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I woke up surprisingly early for what we did last night, I ended up back at my place and had work anyways. I showered and put on my work outfit and ate some breakfast.
My phone dinged and it was a twitter notification.
@sushitrash - BALLADS1 OUT NOW.

@88rising @sushitrash - GO STREAM BALLADS1.

I was super excited! While I was eating I put album on and the first song was ATTENTION.
The song we wrote.
I got all bubbly inside and just listen to the album straight through.
Even when I had to go to work I put it on in my car. Every song was so different, but you could tell they were all connected in a way.
I immediately fell in love with ILL SEE YOU IN 40, XNXX, and NO FUN.
once I arrived to work I made sure to text George.
Me- love the album ;)
Miller- oh my god I'm so embarrassed
Me- omg why it was super good
Miller- well thank u bb
Me- anytime Miller ;)

I smile and set my phone down and get started with my shift.

I get home and kick off my shoes and fall back onto my couch. I need some friends. Now that Ian is with ansia, and George is probably gonna go on tour now with his new album, Ill be all alone.
I have a few girlfriends from work, but I've only gone out with them a few times.
I decide to make some dinner and hang out. I made some chicken Alfredo and garlic bread while I played some music.
I got a knock at the door and it was George.
"Hey. I'm making dinner. Wanna come in?" I smile.
"Yeah. Sounds yummy." He says. "Oh my god don't tell me you're listening to my album again. "
"Um of course! It's super good." I laugh.
"Well thanks." He smirks.
I make us both plates and we sit down on the couch and turn the tv on.
"So now do you get to sleep now that the album is out?" I chuckle.
"I mean, kinda. I think we're gonna record some music videos." He replies.
"That'll be fun." I reply.
We sit and eat and watch Netflix in silence. Sometimes we spend a lot of time in silence and it's kinda nice.
After we had finished he took our plates and cleaned them off and cleaned up the kitchen.
"George I could've done that." I sigh.
"It's okay. You cooked. I'll clean." He smiles. "Wanna play?"
"Sure! It's been a minute thought so don't judge." I say.
"I doubt you'd lose those amazing skills in like 4 days." He laughs.
"You never know!" I giggle.
We both sit down at the bench and I just play a few cords to warm up as he watches. I play around and then stop.
"Your turn." I smile.
"The only thing I remember is the scales you taught me." He laughs.
"Well what do you wanna learn?" I ask.
"Whatever you think I can play." He says.
"Why don't we start out with Fur Elisë then?" I reply.
"Works for me." He chuckles.

We spent the next hour or so playing around, he learned a good bit of the song, before we decided to take a break.
"Iz you should really be a teacher." He says.
"I'd like to, but I-"
"No you're amazing. I just learned like half that song in an hour and a half." He smiles. "You could be a really good teacher."
"Yeah but who wants to learn piano? I feel like I wouldn't have anyone to teach." I sigh.
"We're in LA. There's tons of rich parents that would love to have you teach their kid." He laughs.
" I mean I guess... but I wouldn't know how to get people to hire me." I sigh.
"I could help. I promise. We could make flyers and I bet there's some people from my studio that would love to have you teach their kids!" He smiles.
"George that's a lot you don't have to do that." I say.
"No come on, and you'll actually enjoy this job." He insists.
"Okay Yeah, But I don't have a real piano to play on." I sigh.
"There's one at the studio! Come on carter!" He cheers.
"Okay! Fine! I'll give it a shot. How much? Like 20 an hour?" I ask.
"Oh no no you won't make a whole lot that low, let's look up some stuff." He says.
I pull out my laptop and we sit on the couch and start some research.
"So it looks like average charging is like 50 to 100 a session. But I'm not even qualified really." I sigh. "Should I take like a class or something?"
"I don't think so, not to learn piano at least, but maybe to be a certified teacher?" He questions.
"Hopefully that won't take long. I wasn't really planning on going to college. Ew." I chuckle.
"Hey maybe you can take some photography classes too." He smiles.
"Yeah might as well while I'm there. But I feel like it's too late to enroll in anything. Do you think I could do it online?" I ask.
"Well let's see." He replies.

