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"I-oh- um im sorry." He stutters pulling away.
"No uh, it's okay." I smile, looking away.
"I can go if-"
"No George, I think it was okay." I repeat.
"Are you sure? I don't wa-"
"George." I giggle.
"Okay well, I think I should go to bed. Wouldn't want to piss Ian off." He smiles, getting up and walking to the door.
"Oh yeah, me too, thanks for the gifts." I smile.
"Anytime, Carter ." He whispers.
I quickly kiss his cheek before he leaves, causing him to blush and let out a small chuckle before leaving.
Oh my god. What did I just do? What just happened?
I shake my thoughts and crawl into bed, quickly falling asleep.

I quickly get up and shower. Ian said to be ready by 10 so this is gonna be a challenge. I quickly shower and throw on some shorts and a tank top. I don't bother with my hair or makeup and just throw my glasses on. When I come out Ian max and George are all waiting on my bed with balloons.
"Happy birthday!" They all shout in unison.
"Thanks guys." I smile, giving them all a group hug." This hug is nice and all but can we get breakfast?"
"Yep she's Ian's sister." Max laughs.
We all get our shoes and stuff and head out to this cute breakfast place on the beach.
And of course Ian and max made a huge scene and told everyone it was my birthday, and my breakfast ended up being free.
"God can you guys calm down!" I laugh. "It's just a birthday."
"Yeah but it's your birthday."Ian says.
"It's not even a special birthday I'm already legal to drink!" I exclaim.
"Yeah but you're 1/4 of 100 now." Max says.
"Wow thanks." I sass.
After we finished up breakfast we actually headed to the docks to get on a big boat with some other people.
"We're going to a different island today! You'll see." Ian smiles.
"God, Ian is like a mom planning spring break for her like 6 kids." George jokes.
"Hey fucker! I like to plan shit okay!" Ian says.
We all laugh and Ian films is on the boat.
I'm standing by the edge next to Ian while max and George are sitting down on their phones like typical boys.
The boat ride wasn't too long, so we got to the next island in about 20 minutes.
We walked a little ways before we stopped at a zip lining place.
"Hell yeah! I've always wanted to zip line!" I smile.
"Ian I hope you don't expect me to hike up this bitch." George says, causing me to laugh.
"No dipshit, we take a lift or something." Ian replies.
We get checked in, and get taken up in one of those trolly things.
Once we get to the top we all get our harnesses on and they make us all wear helmets and max and George are not having it and it's so funny watching grown men throw a fit over a helmet.
"Dude I can't even fit this bitch over my hair." Max sighs.
"At least you don't look like a whole ass coconut." George says.
"Quit your bitching, this is Isabella's day!" Ian sasses.
There's a couple different lines we can take, and of course I wanted to start out on the longest one.
"Ian can I hold your camera while I go?" I ask.
"Yeah just hold on to this part of the tripod, it should be okay." He replies.
I go first and of course I record myself, and the beautiful trees and scenery around me. The weather is perfect, and the breeze feels so good.
Once I reach the end the worker helps me unclip and I wait for one of the other boys to come down.
Next is max, and I can tell because he's fucking screaming the whole way.
Once he gets off he immediately sits down.
"Are you gonna make it you big baby?" I laugh.
"I hope so, I'm not the biggest fan of heights and shit like that." He huffs.

After we all go down a couple more lines, Max stopping after 2, we're all starving, and decide to find a restaurant on this island.
We get all our gear off and get a picture of all of us by the sign. I post it to twitter and we head down to the small town for some lunch.
"Okay Iz, it's your pick, what are we eatin'?" Ian asks.
"Uh, is there a Taco Bell or something?" I sigh.
"Bro we're in fuckin Hawaii and you want some taco bell?" George asks.
"I said the same thing when she asked for fucking McDonald's!" Ian exclaims.
"Okay fuck off I just want some tacos or something." I laugh.
"What about this place? It's a Mexican restaurant." Max says.
"Yeah that'll work!" I chirp.

"Ian please don't tell them it's my birthday." I whisper.
We're waiting for our order, and I'm next to Ian and George and max is across from me.
"But what if you get another free meal?" He asks.
"I don't give a fuck please it's so embarrassing." I say.
"Fine. I won't." He whines.
The waiter came and took our order, and we were munching on some chips and queso while we were waiting for our meals.
Once our meals arrive we all dive in, I guess zip lining made us all starving.
George got up and went to the bathroom right when we were about the leave, but instead of the bathroom he, came back with like half the wait staff.
"George!" I yell.
Before the boys get to say anything, I get a sombrero placed on my head and they're all singing happy birthday. The boys are laughing and taking pictures of me, sitting there pouting.
I scold George and he sends me a wink, causing my face to feel hot.
After the waiters are done singing they give me a small piece of cake.
"See! Perks." Ian laughs.
"You guys suck." I smile.

