Chapter 24 - Girl's Night

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The next morning, Jay knocked on Lexi's door and waited for her to answer. He heard the lock disengage then Lexi stood staring at him, squinting at the bright light of the sun behind him "Morning" Jay said chirpily.

"Jay, it's not even eight a.m." Lexi said running her hands over her face trying to wake herself up.

"I know" he said holding up the plastic bag he carried that contained breakfast "but I bought pancakes from Jerry's" Jay smiled sweetly at her.

"You're lucky your pretty" she groaned tiredly widening the door for him to enter "you know I'm not a morning person" Jay chuckled as he crossed the threshold kissing her head as he passed to walk up the stairs.

Lexi locked the door and followed him. "What's with the early morning visit?"

"I missed you" Jay said walking in to the kitchen and placing the bag on the counter top.

Lexi chuckled pouring them both a cup of coffee as Jay took a seat at the breakfast bar. "I literally left you less than eight hours ago"

"I can take my pancakes and go, if you want?" Jay offered jokingly pointing towards the door as Lexi passed him his coffee.

"Next time can you miss me after nine a.m."

Jay shook his head "nope, this is your punishment for moving out on me! I will be waking you up early every day and annoying the hell out of you"

"Seeing your handsome face and pancakes is a punishment I will gladly take." Lexi winked and pinched his cheek like an over-zealous auntie at Christmas would, before sitting beside him.

They ate breakfast in relative silence, just enjoying being in each other's company.

Jay stood from his stool and took his used mug, knife and fork to the sink. "This place is great" he said looking around, it was the first time he was seeing her apartment. He walked across the hall towards the bedroom to get a good look, "Gabby did a nice job decorating" he called back.

Lexi took her used cutlery to the sink "I know, I couldn't have done a better job myself" Lexi explained beginning to wash the dirty utensils. "Do you like the tiles in the bathroom?" she asked as she heard Jay walk back across the hall. He didn't respond so she turned to face him drying her hands on a towel.

Jay stood staring at her, he held up the chain with her engagement ring dangling on the end. Lexi had totally forgotten that it had been hanging on her bed. "It's not what you think" Lexi said throwing the towel on to the counter.

"I don't think you know what I'm thinking" Jay began, he looked angry and hurt at the same time. "I thought you gave it back to him?"

"I did" Lexi confirmed "but he gave it back, because..."

Jay interrupted her "Am I standing in the way?" Lexi frowned not understanding his question. "When I asked you why you stopped yourself from kissing him you said it was because you didn't want to do to me what he did to you, you didn't want to be a cheater, but you didn't say it was because you didn't want to kiss him so tell me do you still want him? Am I standing in the way of what you want? Do you feel like you owe me something? That you can't walk away?"

Lexi shook her head "No" she hated when he spoke to her that way, she knew she deserved it, yet it always stung when Jay was disappointed in her or hurting because of her.

"Then help me understand this Lex, cause from where I'm standing it seems like you don't know what you want."

"I want you Jay" she spoke softly, she felt like she was losing him. Had she already lost him? Lexi sighed and blinked back tears. "I want to be with you, I've always wanted you, in some way or another, it's always been you. I have that ring because Shay chose it, no other reason."

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