Ten: look at her

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Everyone stayed until Maely fell asleep. Calum had no clue who the hell this girl was, but he stayed. He couldn't bear to see anyone freak out like that.

It scared him.

Carson explained everything once Maely drifted off and Calum couldn't contain his pity.

She looked so fragile but she fought off Luke and Ashton. She was a mystery to him, but the kind that makes you wonder about good things.

Calum sat next to a sleeping Maely and caught up with his friends.

"So what brought you here, Cal?" Carson asked.

"Well, you guys, mostly. But I also kinda picked up this drinking problem while you were gone. I don't like it, but I don't really have a choice. And the...thing." Calum admitted with a shrug.

Everyone knew what the thing was, and just nodded.

Maely stirred beside him and he looked down.

"Sorry again about this. She usually isn't like that." Carson said.

"What is she like?" Calum asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

Everyone around the room shrugged. "She usually just talked to imaginary you." Luke said, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

Calum furrowed his brow, "That's it?"

"Pretty much." Carson said.

"I heard she's been here most of her life." Ashton added.

Calum sat down on the floor and leaned his head against the bed. He played with his sleeves until there was a knock at the door.

Everyone looked up as Michael walked in. He looked deeply scared as his eyes flit to Maely.

"She's alright." Carson said, following his gaze.

Maely scratched her arm in her sleep.

Michael's shoulders slumped as he sat next to Ashton on the floor. He began scribbling on the notepad.

"So...if she asks me questions and talks to me like she talked to imaginary me...what should I do?" Calum asked suddenly.

Michael handed the notepad to Ashton.

"Play along." Carson said.

"B-but what if...she was in love with imaginary me?" Calum stuttered.

Carson looked Calum dead in the eye, "You like her. I know it. The way you look at her. You don't even know her and you think it's wrong, but you still like her."

Ashton giggled a little, "Michael's making fun of you."

Calum rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't know her. I can't say I love her if I don't know her. But I care about her. I m-mean...I guess I just feel bad."

He looked down and played with his sleeves again. Calum thought Carson was dumb to think that he loved her, when he had clue who the fuck this girl was.

"So...what happens when she wakes up?" Luke asked to break the silence.

"I'll tell her Calum was tired and he went across the hall to go to sleep." Carson said.

She flopped back onto her bed tiredly. Luke got up and sat at her feet.

"You don't think she'll throw another fit?" Calum asked.

Carson sighed and closed her eyes. "We'll deal with it when it happens, Calum." she said with a yawn.

Michael leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Everyone (especially Ash and Luke) was exhausted.


Sleepy kitten.

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