Tonight all 4 of us are finally going out to drink. And I'm so ready for this. I put on a black semi- tight dress, and some heels. I made sure my makeup looked good and I lightly curled my hair.
Once I was ready I headed over to Ian's, where of course, again I was the last one to be ready.
The boys were also dressed up nicer than usual.
"Woah." Max whispers.
Ian smacks his stomach and I see George getting annoyed. I try to hide my laughter as Ian freaks out on max, again.
Ian and I took a picture together and then one with all of us before heading out.
We walked to the club and sat down and ordered some appetizers first, just to eat a bit before getting hammered.
After we all had a bit to eat, ian went and grabbed our first rounds of drinks, when I got a text.
Miller: you look good miss carter
Me: why thank you
I blushed and kept my head down, to make it not seems obvious we were texting. I don't want Ian or max to think anything is up between us... not like there is anything. I don't think. He's been acting normal around me all day so maybe he didn't think anything of it. I shouldn't get my hopes up. But he does look really nice tonight.

Once Ian got back with 8 shots, we quickly took one, and then of course, Ian being Ian, made us down he second one.

We've been drinking and dancing and drinking some more. Tonight had been awesome and the boys gave me an awesome birthday. But since max got himself totally trashed as usual, we decide to call it a night and head back to the hotel.
The walk isn't too far, so we hoped that he could make it back.
"Max, I'm gonna need you to fuckin walk." Ian says.
"Brrroooo no. I don't wannnaa." Max slurs.
"God you're such a babbbyyy even the birthday girl is walking." I giggle.
"Not unless I do this!" George yells.
"Wh- GEORGE PUT ME DOWN!" I scream.
"Nope! Birthday girl doesn't walk!" He slurs.
"Bro don't drop her!" Max laughs.
"Okay okay you right." George sighs, putting me down.
We're all a little too drunk, but we're finally back at the hotel. We all enter Ian's room, and Ian throws max on the couch and George falls on the bed.
"I'm gonna go change, should I come back over or is it bed time?" I laugh.
"No come back over!" Max says.
"Yeah the party isn't over!" Ian says, taking a bottle of vodka out of the fridge.
"Oh no, no more for Max!" George says.
"Yeah no thank you!" Max sings.
I quickly head over to my room, take my makeup off, and put some pjs on and head back over, I wasn't even gone for 5 minutes, and max is already passed out, George is smoking a blunt and Ian is playing on his phone.
I walk outside to join George, hoping he'll share some.
I sit down next to him and it's silent for a bit. He passes me the blunt and puts his hand on my knee.
I take a few hits and look up at him and can't help but giggle.
"What? Do I look funny?" He laughs.
"No I just- I dunno." I smile. " today was nice. Thanks."
"Anytime, carter." He says.
It was still a bit quiet while we smoked. I don't want to be weird and bring up last night. But I feel like I have to. I just want to know what's going on.
"So um, have you heard anything about your friend? Did he give it a shot?" I ask.
"Um, I think he's trying, but he's not sure how to go about it. But he is feeling better." He answers.
"That's good. Maybe tell him to start hanging out more or something, just so when they do hang, it's not as awkward as time goes on." I suggest.
"Yeah, cool, I didn't even think about that." He smiles.
"You wanna go see what Ian's doing?" I ask.
And of course, Ian is out too.
"Welp.  Looks like it's bed time." I sigh.
"Naw, doesn't have to be. Come one put some regular clothes on." He smiles.
"What? Like what? Where are we going?" I ask.
"Actually, you're fine let's go." He says, grabbing my hand.
We head to the elevator and head down stairs.
We run through the empty lobby and run outside. It's still nice and warm outside, but I still have no clue what's going on.
After following George for about 10 minutes we end up at the beach.
"Okay. Here we are." He sighs, sitting down.
I look at him blankly.
"What? Sit down." He says, patting the sand next to him.
"Um okay." I giggle.
I sit down and he puts his arm behind me, and leans on it, but still not touching me.

We sit and listen to the waves, and I eventually let my head fall on his shoulder, as I start to get sleepy.
I feel him kiss my forehead, making my blush and smile. 
"So um, do you wanna go on that date?" He coughs.
I bolt up and look at his hazel eyes. He's being serious.
"Um, yeah, that sounds nice." I smile.
"Sweet. Um, wanna head back? You seem pretty tired." He says.
"Yeah that's fine." I yawn.
He actually piggy backed me all the way back to the hotel and even up to my room. I'm wondering if Ian made him feel bad after that one time, if he even remembers that, but I'm just so confused.
"Thanks George." I smile.
"Anytime, Carter." He whispers, kissing my forehead once more before heading back to his room for the night.
Does George Miller actually like me?
Wow I'm actually writing longer chapters
I like feed back as well :)

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now