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~ 1 year later ~


"Dada" Sophia says
I chuckle "yeah you're gonna see dada today"
I finish packing her bag and walk outside with her. I put her in her car seat and begin my ride to chino hills.

Let me catch you up I guess. This past year has not been easy to say the least. After finding out LiAngelo cheated, I ended things for good with him. Every communication we've had since then has been strictly baby. He was there for the pregnancy, at every ultra sound, and the hospital of course. But that's it. He sees Sophia ever other weekend, and sometimes he'll reach out during the week if he isn't practicing to see if he can get Sophia. I'm not in contact with his family much either, Melo loves Sophia more than anything, so sometimes he will ask to see her too besides LiAngelo's designated days. I moved out of my apartment and bought a townhome for Sophia and I in Calabasas. It's just more space and it's beautiful. I have really been focusing on myself, and music and just Sophia basically. LiAngelo tries to bring up his mistakes every now and then, but honestly I don't care to talk about it. LiAngelo supposedly has a new boo thing, but I couldn't care less.

I parked my car in the driveway and waited for LiAngelo to come out. Once he did I got out the car and took Sophia out of her car seat.

"Dada" she said and opened her arms towards LiAngelo
"Hi princess" LiAngelo said and grabbed her
I grabbed her diaper bag and gave it to him
"I'll see you Monday baby" I said and kissed Sophia "I love you"
I walked back to the drivers side of the car. LiAngelo looked at me like he was about to say something, than shook his head and walked inside.

I shrugged it off and headed back home.


Liangelo's POV:

I sat Sophia down in her play pen, my mom and dad rushed to her. I started putting her bottles and stuff in the kitchen.

"How's Christina" my dad asked
I shrugged "I don't know, she doesn't talk to me about anything besides Sophia"
"Really" my dad asks
I nod and look down
"you giving her the checks on time every month" he asks
I nod
"10k right" he asks
I nod "but it's not the money, she doesn't care about that, it's not like she financially needs my help, she's got the whole music thing going in her favor and all that"
"So then what is it?" He asks "you still love her don't you" he asks
I nod
He nods "well son, sometimes you just have to accept it, and think about only Sophia. Christina just doesn't want to relive the past" he says
I nod and sigh. I look at Sophia, she's truly my whole life. I take a picture of her and post it on my Instagram, she's so adorable.


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3.5 mil likes
@gelo: Sophia Marie Ball, I love you more than you know. ❤️

view 873,520 comments
@user1: she's so pretty!
@user2: AWWWW😍
@denisereann: Zoeys bestie ❤️
@melo: my princess 💘
@zo: she's precious

I lay down next to Sophia and start playing with her. I wish Christina would rethink everything, and want to be a family, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen.


I woke up the next morning next to Sophia. She always ends up in my bed, because she cries in the middle of the night and I bring in here with me instead. Even though Christina asks me not to do that because then she'll get used to it. I grab my phone and see I had texts from Zo, Melo, and Kassandra this new girl I've been talking to. She's cool, but she's not Christina.

Zo; Yo you seen Christina's new video?
Melo: you seen her new song, it's definitely about you lmao
Kassandra: hey baby boy, want to hang out today?

I responded to Kassandra
hey, I can't this weekend I'm with my daughter
Kassandra: why can't she come with? I'd love to meet her.
Gelo: I don't wanna bring my daughter into our relationship, I'm sure her mom wouldn't appreciate it
Kassandra; okay well maybe Tuesday then

I left her on seen, and got up to make Sophia her morning bottle. I brought it to the bed and gave it to her as she was walking up. I changed her diaper, and put some baby music for her to vibe to while she wakes up. I go on Christina video to see the link for this new song of hers. I click on it and watch the video. She looks gorgeous and the song is definitely about me. I sighed and put my phone down. I got a text from Christina.

Christina: hey, how's Sophia?
LiAngelo: she's good, just woke up, drinking her morning bottle.
Christina: okay, give her a kiss for me.
LiAngelo: I will, what are you up to?

I sighed. Of course she didn't answer when I started to talk about something other than Sophia. I never thought she'd completely cut me out of her life like that. I would do anything to get Christina back.

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