Chapter 7 - Broken Promises.

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Two weeks later.

Today had been a tough day for Lexi, she was too busy playing the elegant host and making sure everyone else was okay to be coping with her own emotions. The funeral had been beautiful, and the wake was just what Shay would have wanted. Everyone swapping stories and recounting funny moments they had shared with Leslie, playing her favourite music, drinking her favourite tequila.

Jay had watched his partner walk to each of the tables of Molly's to ensure everyone had a drink and then approach Kelly, who was standing with a few other firefighters from House 51. Lexi touched his arm as she approached him from behind, speaking as she did. However, Kelly pulled away like she had burnt him or something, he had barely turned his head to look at her when he replied to her question.

It hurt Jay to watch the pain flash across her face at the rejection but soon the elegant host expression reappeared as she walked through the crowd to the back of Molly's. Kelly's behaviour towards Lexi made Jay furious, but he understood Kelly was grieving too, Shay had been Kelly's best friend, but still Lexi was his fiancé. Jay couldn't imagine the pain Lexi was feeling, she had lost her twin sister and she deserved better than what Kelly was doing to her.

Jay followed Lexi through the kitchen of Molly's and out the back door, she stood with her back to the door breathing in the frigid night air. "Hey" Jay said and shrugged off his suit jacket and placed it on her shoulders.

"Hey Jay," she gave him a sad smile as she pulled his jacket a little tighter around her shoulders.

Crossing her arms over her body she hugged the jacket to herself, Jay knew that had been what she had wanted from Kelly, for him to hold her and he had rejected her. Jay stepped in front of her and pulled her to him. Embracing her he spoke in to her hair as she rested her head on his chest, "I know it's a dumb question to ask if you're okay, but I'm going to ask it anyway, are you okay?" She didn't answer him, but he felt the wet tears soak through his shirt on to his chest.


Lexi followed Kelly in to their apartment, neither one had spoken on the journey home from Shay's wake, Kelly held the door for Lexi, she stopped two foot in to the apartment and looked around. Kelly closed the door then walked around her and went directly to the kitchen.

For a split second, Lexi wanted to call out and tell Shay they were home, like she always did when she and Kelly arrived home after a date. Then she remembered, and it hit her like a sledgehammer to the chest. Lexi's legs gave out from beneath her, she fell to the floor in a heap, leaning against the door, the sobs rocked her body. She didn't recognise the sound that came from her mouth and couldn't see beyond the blurry tears gushing from her eyes.

She felt Kelly's arms around her, pulling her in to his chest, he sobbed with her and rocked back and forth. Lexi couldn't recall how long they sat that way, she just remembered feeling the cold air as he unwrapped himself from her and walked in to the lounge.

Lexi removed her shoes then forced herself to stand up, following Kelly to the other room, she wanted to curl up on the couch with him. He was standing in front of the sofa staring through the coffee table. "I can't do this" he proclaimed, "I'm sorry, I can't do this"

Lexi was confused, she didn't understand his words, did he mean he couldn't be in the apartment? "Can't do what baby?"

"Be with you, I can't look at you" Kelly's gaze never moved from the coffee table, "every time I do, I see her and..." his voice broke, choking on a sob but held it in, he sat on the couch behind him. Inhaling sharply, holding his voice steady Kelly explained, "I need you to leave, I don't know how to do this, if I'm seeing her when I look at you!"

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