We spent the next 4 hours researching and finding a school, and by the end of it I was enrolled for the spring for intro to photography and a class that will certify me to be a tutor.
"My god I can't believe we just did that. Do you think I'm gonna regret it?" I ask. "how am I gonna pay for these classes? I mean I have money right now, but while I'm in those classes what am I gonna do? I'm gonna have no time to work where I do now."
"No. Not at all. This is a big step into becoming something that you really wanna do with your life. And maybe you can make a YouTube channel. I bet Ian would help. " He smiles. "Plus it's the least I could do, you did kinda write stuff for me."
"I mean yeah. But again, I liked it." I smiled. "And thanks for helping."
"Anytime, Carter." He whispers, kissing my cheek.
I shut my laptop and cuddle up by George, while he was flicking through the channels.
We decide on some baking show and cuddle up under the blankets.
"Hey it's getting late, do you want me to head out?" He whispers, I didn't even realize I was dozing off.
"No you can stay, do you wanna sleep in my bed? I know the couch is uncomfy." I yawn.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah." I smile.
We get up and head to my room, I keep it clean so I have no problem with him seeing it.
"Wow, so different than Ian's place." He chuckles.
"Yeah I like to not scare away my company." I smile.
"I like the blue." He says.
"Thanks. It's my favorite color." I yawn.
I crawl into the bed and George sheepishly follows. I flick on the tv and continue to watch what we had been watching.
"Do you want to smoke before bed?" I ask.
"Sure. Want me to go get my stuff?" He asks.
"No need." I smile.
I reach under my bed and grab my box of smoke stuff and pull it out.
"Okay so do we want a bong, or a bowl, or ooh I have this little one hitter too, those are fun." I say.
"Uh, wow. I uh, I don't know you can pick." He replies.
"What?" I laugh.
"I dunno, I guess I just didn't see you owning all this stuff." He says.
"Oh. Well yeah I've changed a bit." I smile. "I guess you can thank Ian."
"Let's use the bong." He smiles.

"You know, maybe I will start a channel. But I dunno what I'd make." I sigh.
"I bet you could do makeup shit." He smiles.
"I'm not that good. I just do it for fun really." I say.
"What? You're super good. You look totally different when you do your makeup. Not in a bad way, like you look hot as fuck!" He says.
"Um thank you?" I giggle.
"I mean, well yeah. Sorry that's kinda weird..." He sighs.
I lean over and peck him on the cheek and his face gets all red.
"So, um. How's your friend? It's been a minute." I cough.
"He's doin better actually. He's getting to know this girl a lot more. Your advice is helping." He smiles.
"Aw I'm glad. Who is your friend by the way?" I ask.
"Uh, oh it's chad, you've never met him." He sighs.
Oh. That's okay. I was hoping it was him. Maybe this is just a friendly flirty thing. Nothing too serious I guess.
"Oh cool." I fake smile.
"Maybe one day, when we all decide to go see max, I bet he'll come." He says.
"That'd be fun!" I cheer.

Eventually after talking we turn off the lights and snuggle up under the sheets. We stay on opposite sides of the bed at first. Why is this so awkward? We've cuddled before. Maybe it's because I'm high. Or maybe he gets weird when he's high.
I'm overthinking.

Good god when am I gonna grow the balls and tell her it's me.
And why did I say she was hot as fuck? That's probably one of the only times she's ever heard a compliment from me! And that's what I say? Oh my god.
I'm just embarrassing myself more and more. I don't even try to make any sort of move, not even in that way. Just cuddling. I don't want to doing anything else dumb tonight.
But eventually I give in and roll over and pull her small, warm body close to mine.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna make her mine.
Okay I'm getting so bad about updates :/ but thank u for 4K reads :) love u guys

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