In the early hours of the morning
When I should be sleepingThe night sky will be filled with wonder
And beauty
The sky will be gifted
With a Moon so big that it will
Be closer than ever before
For some, it will seem like the end of the world
And that the Moon is falling towards Earth,
But to me
It means looking out into the night sky
and seeing pure perfectionNot only will our Moon be seen bigger than normal,
but it will also have a red tint covering its surface.
As if it were blushing by the Suns gaze that it longs for.But to me, the Moon will be filled with blood and chaos
And tonight it can't hold back the flood any longer
The knives that strange spacemen gave the Moon
Will be its weapon of destructionThe Moon will cut itself and will bleed out for all to see in its sadistic wonder.
Tonight I won't feel so alone
I will have company when the blood rises to my skin reaching the air
Tonight the Moon will take pity on me,
It will cry with me
And bleed with me
It will notice that im hurt and the Moon will hurt with me

An extract from a book i'll never write | Poetry |
PoetryJust a lonely teenager in love, struggeling with emotions and wanting the end to come sooner rather than later :( i want to love but i just dont want to hurt them if i love one then i will hurt the other. So please forgive me, i can't hold back my...