Chapter 5 - Pregnancy, Partners & Pursuits.

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Two months later.

Lexi sat in the bathroom in a bit of a daze, she had not had the day she expected. It started off normal, coffee, work, paperwork, coffee, interviews, investigating, more paperwork, more coffee but the afternoon had taken a slight detour when she had suddenly thrown up in the bathroom at work. Thankfully no one else had seen her and she had taken a trip to the drug store on the way home.

Now she stared down at the test that sat on the sink edge showing two thick blue lines.


Kelly and Shay entered the apartment throwing their bags down by the door. Kelly noticed Lexi's keys and jacket thrown over the chair in the living room and called her name. He listened for a reply but heard none.

"Maybe she's in the shower" Shay suggested slumping down on to the sofa.

"In that case" Kelly started for the stairs "I'm going to join her."

Kelly took the stairs two at a time and went through the bedroom he shared with Lexi to the adjacent bathroom. "Lex" he said bursting in through the unlocked door. He looked down at her sat on the edge of the bath then followed her gaze to the sink edge.

Lexi looked up at him smiling, happy tears in her eyes "It's positive" she told him when he looked back at her for confirmation.

"WOO!" Kelly shouted. Kelly's smile couldn't get any bigger, he kissed her knocking her off balance and in to the empty bath tub, falling atop her.

"KELLY!" Lexi shouted laughing before he kissed her again.

"What's all the commotion?" Shay asked coming in to the room as Kelly stood up straight out of the empty bath. Kelly pointed to the pregnancy test on the sink.

"Oh my god!" Shay squealed. "How far gone are you?" She asked as Kelly pulled Lexi out of the bath to stand up right.

"I think about three months" Lexi guessed "we'll have to go to the doctors to have it confirmed. I'll make an appointment for day after tomorrow"

"I'm there" Kelly beamed.


A few days later Lexi sat in the passenger seat of the pick-up truck, Jay in the driver's seat. They were parked on a residential street watching a house, 10 houses down. "Is this guy ever going to show?" Jay asked, they had been there almost 4 hours and there was no sign of the suspected violent car jacker.

"I'm going to be late tomorrow" Lexi informed him "Adam's going to cover for me here if this guy doesn't show today."

"Cool, doing anything exciting?" Jay asked watching a car drive by them.

"No, just a check-up"

Another car passed and parked four cars in front of them. "That's him" Jay confirmed sitting up straight in the seat. "6 foot 1, dark shaggy hair, driving a blue mustang"

"Let's do this" Lexi agreed opening the car door and stepping out.

Jay followed her out of the car, closing his door he called the suspects name. "Owen Fairburn" Jay called as he stepped on to the curb and Owen exited his car. Owen looked up and saw them walking towards him. He took off running away from them, ducking down the side of a house.

Lexi gave chase "he's heading to King and Arthur, I'll cut him off" she heard Jay call to her as he doubled back to get the car. Lexi's adrenaline kicked up as her feet carried her to the side of the house the suspect had fled down.

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