Fifteen: fuck off Hemmings

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The past few weeks, Maely had noticed how odd Calum had been acting.

Somedays he was like a puppy, others he was very aggressive. She loved him anyway, but sometimes she did things to set him off.

Calum had retreated to his bunk with Luke and hadn't slept with her. Maely had no clue that sleeping with eachother was kinda sexual. So, some nights she crept into his room to snuggle with him. His reaction all depended on his mood. If he was angry he would yell at her, and sometimes smack her. There was a rare occasion were he would furiously kiss her. Once again, she just thought it was him showing how much he loved her. She made him very frustrated when he was drunk and would, unfortunately, take out every ounce of anger on her.

Other times he would cuddle up against her and fall asleep smiling. Tonight was not one of those nights.

Maely crawled under the covers and curled up next to Calum. He smelled strongly of alcohol, but she didn't mind.

Calum rolled over and almost squished her.

She squealed and fell off the bed, waking both Calum and Luke.

"Oh, Jesus." Luke winced and covered his ears once he saw Maely's head pop up.

"Sorry." Maely wispered.

Luke was terrified for Maely, to be quite honest.

"Maely, you need to get the hell out of here. You can't keep doing this!" Luke said quietly.

Calum still wasn't completely awake.

Luke got up and tried to shove Maely out the door, but she pushed back.

She kicked and squirmed away from him, "I just want to be with Calum."

Luke sighed, mentally preparing for Calum's drunken wrath. He got back in bed and covered his head with a pillow.

Calum sat bolt upright and looked around the room, squinting.

Maely never seemed to learn, Luke thought.

Calum glared down at Maely. "Why the hell did you wake me up so god damn early?" he growled.

"Because I love you." Maely said simply.

She pushed herself onto his lap and hugged him. He pulled her hair, forcing her to look at him. She grumbled in pain.

"You can't just wake me up, you bad girl." Calum sighed.

Luke groaned at the amout of sexual tension. Calum whipped around, "Fuck off, Hemmings."

He turned back to Maely and smashed his lips to hers. She just sat there, unsure of what to do. He hadn't kissed her like this much, so she didn't know anything about it.

He pulled back and raised a hand to slap her. Just then, Carson opened the door and time seemed to freeze.

Calum's heart stopped and he immediantly sobered up.

"Shit." Maely ticked, basically summing up the mood.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Carson asked.

Calum lowered his hand and spluttered.

"Come here, Maely." Carson said firmly.

Maely shook her head and scratched her arm. "I'm sleeping with Calum." she insisted.

"Maely, get your ass over here right now!" Carson shouted.

Luke got up and walked over to Carson. He wrapped her in a hug and wispered something to her. She nodded reluctantly and Luke walked into her room.

"If you hurt her, I'll fucking kill you."


Good Girls music video holy shit.


Okay, now I'm just gonna go cry myself to sleep in a corner.

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