Twenty-one: mine

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Calum followed Maely to the lobby.

He wasn't sure what they were going to do or why he said yes, but if Maely wanted to do something, they'de do it.

He was secretly looking forward to sitting quietly and listening to Maely. He liked her voice, and she definitely liked his.

He stepped silently into the dark room. The TV was off this time, to Maely's slight shock.

"Hi, Dylan." Maely greeted him.

Dylan smiled and turned towards the sound of her voice. "Hello, Maely."

Calum sat down behind the love seat, hoping this kid really was mostly blind.

"I brought my book again--"

"Actually, Maely, I think we should just get to know eachother." Dylan interrupted.

Maely nodded a bit, "Okay."

Calum played with his sleeves, not really listening to their long conversation. He felt like he shouldn't be there, as if he were intruding.

"Maely, I've concluded that you're very pretty." Dylan said. It snapped Calum out of his daydream.

But you can't see me, Maely thought.

"Thank you," she said instead. "You're very handsome. And a good listener."

Calum felt extremely awkward.

Dylan thanked her with a smile. "You're probably wondering why I said that, since I can't see you." Dylan said after a long pause.

"Uh, actually, yes." Maely said with a small laugh.

Dylan searched for the right words before continuing. He sighed a bit, "People...have this glow about them, ya know. You can feel the kindness radiating off them, whether high or low. And, well.....yours is just..higher than everyone else. I can just tell. The moment you walked in here, I could feel it. I could hear it in your voice, and you're're just..perfect."

A small tint rose on Maely's cheeks.

"You're very sweet." she said.

Calum swallowed the shout bubbling up in his throat.

She's mine! he thought, all mine! Despite his thoughts, he stayed quiet. Maely was just making friends, and it's not like what he said was a lie.

Maely was as perfect to Calum as they get. As perfect you could get with so many issues.

"You're the only one to come in here in a long time, and thank god for sending you here. I didn't know what I was missing 'till I met you." Dylan continued.

Calum had to admit, this kid had game. But, he knew he just couldn't sit by while this dude hit on Maely.

He poked her hand to remind her he was still there. Once he had her attention, he gestured to the door.

She nodded, a fleck of sorrow in her eyes. "Uh, I'm really sorry, Dylan, but I'm super tired today. See ya tomorrow night?" Maely said questioningly.

Dylan smiled sadly, "Okay. I'll see ya then. Get some sleep. By the way, thanks for the talk."

Maely got up and hugged the boy. Calum scurried out the door, hoping he wouldn't hear.

Maely soon followed Calum, looking a bit ashamed.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly, once they were out of earshot.

"He was hitting on me and now your gonna hit me." she mumbled.

Calum stopped abruptly, and she followed his lead. He hugged her tight and leaned his head down to hers.

"Sweetheart, I would never ever ever want to hurt you. And I never ever ever want you to hurt yourself, got it?" Calum said gently.

Maely nodded, tears stung her eyes for no reason in particular. She just needed to cry.

Calum noticed how glassy her eyes were. Using his thumb and forefinger, he lifted her face to his.

He slowly pressed his lips against Maely's and her body tingled.

This kiss was different from any other he had given her. And she loved it.

She loved him most of all.

When you're Muke af and your book has almost 500 reads.

I don't ever say it enough, so, thank you for reading!

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