oooh can I hear?" I ask.
"Mmm maybe later." He smiles.
"Oh come on who am I gonna tell?" I beg.
"Ian!" He says.
"Okay fine you're probably right." I sigh. "Can we go get Taco Bell?"
"Hell yeah let's go!" He laughs.
"Wanna see if Ian and ansia want to come?" I ask.
"Uh, unless you wanna be the sacrifice that goes in there and probably catches them fucking." He smiles.
"Ew okay no thank you." I cringe.
I grab my sandals and grab my keys and head out to my car, George trailing behind.
I hop in and start it up and George gets in and we're off.
"Can you please just play one song I haven't heard?" I beg.
"Nope! You get to wait." He says.
"Rude." I sigh. "Well, I guess we get to listen to my music then."
I turn up the volume and turn on some Hannah Montana, Of course.
"Oh god okay please change it." He says.
"Pop it, lock it, polka-dot it, countrify then hip hop it, put your hawk in the sky, move side to side, jump to the left, stick it, glide!!" I sing.
"Okay okay I'll play a song!" He says.
I turn down the music and laugh my ass off.
"What you don't like my voice?" I ask.
"No it's just- I'll play a song on the way back." He laughs.
"So you didn't like my singing?" I smile.
"It was beautiful." He sasses.
"Well thank you kind sir." I laugh. "What would you like to eat?"

We ordered our food after 20 minutes of deciding what we want, and on our way home he promised he'd play a song.
"Okay okay. This is what I'm releasing tomorrow." He says. "It's called, Slow Dancing in the Dark"
"Ooh sounds sexy." I laugh.
I was high, so I was super focused on the lyrics.

When I'm around slow dancing in the dark
Don't follow me you'll end up in my arms
You have made up your mind
I don't need no more signs
Can you
Can you?

"Your voice is so good." I smile.
"Thanks." He says.

Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with them, I can't compete
You looked at me like I was someone else, oh well,
Can't you see?
I don't wanna slow dance
In the
In the

"Ahem so yeah that's that." He sighs.
"I really liked it." I smile, putting the car in park.
"Yeah I think that's one of the better ones." He smiles.
"I think they'll all be great." I say, his face gets red.
We quietly walk back up to my apartment and head in and set the food down on the coffee table.
I grab some napkins and George is already smoking again.
"Dang wait for me!" I laugh.
"Sorry." He chuckles.
He passes the blunt and I flick on the tv.
"Wanna watch a movie or the office?" I ask.
"Uh, what kind of movie?" He asks.
"I dunno, something funny maybe?" I suggest. "I'm not the biggest fan of scary movies, but I can stand them if that's what you'd rather watch."
"Wanna watch the LEGO Movie?" He asks.
"Hell yes!" I laugh.
We flick on the movie and start to eat our food. I'm decently high and the LEGO movie is my fave it's so cute, so this is super enjoyable right now.
"Everything is awesome!" I sing.
"Oh no." George laughs.
"What? This is a total bop. Everything is cool when you're part of a team!" I giggle.

About half way through the movie George places his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him a bit. It's getting pretty late, and I'm getting tired, but I'd feel bad if I told him I wanted to go to bed.
But then I look up and see he's passed out.
Well great.
I slip out of his grasp slowly, and clean up a bit, change into some jammies and then head back to the couch. I grabbed some blankets and cover George and I back up and i tried to cuddle under his arm again.
I change the tv back to Netflix and flick on the office and turn the volume down quite a bit.
And eventually, I fell asleep under George's arm, which felt way too normal. But I like it.
I like us.

Okay this is short and shitty and way past due, but I've been feeling unmotivated, and I feel like this story is meh rn. So sorry for the delay and double sorry that this chapter is bad :/
But sanctuary is a bop!! So proud of him ❤️❤️

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now