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Chat between pandaexpress (Hong Kong) and smol fry (Iceland)

smol fry: Hi good morning

pandaexpress: hey how u doin

smol fry: I'm great :) wbu??

pandaexpress: im fine 👌 how was ur day

smol fry: It was nothing special really, it was kinda boring you probably wouldn't care


smol fry: LMAO

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smol fry: LMAO

smol fry: Took Hana for a walk, practiced violin for a bit, and now I'm talking to my favorite person in the entire world

pandaexpress: who would that be??

smol fry: Sealand

pandaexpress: JSISVS LMAO

pandaexpress: uhh

pandaexpress: hows the family??

smol fry: Great, thanks for asking

smol fry: They're watching Mama Mia right now

smol fry: They all say hi

pandaexpress: lmao tell them i say hi back

smol fry: Finland asks when you're coming home for dinner

pandaexpress: whenever im invited

smol fry: He says he didn't fucking give you that spare key just for you to say "I'm coming when you invite me over"

smol fry: He says, and I quote: "Pop that shit into the keyhole, turn the motherfucker around, open the door and sit your ass down onto the couch whenever the fuck you want to, you don't fucking need permission you bitch this is your house too"

pandaexpress: LMFAO

pandaexpress: maybe next week then

smol fry: hdjsishs

smol fry: Hbu??

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