Chapter 8 - Escaping the City

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The next morning, Jay had kept his promise and drove Lexi to his Grandfather's cabin. Jay had taken her home first to pack a few things, she had waited in the car and asked Jay to knock on the door to ensure Kelly wasn't home before going in. Jay didn't question her; she would tell him in her own time, but he knew it was must have been bad. Lexi had called Voight and told him she needed some time off and where she would be if he were to need her. Hank had been very understanding, as Lexi knew he would be and told her to take as much time as she needed. As soon as she finished her call with Hank, Lexi turned off her phone which didn't go unnoticed by Jay.

The first half of the journey had been in relative silence, Lexi looking out the window and Jay concentrating on the driving. The silence was nice, they had been on many stakeouts together, so they were used to each other's company, it wasn't an awkward silence. Although Jay wanted to talk to her, he wanted to know what happened to make her show up at his place? What happened to make her kiss him the way she did? He also wanted to apologise again for kissing her, he wasn't sorry for the actual kiss, just the circumstances in which it happened.

Jay put on his turn signal to change lanes on the freeway and checked his mirrors one last time before manoeuvring the car to the other lane "I can do some of the driving if you want," Lexi suggested.

"When do I ever get to drive you around?" Jay asked chancing a quick glance over at her, she hadn't taken her eyes off the scenery outside the window, which was becoming greener the further they got out of the city. He put his eyes back on the road.

"Kelly cheated," Lexi announced seemingly out of nowhere. Jay didn't react, knowing she had more to tell him but the anger boiling inside him made him grip the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white. "The night before last, he didn't come home. I figured he was at Casey's or slept in his car after leaving Molly's too drunk to drive" Jay couldn't decipher what she was feeling, her voice was emotionless, almost robotic.

When she didn't offer up any more information, Jay asked, "How do you know?"

"He told me, showed me the evidence" Lexi inhaled sharply, she refused to cry, Kelly didn't deserve her tears, she didn't have enough tears for her sister and Kelly, not right now. "Told me he couldn't look at me, couldn't see her each time he looks at me, right before he left, he told me it should have been me"

Jay shot his head around to look at her to see if she were serious, momentarily forgetting about the road, her expression told him she meant every word. Jay returned his gaze back to the road and used his turn signal to pull off the road in to a rest area.

Jay pulled the car in to the first free space he found and killed the engine. He removed his seatbelt and turned in his seat to face Lexi, "You know that's bullshit right?"

Lexi didn't move to look at him continuing to gaze out the window watching an elderly couple on a picnic bench eating sandwiches and drinking tea from a flask, "uh huh" Lexi nodded unconvincingly. "I called my Mom before I came to yours last night, told her what had happened, what Kelly said..." Lexi couldn't hold the tears in anymore, they flowed freely "she said she understood, it made sense that he feels that way"

Jay took her hands in his "Look at me" he demanded. Lexi turned her head but not her body in his direction "That's complete bullshit, all of it. Kelly's an ass, he doesn't deserve you, he never deserved you. It shouldn't have been you and I'm happy it wasn't," Jay sighed knowing that sounded heartless. "I know that sounds awful, but I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you"

Lexi took her hand from Jay's and wiped her eyes, "thanks Jay"

"I'm serious, you've seen me at my worst, and you've always been there to help me through whatever was going on and I'm going to do the same for you," Jay assured her.

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