Chapter 1 - Undercover

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A/N:  I wrote this fic after a 10+ year hiatus. The formatting is terrible as I didn't know how to format a story correctly, I apologize for this. I hope to be able to correct it one day and am seeking a beta to help make relevant changes.

I hope it doesn't take too much away from the story. Thank you for reading.


Lexi Shay sat at the edge of the pool, her feet swaying back and forth in the water. It was a rare moment of peace, she was enjoying the cool night air and the house being empty.

The last four months had been non-stop, being undercover was taking its toll. Lexi had started as a Police Officer working for the Intelligence Unit 6 months before, she was new to Chicago, so they had taken advantage that no one had seen her before and put her to work straight away to go undercover with the Eastside Cartel or the E.S.C as they liked to be called.

Lexi had spent a month working her way in with the top dealer in Chicago, Benny. The E.S.C were running drugs, mainly pills up and down the East coast. She had been living as Lexi Jones, with three of the top dealers for three months.

Benny was the top dog, he was a bit of an idiot, but the supplier trusted him, and he was the one who bought Lexi on board. Calvin was a weird guy, Lexi was very cautious around him and was glad she had a lock on her bedroom door, then there was Jay, Jay was a whole other story. Jay had moved in two weeks after Lexi had. He was a good guy, he was smart and could handle himself in any situation, he had been an Army Ranger, so she understood why Benny had recruited him.

In two days, Lexi would be in the same room as the drugs, the dealers, the money, and the supplier, the task force would bust in, and then her job was done.

Lexi heard the patio door slide open and turned to see Jay walking towards her, ok the last three months of living with three dudes hadn't been that hard to deal with, Jay made it easier.

"Don't get any ideas," Lexi warned Jay as he got closer to her. He had a habit of throwing her in the pool whenever he got the chance.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Jonesy." Jay replied, using the nickname he had given her as he squatted down and kissed her lightly on the lips. She pulled away after a few seconds. He frowned at her "Hey, I wasn't done."

She reached her arms up and he pulled her up to stand in front of him, she kissed him again and bit his lip a little as she drew back again.

Jay smiled, and she got butterflies in her stomach as he brushed her hair behind her ear. She felt like a fool, she was falling for this guy, a drug dealer. She was falling in love with a drug dealer. After three weeks of Jay moving in, he had kissed Lexi and they had been a couple ever since or acting like a couple as Lexi thought of it.

"Where are the guys?" Jay asked noting the relevant silence of the house.

"Benny had a date, and god knows what Calvin gets up to," Lexi laughed not even wanting to imagine what Calvin did when he had a night off. She took his hand in hers and lead them both to the sun loungers a few feet from the pool.

She put her feet up on hers and Jay sat on the opposite one, his feet on the floor, running his fingers absentmindedly up and down her exposed tanned leg. "So now we're alone, I need to talk to you."

Lexi didn't like the tone of his voice, he sounded worried. She had never heard him worried before, he had always been happy, funny, carefree almost. "Okay, this doesn't sound good."

"It's not," Jay stared into her blue eyes. He didn't know what he was doing or what he was about to say he just knew he had to do something to protect her, protect this girl he had only know a short time but already felt so strongly for. "Don't come on Friday." He meant the supplier drop.

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