Chapter 23 - The Cheek

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A week later Lexi walked in to Molly's and went directly to the bar. Lexi had spent the last nine days at the hospital with Jay whilst he recovered. Sleeping on the cot in his room had not done her back any favours. Will had told her Jay would probably be released in a few days, so she had decided it was time for her to get the apartment above Molly's cleaned and in some form of liveable space to allow her to move in.

Lexi planned to spend her days working on the apartment, cleaning, painting and whatever else needed doing, then spend her nights at the hospital with Jay. If the place wasn't ready by the time Jay was released from the hospital she was going to stay with Burgess for a while. Kim had offered Lexi her spare room, Lexi had declined not wanting to get in the way of Kim and Adam, although Kim had assured her, she could stay if she needed to.

"Hey Gabby" Lexi smiled leaning over the bar to kiss her cheek. "Can I take a look at the apartment? I just want to see what I need to buy and what not"

Gabby smiled broadly "Yeah of course" Gabby told her throwing down the towel she had been using to clean glasses, "follow me"

Lexi walked the length of the bar following Gabby as she went through the corridor by the kitchen, turned right and stopped by a large locked door. Gabby used her keys and unlocked the door stepping over the threshold she explained. "You can access the apartment from the street through this door" Gabby pointed to the door to the left of her. "Saves you walking through the bar if you don't want to".


There was about 10 foot of space at the bottom of a set of stairs that led up to the apartment. "This set of keys is for you" Gabby advised pressing the light switch on the wall illuminating the stairs and the small landing at the top.

"Great thank you" Lexi waited for Gabby to go up the stairs.

"Why don't you go up first" Gabby suggested smiling handing Lexi the keys.

Lexi obliged and began climbing the timber stairs, they creaked as Lexi's steps echoed in the small space. Lexi unlocked the door with Gabby standing eagerly behind her. Lexi stepped through the door and did not expect what she saw.

The apartment was clean, tidy, and decorated. The door they had entered through was in the middle of the apartment. To the left was a small bright kitchen with red accessories, a breakfast bar with two red leather stools split the kitchen from the living room. A grey three-seater sofa and a red arm chair faced a small rectangle coffee table and a 40-inch flat screen television that was mounted on the wall.

Lexi looked at Gabby for answers "it was Kelly's idea" Gabby smiled "well we all chipped in, including your friends at the CPD but I decorated, if you don't like anything I won't be offended if you change it"

"It's all gorgeous" Lexi turned right and walked towards the bedroom, she could see a double bed with a black wrought iron headboard with small fairy lights wrapped around with a night stand either side of the bed through the door.

Gabby walked in front of her leading her in to the bedroom "There's no bath but Matt put in a new shower" she explained as Lexi followed her. A triple wardrobe stood by the large window of the bedroom beside a 5-draw dresser, the bathroom was to the left of the bed. Lexi poked her head through the door turning on the light. It looked like Matt had put an entire new bathroom suite in not just a shower. "It's pretty sound proof up here when the doors are closed downstairs" Gabby assured her.

"I don't know what to say" Lexi said sitting on the bed and running her hands over the soft fabric of the purple decorative blanket that was thrown over the bed.

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