Reason to Live

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How do you even continue living when the reason you want to live is no longer in the same world you live in?

It has been the question that kept replaying on Moonbyul's mind ever since an accident took the love of her life away from her.

They were so happy.

They dreamed of having a family together.

Her day consists of making sense of why her wife was taken so soon; making sense of why she was left living so miserably; revisiting the memories of when they first met until that one fatal day...

...all of these with the company of alcohol, of course.

Seulgi, her best friend, kept telling her that its very unhealthy to drink the pain away, especially when her system only consists of alcohol.

Seulgi thinks its suicide, and Moonbyul agrees.

What's even the point of living without her Yongsun?

She wants to be with her in the afterlife. But Moonbyul is afraid that if she takes away her life right then, she might not be allowed to enter the pearly gates of heaven where Yongsun is.

So she wakes up everyday, existing but not really. She feels like a body without a soul. She feels hollow inside. But she tries to live...for Yongsun.

And so, like every other day, Moonbyul finds a different bar to drown away her sorrow.


Moonbyul's POV:

When I entered the club I went straight to the bar. I didn't want to socialize with anyone. If Seulgi isn't at home to reprimand me I would've stayed in, but tough luck, she's a homebody. She would definitely nag at me for drinking, reminding me that its almost a year.

But does it really matter? Whether its 1, 2 or 10 years, Yongsun wouldn't be here...not anymore.

How does time supposed to make me feel better?

"Byulyi?" the bartender called after I settled in my seat.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to recognize if she's someone I know.

"Hey." I said not knowing what to call her considering I don't know her name.

"I knew it was you. For a minute I thought you were someone else because you seem...different." She stated, looking directly at me.

But I looked away. I'm not used to people staring at me so bluntly.

Different. That's one way to put it. I could never be the same.

She tilted her head. "You don't remember me, do you?"

I just smiled. I don't know if I should pretend to know her or not.

"I'm Wheein." She said offering her hand, introducing herself probably for the second time.

I took her hand and shook it. "I'm sorry, I..."

"It was probably months ago but I literally bumped into you while I was jogging, and I apologized and I had the urge to ask you out for coffee and you turned me down." She rambled adorably.

"I said that?" I replied. I smiled bitterly, I was probably too focused on Yongsun to even notice this beautiful girl. If it were any other circumstance I would've remembered her. "Because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to resist your charms." I said honestly, maybe I'm a little rusty at flirting. Wait- no I'm definitely not flirting with her.

A Reason To Live | Wheebyul | MoonsunWhere stories live. Discover now