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~There's been a time skip, so her birthday was in October and now it's getting close to thanksgiving so about a 2 week time skip~
"IAN!" I shout as I barge into his place.
"Good god what!" He shouts back coming out of his room.
"Yo mom wants to know what's goin on for thanksgiving and Christmas." I sigh.
"Fuck dude I don't know! I'm kinda getting serious with ansia, do you think I could bring her?" He asks.
"Hell yeah that'd be fun!" I cheer. "But thanks for leaving me to look like a loner."
"Bring George." He shrugs.
"What?" I cough.
"You heard me you fuck. Plus mom and dad like him." He says.
"Okay but we aren't dating. That's weird." I reply.
"You assholes might as well be!" He shouts.
"Might as well be what?" George asks from the door frame.
"Uh, er-um might as well be apart of our family!" I smile. "Ian was just saying maybe you could come to thanksgiving with us! My parents haven't seen you in forever!" I smile.
"Nice." Ian chuckles.
"Um, yeah sure!" George says.
"Sweet." Ian says.
"I'll uh, go call mom back then." I nervously say as I walk out and back over to my place.
God Ian, what a fool. It's been nearly two weeks since we went on a date. And that night he slept in my bed for God's sake, I can't believe I invited him to do that, I don't even know if we're gonna be a thing!
I just have to tell myself we aren't together. I hope this isn't some fling thing. I shouldn't worry. Even if it is I don't care.
Totally. Don't. Care. I shake my thoughts and hit the call button on my phone.
"Hey hun! What's the deal for thanksgiving?" My mom says.
"Um, I think Ian is bringing his girlfriend and he also invited George." I reply.
"George? George Miller? Why I haven't seen him in so long! How is he? Last I heard he started making music." She cheers.
Neither of my parents know about how he used to treat me. Which for our sake is good, because if they ever knew how he used to be, they would never allow him in their house.
I'm their baby, once they found out about Joey, they got a restraining order immediately.
"Um, he's good." I sigh.
"Are you and Ian still living by each other? I'm so glad you guys did that. How long has Ian had this girlfriend? You know he hardly calls. What's her name? Are you seeing anyone?" She questions.
"I think like 3 or 4 months, her name is ansia, and no I'm not." I sigh.
"Oh honey that's okay. I know what happened to you was-"
"Mom that was like 7 years ago I'm fine okay." I groan. "Look, I've gotta go, we'll see you in like a week."
"Everything good?" George asks.
"Uh yeah, just my mom." I smile.
"Oh, okay, wanna come over and film with Ian? He wants me to but I'm not really into that anymore. Plus he can show you everything you need to know." He suggests.
"Yeah sure. Let me change and I'll be over."
He takes a seat on my couch and I head into my room. I pick out my outfit first,some jeans and a large hoodie, what a surprise, and braid my hair into 2 French braids.
I put on some fake eyelashes, and do my eyebrows and then head back to change.
"Hey Iz Ian wa- oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Oh my god GEORGE!" I shout.
"I know !! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm leaving!" He says, shutting the door behind him.
I quickly put my clothes on and open the door to George standing there with his head down.
"As you were saying?" I smiled.
"Ian said he was gonna film with ansia instead." He sighs.
"Oh, uh that's cool. Well do-"
"Do you wanna go on a date?" He cuts me off.
"Sure." I smile.

We hop in George's car and he starts driving somewhere, he never tells me where he's taking me, but that's okay because I usually like where we go.
"Okay so toy story 4 or the new spider man? Or if you wanna see both that's cool." He sighs.
"A movie?" I smile.
"What is that too cheesy? God I knew it would be, Ian said you'd like it" he groans.
"Ian? You asked Ian?" I question.
"I mean I didn't ask him if I was allowed to take you, but I asked what you may like." He shrugs.
"And he wasn't mad that you were taking me on a date?" I ask.
"Uh no, actually I think he wanted us to." He chirps.
"Huh. Okay. Well toy story 4 it is." I smile, grabbing his hand as we walk into the theater.

The whole time we were cuddled up in the back of the theater sharing a popcorn, cliché I know, but it felt right.
Being next to him felt right. And I never thought I'd think that about George Miller of all people.
But knowing us, we were making jokes the whole time and laughing with each other.
He's coming back. I hope Ian can see this. I hope Ian gets the old George back. I know he misses him.
While I was stuck in my thoughts I felt George kiss my forehead, making my heart jump. I look up and smile at him with his big brown eyes, and his dark hair in his face.
I lean in and kiss him, for the second time now, and it was just as good as the first.
He places his hand on the back of my neck, prolonging the kiss. I smile into the kiss causing him to chuckle.
He kisses me again and this time I don't want to stop. But we aren't officially together. I can't let myself get too attached if this isn't for real. I pull away and I feel my red hot cheeks and nuzzle my face into his chest.
"Someone a little shy?" He whispers.
"No." I laugh.

My worst nightmare.  (George Miller )Where stories live. Discover now