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-2 weeks later-
Finally. My hard work has payed off and Ian has planned a trip to Hawaii for my birthday. I'm super excited, and we leave in 2 days. My birthday is in 4, so I'll be turning 25 in Hawaii!!
I was so excited I got everything ready to be packed like a week ago, I have to work tomorrow, but after that I'm off the next week and a half! My manager gave me a couple extra days off since she knows how hard I've been working, plus it's a little birthday gift from her.
I've already gotten my swim suits packed, some fun hats to wear, and some nice dresses for when we go out. I'm still working on my every day outfits, and what shoes to bring.
It's currently noon, and I work at one, so I stop what I'm doing and get ready for my last 2 dreadful shifts before my awesome birthday trip.

I finally get home from work, toss my shoes in the corner and head back to packing, if tomorrow is anything like today, I need to have everything packed or I won't have time. I change into some joggers and a big hoodie and throw my hair up and continue the packing process.
I promised Ian I'd try to fit everything in one suitcase, but I'm not sure if I can keep that promise. I just have too many cute outfits I want to bring! Since it's October, and it's not as warm as it normally is, and because I work all the time, I don't get to dress up hardly ever. So hopefully it'll be nice and warm in Hawaii so I can wear all my cute outfits.  I decide to pack a pair of sandals, some running shoes, and a nice pair of shoes to wear when we go out, to keep things simple.
I'm about half way done when I get a knock on the door.
"Hey Ian!" I chirp.
"Hey are you done packing?" He asks.
"No, just about though, why?" I ask.
"Just wanted to see if you wanted to come over and drink." He shrugs.
"Um, maybe not tonight, I have work early tomorrow. But thanks though!" I smile.
"Well if you get bored you can come over and hang. Door is unlocked." He says.
"Okay, I'll finish up then maybe come over." I smile. I head back to my room and finish packing up my pajamas, and cute outfits I've picked out, and then lay out a travel outfit for the day we leave.
I grab a bottle of wine, and head on over to Ian's, where I find him and George doing shots in the kitchen.
"Heeyyy! Glad you came loser!" Ian slurs. "Feels like it's been forevverrr!"
"I know I'm sorry I've been working so much!" I giggle, grabbing a wine glass.
"Props to you though." George smiles.
"I know fuck that I could never like, actually work." Ian laughs.
"Wow must be nice." I joke.
"Yo being a youtuber is not easy miss!" Ian insists.
"Oh uh huh." I mock. "Throwing shit at George and max all day must be sooo hard!"
"Hey it takes a lot of arm strength to throw fuckin cabbage and shit." George adds, pouring 3 shot glasses.
"Oh I'll stick to wine, I have work early tomorrow, thanks though." I smile.
"Nope! You're birthday is in like 5 days, meaning it's your birth week, meaning it's party time!" Ian shouts.
"Fine, I'll take one shot." I sigh.
After my shot I go back to my wine, Ian is playing some music on his speaker and I make my way to the porch to smoke a bit while the boys continue to drink in the kitchen.
When I finished my bowl, I walked back inside and they were just having a good time.
It's nice to see George genuinely happy again, the last time I saw him like this was in high school, and that was from a distance, when he wasn't bullying me. But I don't want to think about those times anymore, we're finally past that.
I plop down on the couch with my wine and a snack and turn on some Netflix.
"Hey wanna watch a scary movie?" I ask.
"No! You know I don't like those!" Ian shouts.
"Come on! I'll hold your hand!" George laughs.
"Dude that's fucking gay." Ian retorts.
"But Ian, it's my birthday week! And that means I get to pick!"I pout.
"Fine! But I'm gonna make some popcorn." He sighs.
I cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and my wine, George takes a seat next to me with a beer, Ian following close behind with the popcorn.
"How's your friend, George?" I ask.
"Oh um, I think he's doing okay." He smiles.
"What friend?" Ian chimes.
"No one dip tard." George yells, causing me to bust out laughing.
"Well damn!" Ian sasses.
"Shut up the movie is starting!" I hiss.
Every time Ian watches a scary movie he always commentates to make it more enjoyable and less scary to lighten the mood, and of course me being high and the both of the drunk off their asses, everything we're saying is hilarious.
"Guys we should quiet down I don't want to neighbors to get mad!" I giggle.
"Hey retard, we are the neighbors." George laughs, causing isn to burst out into another fit of laughter.
I roll my eyes at them and look over at George who gives me a winks causing my face to feel hot.
He's drunk.
Ian said he gets flirty when he's drunk.
I pull the blanket up over my cheeks and sink farther into the couch and continue watching the movie.


