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This morning I woke up and the first thing I thought of was stupid Ian. But then I thought about how that made Isabella feel, she probably felt like crap cause I acted like an ass when I found out we had to go on a date.
I actually feel bad.
I can fix this.
I work up the next morning on the couch with a little bit of a headache.
I took some Advil before it got worse, and showered.
I remembered what Ian did. And I felt awful. I felt bad because I knew something like that was gonna come out of his mouth, and that I didn't want to put George through that. Also, the way George acted when he heard what was said.
I knew I'd never be good enough for him.
Or any one for that matter.
That's probably why I haven't dated since Joey. Or had any one even remotely interested in me since then.
I shake myself from my thoughts and grab something quick for a snack. I grab my phone and keys and head out for work. On my way out I hear Ian playing some video game. It's nice out today, but I'm just in a meh mood so I take my car.

I finally arrived home, I got off a bit early today, which is always nice, but all I want to do is lay down and go back to bed.
I couldn't get the George and date thing off my mind all day.
I throw on some sweatpants and plop down on the couch.
Not shortly after there's a knock at the door.
These boys can never leave me alone.
But when I opened it, it was not who I was expecting to see.
After a whole day at the studio I was dead. But I knew I had to do something about Isabella. When I got home, I didn't hear her playing her piano, which is odd. So something was definitely up.
I decided to change into some black jeans and throw a hoodie on and head down.
When I reached the door, I was hesitant to knock.
What if she slams it in my face for how I reacted last night?
What if she thinks I'm joking?
Suck it up and just do it.
"George?" She asks.
"Uh Yeah, can I come in?" I ask.
"Um, yeah sure." She nods letting me in.
"George?" I question.
Why is George standing here?
"Uh yeah, can I come in?" He asks.
"Um, yeah sure." I smile.
I take a seat at my piano and he sits down on the couch.
"Soo what's up?" I ask.
"Um, just wanted to see if you wanted to hear my song." He says.
"Oh yeah! Did you finish it?" I ask.
"Yeah! It was super easy to write to, I was so excited to record it we got it all done in one day." He smiles.
"How exciting let's hear it!!" I cheer.
He pulls out his phone and finds his song. Well, our song.
He sits next to me in my piano bench again and we both listen.
It starts off with my piano playing, just how I wrote it.

Girl would it kill you just to throw a little bit of attention,
If I hurt you, I'm afraid gods gonna teach me a lesson

This is the first time I've really heard him sing, like a full on track that he's produced. And it sounds amazing.

When you cry you waste your time,
Over boys you never liked,
Can you not be so obvious?

He added some bass to it to make it sound more like a song rather then just some piano, and I really enjoyed what he did with it.

I don't wanna die so young,
Got so much to do,
I don't smile for the camera,
Only smile for you,
Smile for you

And at that moment I looked up at him and he was smirking. He was blushing. George was blushing.
After the song ended he kept looking down at his phone.

"George that was super good." I smile.
"Really? I was hoping you didn't mind we added some bass to the music." He says.
"No I think it made it sound super cool and not like anything else." I say.
"Oh, sweet." He smiles.
I get up and go to the kitchen and grab us 2 beers to make things a little less awkward.
"Look I know you said I could use this for free, but I want to put this on my next album and I don't want to just use your stuff and not put your name on it I'd feel awful." He sighs.
"I mean you can put my name on it but I'm not expecting a paycheck." I giggle.
"Oh come on not even a little bit? You know it'll be a huge hit." He laughs.
"Yeah cause I bet people are gonna be like, hey I know the girl that wrote this music! It's Idubbbz little sister!" I mock.
We eventually just hang out, watching tv, and it got a little quiet and weird. I was about to say something but he interrupted me.
"Hey um, I'm sorry for how I acted about the game last night." He sighs.
He's apologizing. Again. This can't be right.
"Oh, um it's okay, I knew we shouldn't have played that anyways. That's my fault." I say.
"Well I guess we're even." He chuckles.
I let out a sigh and go get us another round of beers. I don't know why I'm upset that he acted that way about a date. One simple date. I should've known he was going to be repulsed. So I don't even know why I'm being this way.
I don't even think I'm mad because it's George, I think I'm mad because, no one has wanted to go on a date with me. Ever.
I make my way back to the sofa and hand him his 3rd beer of the night.
I could tell she was upset. And I'm not sure why. Would she actually want to go on a date with me? Is that why she's being like this? I mean, it's not like I'm the past I've ever payed attention to her behaviors, so I have no clue what's going on.
All I know is that she's normally not this quiet, which isn't a problem, but tonight it is.
Id bring it up again but I don't wanna seem like a weirdo.
"Hey you wanna teach me something on that thing?" I ask.
She looks up from her phone, and shoots me a confused look.
"On the piano?" She asks.
"Yeah why not, guess I should learn how to play something other than a ukulele, if I'm gonna make music and all." I chuckle.
"Oh, yeah sure." She smiles.
We sit down at her piano and she warms up by playing some old classical song that sounds super good.
I like watch her as she's in her element. I can tell it's her passion. Just like music is also my passion.
"Okay so start like this. On C, do you know where C is?" She asks.
"Well duh I know that much at least." I scoff.

Time has passed as George and I learn some piano. He's picking it up okay, he just gets mixed up sometimes on notes.
I check the time, 2am.
"Oh George, it's 2am." I say.
"Do you wanna go to bed? I can leave." He says.
"No that's fine, I just didn't think we'd been playing that long." I smile. "Want to continue?"
"Actually, I'm hungry. Wanna go grab something to eat?" He suggests.
"Uh, sure!" I say.
I grab my shoes and wallet and follow George out to his car. We hop in and starting driving to downtown LA.
It's so gorgeous at night, so quiet.
"Uh, I hope McDonald's is okay, they're the only place open." He laughs.
"Yeah that's fine!" I say, aiming my attention back out the window.

We get back home and head out separate ways.
"I'll be back to learn some more piano, Carter." He says.
"If this is going to become a normal thing, I'm gonna have to start charging by the hour!" I laugh.
"Hey! That's not fair!" He shouts.
"Yes it is! I'm teaching!" I say.
"Whatever you say." He smirks heading back up to his place.

I'm so confused. He's being so nice, but freaked out about the word "date". Maybe he's just trying to be friends. For once. Starting by being friends. After all these years that's the least we can try to do.
But I have to keep myself at a distance. This always happens, I always fall for boys who are remotely nice to me, and I can't let that happen.
Especially not with George.
Hey y'all finally gettin into some action

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now