Part 8

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The past few weeks have been really good. I started online school which is great. Gelo's seasons is going to start soon. We have been doing really good.  I dont really have a lot of friends around here, just through insta and stuff. But when Gelo leaves for a long time i go hang out in LA with friends.

Currently I was home alone .. Again. I was just cleaning, listening to music. It was sunday so thats just what I was doing. I dont think i had anything to really do except clean. I was cleaning when i got a facetime call from Devin. I answered just to see what was up.

"Hey boo whats up" i said
"You and that basketball nigga still together" he asked
I nodded "yeah we live together now actually"
"Oh fuck no" he said and chuckled "i just sent you a picture, i got that girl jayden on private snap you know she tried to slid in dms a while back or whatever. But she posted that yesterday night. I thought yall wasnt together you know."
I went to my messages to see what he sent me. My blood was already boiling.

"Wow" i said"Chris bruh youre welcome to come stay with me for a while

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"Wow" i said
"Chris bruh youre welcome to come stay with me for a while. As far from that nigga as possible. Just until you get back on your feet" he said
I nodded and smiled slightly "ill hit u later okay thank you, i love you" i said
"I love you too" he said
The call ended and i just bursted out crying.

What the fuck am i supposed to do now... Like what the fuck. My life legit revolves around him. I have nothing. My parents dont even want me back home because i chose to move with him. I cried and i cried. I dont care im not staying here. I packed all my stuff like everything and put it by the door. I changed into some leggings and a tshirt my hair was in a messy bun and put my cross body purse on.

I then went to go wait for Gelo on the couch.

After what felt like 300 hours he finally came. I checked the time it was 11:30pm. Nice.

"Hey baby" he said and then looked at the suitcases "what is this" he said and dropped his keys on the counter
"Where were you last night" i asked him
"What Christina" he said
He chuckled "dont do that bruh because i swear"
"Swear what... amswer the question" i said
"Yeah christina i was with jaedn" he said "but only because she just happened to be there"
I scoffed and got up and started to leave
"Youre not leaving" he said and started to get mad
"Watch me Liangelo" i said
He walked to the door and stood in front of me
"Move" i said
"Where are you gonna go huh christina" he yelled
"Thats none of your buisness. If i get lucky maybe jhill will answer, might get some dick" i said
Probably the worst thing i couldve said. Right when i said that he slapped me across the face. I was so shocked. A tear fell from my eye.
"Please move" i said
"no.. christina im sorr-"
"Liangelo i never wanna see you again, i am leaving, and i am never coming back. You are dead to me" i said crying.

I pushed him out the way and grabbed all my stuff then went downstairs. I didnt wanna take the car he bought me because I didnt want anything from him. So i called an uber and left. I left to LA and got a hotel room there. Its not like im broke you know, i make money off sponserships and sometimes modelling. So i have money just not as much as Liangelo. I was crying so hard.. I didnt want anything to do with him ever again. He actually hit me. Wow. I have never experienced that in my life. I wont ever forget this. He kept calling and calling me, but I never answered, I even blocked his number. My friend Karla came over right when I told her.

"I cant believe he hit you babe, thats so shitty" she said
"I know right...." I said a tear fell from my eyes
"Its all bruised up and shit" she said and rolled her eyes. She was mad.
"All his brothers and friends keep calling me because I blocked him you know" i told her
"Well fuck that. Dont answer them. They will always be on his side. Even that Jhill kid. You need to cleanse from those people. Focus on you and you only. Get some new friends, find a passion besides him. Live for you not for him and his basketball career. Youre bad as fuck boo. You always have hella companies hitting your line for modelling and shit. Stop turnig them down. Its your turn to be selfish. Me and Kaymen are going to Dominican Republic for a month. I have events there, and shoots, and apperances that I know your ass was invited to. Come. Please." She said and hugged me "youre so worth it and you have no idea"
I cried so hard on her shoulder. She was completly right.
"Go shower, and wash your face. We can get something to eat, with Kaymen and my brother." She said and smiled
I nodded

I went to shower, and changed into some joggers a white tee and put my hair in a messy bun with my white slip on vans.

We went to eat some chinese food then they dropped me back off at home. I obviously couldnt sleep.. I was just really thinking. Karla is right. I need to be selfish and do whats best for me.

It was 3 am and i couldnt sleep so i went to twitter just to scroll through. I saw Liangelo tweeted about me...

@gelo: I committed the worst mistake, I have ever have in my life. I lost the best thing i ever had, i took advantage of what god blessed me with. For that I am sorry.

I decided to block him on there too. I just need a cleanse from him you know. He was contacting me from every outlet and i just couldnt.

I fell asleep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day.

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