After the scary movie we just put on the office, and shortly after Ian had fallen asleep on the couch, right on me, and George was wide awake while I was trying my hardest to stay awake.
"You can go to bed if you want. I know you have work in the morning I'll be fine." George shrugs.
"I know, but Ian is sleeping on me and if I wake him up he'll be shitty." I yawn.
"Well then fall asleep right here." He suggests.
"A-are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah why not." He slurs.
I shrug and lay my head on his shoulder and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up from the sun shining through the windows, I look up, and George has his arm wrapped around me, while Ian is cuddling me like a teddy bear. I look at George who has his head resting on the arm rest and try to not blush as I slowly release myself from his grasp. Next I move so that Ian and just reposition and cuddle with George.
I quietly grab my things and head back over to get ready for work.
I wonder if George remembers letting me sleep on him. He was pretty drunk, so maybe not. I shake my thoughts and shower and quickly get ready for my last day of work before my trip.

Finally! A whole week and a half off! I rush home and quickly get in my pj's and go over my suitcase one more time, packing last minute items. Once I finish up packing I lug my stuff over to Ian's, and allow myself in.
"Hey I brought my stuff over!" I chirp.
"Yo be quiet! Ian is like super hung over." George whisper yells.
"It's literally 5pm??" I sass.
"Yeah I know but he's been on and off sleeping like all day." George explains.
"Well this hoe better wake up tomorrow morning. I'm not missing that flight." I huff.
"What time is the flight? Where are you guys going?" He asks.
"It's at like 7am, meaning we have to wake up at 5 to be there by 6. And Hawaii!! I'm so excited." I smile.
"I mean if he's really not gonna wake up, I can take you." He shrugs.
"No you really don't have to, plus I know you stay up late making music anyways, that would just suck." I say.
"How do you know that?" He questions.
"Uh, if you can hear my piano, I can hear all the noise you're making too mister." I sass.
"Oh I'm sorry I ca-"
"Yo shut up you fucks!" Ian groans.
"Wake up you lazy cunt! You better not fuck yourself over tomorrow morning or I'm leaving without you!" I shout back.
"Fuck what time is it? He asks.
"5pm you dip!" I say.
Immediately he shoots up from the couch and goes and gets some aspirin. I throw him a pair of sunglasses and he plops down on the couch. I glare over at him, while George gazes between Ian and I, not knowing what to say.
"I can go if-"
"No you're fine, Ian over here though." I start.
"I promise I'll be up tomorrow. I'm still tired as hell so I'll just make sure I stay awake til 10 or so. Calm down you weirdo." He sighs.
"If not I'm gonna cut your dick off and throw it out the balcony window and then take George with me instead of you." I laugh.
I hear a laugh escape from George as well, and Ian's eyes grow wide.
"Oh fuck." Ian mutters.

George went to go record some time ago, probably to finish up this album he's been talking about. Im actually super excited for him. The past few times we've hung out he's showed me some songs from his first eps and stuff, and they're super good, he had a really good voice I'm not sure why he doesn't sing more.
I've been helping Ian pack some last minute things, he's always the forgetful one, and I load our things in the Jeep. I kinda wish max and George were coming with us, not that Ian is boring, Ian is a great brother, but I feel like the whole group in Hawaii would be a blast.
"Okay I'm gonna go get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning?" I say.
"Yep! Come over at like 5:30 just so we have enough time." He smiles.
"Okay, and thank you Ian, I'm beyond excited." I cheer.
"No problem baby sis, and there's plenty more surprises coming." He smirks.


My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now