Chapter 29 - Stuck With Me

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Lexi could hear voices in the distance, she could feel a warm touch on her forehead, but everything was foggy, her eyes were heavy. She wanted to open then, find the voices but she was so sleepy. She flicked her eyes open quickly, the bright light of the room stung her eyes, she blinked quickly adjusting her eyes to the room. "GUYS" she heard a voice call out beside her. Lexi moved her head to see Gabby sat beside her smiling.

"Hey" Gabby spoke softly stroking her hair gently. "Welcome back"

Lexi heard a commotion at the door and looked to see Jay and Kelly file in to the room. "Who are you people?" Lexi asked groaning slightly. Gabby, Kelly and Jay all exchanged a worried look. Before any of them could speak Lexi laughed, instantly regretting it as it pulled her side. "Ow, ow, remind me not to laugh"

"That was not funny" Gabby chided her.

"It was a little funny" Jay said smirking sitting on the other side of the bed taking Lexi's hand in his own. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak" Lexi admitted "Tired"

"What happened?" Kelly asked the burning question everyone had.

"He got loose" Lexi spoke slowly, it hurt to breathe, as well as talk. "Got hold of a piece of metal before I could subdue him"

"Cam sent you a message" Jay explained to her "it's over, it's done" Lexi sighed and nodded she couldn't talk anymore, it hurt.

"More importantly" Gabby started "did he suffer?"

Lexi managed a small smile and one word "Immensely"

Lexi's eyes fluttered and Gabby knew she was struggling to stay awake. "Okay she needs to rest" Gabby told the boys standing and ushering them out of the room.


Jay had called Will back up from the bar after Lexi had woke and asked him to check on her which he was doing when Hank arrived twenty minutes after Lexi had fallen to sleep. Hank and Kelly sat at Lexi's breakfast bar, Jay stood leaning his back against the wall by the kitchen window. "Did she say much?" Hank asked Jay.

"Just that he got loose and attacked her." Jay explained

"Did she tell you where she was?" Voight inquired.

Jay shook his head as Kelly raised his hand a little. "I may have that answer" He began explaining. "She asked me to borrow my Grandfather's old boating cabin"

"What? You knew?" Jay asked, "YOU KNEW WHERE SHE WAS?" Jay shouted walking towards Kelly in the chair who stood up ready for anything.


"HEY" Gabby shouted entering the kitchen interrupting the budding argument. "Do you hear yourselves?" she asked standing in Jay's path and pointing for him to go back by the wall. "The only thing that matters right now" she began watching Jay walk back to lean on the wall and Kelly sit back on the stool. "The only thing that matters period is that she's okay, she's going to be okay."

"Look, she told me you were going with her" Kelly clarified looking at Jay. "If I had known you weren't, I would have told you"

Will entered not giving Jay a chance to respond, looking at Kelly he asked, "You up for giving some more blood?"

"Is she okay?" Jay asked quickly.

"She's fine" Will enlightened nodding looking at his worried brother. "I just think she could do with another pint, give her a boost" Will looked back at Kelly.

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