Seventeen: outside world

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"What's going on? Where are we going?"

Calum yanked Maely's arm, pulling her to his car. Ever since that phone call, he'd been frantic. Maely was just sitting there reading her book when Calum pulled her up and out the door.

"There's no time to explain, c'mon!" he urged.

He wiped a tear off his cheek, hoping Maely wouldn't notice.

She didn't. She was too engulfed in the idea of going outside the orphanage. She'd never been in a car or the "outside world."

Calum started the car and it lurched forward. Maely gripped her book with white knuckles, so anxious about what could've happend.

"Please tell me what happend," Maely begged. Calum stifled a sob, and that time Maely noticed. "'s ok. It'll be ok. I promise."

He moved one hand from the steering wheel to hers. Maely grit her teeth at how tight his grip was, but said nothing.

Both of their palms were sweaty with anxiety, and neither of them could hear much over their heartbeat.

Maely's breath hitched when they pulled up at the hospital. She could hardly breath or think and it took her too long to get out of the car.

"I know, it's ok." Calum reassured her.

They got in a small elevator and Maely flung herself into Calum's arms. He held her tight, not a word was spoken.

The door opened and they sprinted for room B182. Carson, Luke, and Michael all sat outside, their heads bowed.

They looked up as the two got closer. Carson hugged Calum and they both started crying.

Maely felt dizzy at all the new sights and sounds. She was overwhelmed and terrified. Michael walked over to steady her. She cried onto his chest, her head felt swollen.

Luke got up and walked over to Maely as well. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Her face was sickly pale, almost green, and she was shaking wildly.

He put a hand on her back and she nodded.

"I-I think so..." she said.

She let out a shaky breath and walked over to Calum.

He looked down as her eyes rolled up into her head, then closed. Maely slumped against him and Carson let out a shriek.


"...She hasn't really been...out much."

Maely jolted awake and everyone turned to her. Calum was talking to a nurse, who knelt at her side. Carson hugged her as she sat up.

"W-where am I-I?" Maely stuttered.

Calum set her book down next to her.

"Maely," the nurse said. "You're at the hospital. You're here to see your friend, Ashton."

Maely stood up suddenly, knocking Carson back. "Where is he? What happend?"

She stumbled around like a caged animal, completely disoriented. She couldn't hear the nurse's reply over her ragged breath.

Calum and Michael grabbed her arms and she screamed.

Everything was very foggy.

A few nurses came over and injected some strange liquid in a vial into her system. Her screams ceased and she dropped like a stone.

She was still conscious, just very heavy.

Calum and Michael took her arms again and sat her on the couch.

"The medicine is gonna make her a bit loopy, but she'll be much more calm." the nurse said.

Calum stomach lurched at what they'de just done to her. A small amount of drool dripped down Maely's chin as she sat there with a goofy smile. He dried his eyes.

Michael handed his notepad to the nurse and she nodded, "You can see him when she can walk."


Immortals is so great u need to listen to that song pls


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