Nine: gone

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"Maely, you need to take your meds." Carson insisted. She sat down on her bed as Maely sat on hers.

"Calum told me they were dumb. I don't think I should take them." Maely said.

She was tired of explaining this to Carson.

She'd gotten in trouble four times in the past few days for talking to Calum.

"I know, you told me," Carson said defeatedly.

"But, I couldn't help but notice that you've had trouble sleeping. I've got some meds to help you fall asleep. You want 'em?" She rummaged through a bag of hers.

Maely couldn't deny her insomnia and really wanted a good nights sleep.

"Don't do it. Stay up and talk to me." Calum insisted.

"Cal, I'm really tired and I just want to sleep. I'm taking the pills." Maely said tiredly.

"Here," Carson said. She extened her hand, on it, two small white pills. Maely took them and thanked Carson. "Now go to bed."

Maely laid back in bed and Calum laid next to her. She yawned and pulled the blankets over herself.

"Goodnight, Carson." Maely whispered.

Carson leaned up and turned off the light. "Night, kiddo."


"Carson," Maely shook Carson as tears streamed down her face. "Carson, help me."

Carson groaned and rolled over.

"Carson!" Maely pleaded. She started to sob again.

Imagine a nervouse breakdown, multiply that by two and add a dash of chronic anxiety. That was Maely at that exact moment.

Maely knelt next to the bed and sobbed into Carson's cigarette-scented sheets.

"The fuck do you want?" Carson asked, stretching.

She looked around the dim room to realize everything was torn apart. The room was in complete ruins, as was Maely.

"Maely..." Carson breathed.

"Shit-- I'm sorry." Maely hiccuped.

"Wha..." Carson grasped for words. "What the hell happend."

Maely lifted her head from the sheets, "He's gone!" she screamed.

Carson's stomach churned with guilt.

This was all her fault.

Dr. Wallace had asked her to give Maely her meds, since they were friends. Those weren't sleeping pills, they were her meds. Dr. Wallace gave Carson an extra bottle of the medication just in case she needed it.

Carson didn't think anything of it at the time. She didn't realize how much no Calum meant no sanity.

"Calum's gone, Carson." Maely said.

She bawled her fists in her hair and yanked. Maely was so angry and depressed, she didn't know what to do with herself.

"No no no, don't do that Maely!" Carson intervened.

Maely screamed bloody murder and began to cry again.

"Carson, he said he loved me and now he's gone!" Maely's voice got louder as the sentence progressed.

Her throat was already raw, but she didn't care. She wanted to die.

She wanted it so bad and no one would stop her.

"Luke!" Carson screamed. A few moments later, Luke ran in, dragging his new dorm mate behind him.

Luke ran over and wrestled with Maely for a bit. She was surprisingly strong for her size.

"Get Ash!" Luke said, struggling to keep Maely from clawing his face.

"Stop!" Maely wailed.

Carson ran out of the room and quickly returned with Ashton.

Luke's dorm-mate watched in pity and horror from the corner of the room.

Luke and Ashton pinned Maely's arms down, Luke kneeling on her legs.

"I am so sorry about this." Carson said to Luke's dorm-mate.

He shook his head as Maely screamed again.

Ashton clamped his hand over Maely's mouth, muffling her scream. She sobbed harder.

"Deep breaths, Maels." Ashton reminded her.

Maely took a deep breath, trying her best to calm down. Her legs kicked uncontrollably and her arms flailed.

Maely's gaze flitted up to Luke's dorm-mate and her eyes widened. She screamed again.

Maely managed to shake both Luke and Ashton off, before bolting over to the new kid.

He looked stunned as she hugged him, crying into his shirt.

They all exchanged looks of shock.

"I thought you left me, Calum!" Maely's voice was muffled by his shirt.


Two plot twists in one chapter, you go, Sydney.

The next few chapters are gonna be sooo cute I promise.

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