On the outside, I may seem like I'm smiling
But my world is changing
And I'm afraid
I guess I'ts like falling
Without an end
And I will never be able to get out.I wear a mask in front of everyone
Because I believe It's the only way
For me to stop hurting you
But here you are
Standing in front of me
As you slowly see behind my protection.When the sun falls and sleeps forever more
So do you
And I miss you,
A lot
More than you will understand
But then the clock stricks 3am
I'm still awake
And thinking of you
You are always on my mind.Your poetic perfect pure words flow out into poisoned air
Reaching the very depths of my caged like soul
You have freed me from my own imprisonment
And given me life
A new life
A better life
I have a purpose and a task to fulfil
It starts with Your
And end's with Happiness
Even if its only for a second.I now have something to be happy about
During the weeks
when the only company I have
Is my racing mind
I have something to look forward too
Even if this doesn't go anywhere
I love this feeling
that you give me
And I don't want it to stop.

An extract from a book i'll never write | Poetry |
PoetryJust a lonely teenager in love, struggeling with emotions and wanting the end to come sooner rather than later :( i want to love but i just dont want to hurt them if i love one then i will hurt the other. So please forgive me, i can't hold back my...