thirty eight

193 12 5

(Christmas Party 🎄 ⛄ 🎁)

chUNGUS: I'm bored

sea⛄: Ok?

chUNGUS: Ew sometimes I forget you're in this group chat too

sea⛄: WOW RUDE

sea⛄: Wait then why did you send a message here if it's only me and Litchnstain??!!

chUNGUS: How's your leg??

sea⛄Oh ok fuck you too

sea⛄: Broken

chUNGUS: Don't say bad words lmao you're like 3 years old

sea⛄: Can you just shut up?

chUNGUS: What happened to the "You're like a brother to me" thing??

sea⛄: I realized how much of a dumbass you actually are

chUNGUS: I'm actually in tears how can you say that after all we've been through??

sea⛄: You make me miss living in the middle of the ocean with just a goat and a mop

chUNGUS: 😩😞

chUNGUS: You know what? I'm gonna invite Liechtenstein over and talk shit about you in another language, let's see how you like that

sea⛄: o

sea⛄: Joke's on you, i've actually learned some Finnish

chUNGUS: Liechtenstein doesn't know Finnish

sea⛄: Dammit

sea⛄: That sounds really fun tho, I wish I knew more languages

chUNGUS: It gets really confusing sometimes 👀

sea⛄: Maybe you're just stupid

chUNGUS: Says the guy who burned the house down making soup and a sandwich and burned his eyebrows off


chUNGUSI never said that, I typed it  🤓

sea⛄: It profoundly saddens me that you, being the neuron lacking dipshit you are, actually managed to have a successful romantic life, while nice people like Liechtenstein and I have to silently suffer in solitude. What lesson is this supposed to give me? Am I supposed to reach for the stars, or bury myself in shit? Is being an imbecile like you actually the right way to go? Should I keep running, hoping to someday reach what you accomplished by just being a simple brainless fucktard, or give in to patheticness??

chUNGUS: I'm

chUNGUSWho typed that for you?

sea⛄: mum


sea⛄: What happened with the pictures??

chUNGUS: What pictures

sea⛄: You playing stupid??

chUNGUS: No, u

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