fourty four

138 9 2

(Part 3)
(IRL/Not in chat mode)

*on their way to Switzerland's house*

Iceland: *spreads map on table*

Everyone: *gathered around table*

Iceland: Ok, this is the plan, we'll-

Hong Kong: Iceland. Why is this map blank?

Iceland: *inhale* If you'd only LISTEN to what I have to say-

Iceland: I'm going to draw her house so we can have some sort of idea of... everything... and what we'll do..... *realization*

Hong Kong: Do you... remember what her house looks like??

Iceland: ....... No-


Everyone: 👀

Norway: *proud his little brother is taking the lead of.... whatever bullshit this is uwu*

Iceland: We have to stay a few feet away from the fence, otherwise the alarms will definitely go off. He has some sort of laser movement detector thing... Like, from inside the fence, in between his house and the fence....On the ground only though.... Hng.. Like this *starts scribbling on the blank map*

Iceland: And like, we have to avoid that... Obviously....... *scribbles some more on the map*

Everyone: .......

Iceland: Okay, so here's the tricky part. We have to get to her without triggering any alarms. So, I was thinking we could like, shoot some sort of thing.. .... the shooty one, you know?? Um.... the... *makes hand gestures*

Everyone: .....

Iceland: The thing!! You know- *whines*

Iceland: Oh!

Iceland: This!! *draws something on top of the map and shows it*



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Sealand: W

Sealand: What part is the thing you don't know the name of??

Iceland: This- *points to the gray thing*

Sealand: It looks like.... A tentacle

Iceland: No!!!

Finland: Seaweed??

Denmark: WHEAT???! IS IT WHEAT??

Iceland: This isn't a game!!! And no, it's not wheat! It's made of iron... or some sort of metal

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