Chapter 20 - Superficial Wounds

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Lexi ran through the hospital. She could hear the rest of the team hot on her heels, she burst in to the Emergency Room and began searching the cubicles for Kelly, "Lex, over here" Kevin called her having located Kelly on the opposite side she had begun to search.

Lexi rushed in to the room to see Kelly lay on his back, a nurse stitching a cut on his right arm and another nurse stitching a wound above his left hip. His nose had dried blood underneath, his right eye was beginning to bruise, the leg of his jeans was covered in dry blood.

"Kelly" Lexi said walking to stand beside him.

Kelly opened his eyes at the sound of her voice and looked up at her. "I'm okay" he assured her "it looks worse than it is"

"What the hell happened?" Lexi asked taking in all his injuries.

Voight stood on the other side of Kelly "Tell us exactly what happened?"

"Someone jumped me outside my apartment. I was getting my keys out of my pocket and then someone's smashing my face in to my car. They tried to put something over my mouth but I fought back, managed to get the upper hand for a second, which got me this" Kelly pointed to the stab wound on his left side as he continued to explain "I got hold of the knife and stabbed them in the shoulder, he fell to the floor, I was backing away and then someone else got me from behind and put something over my face. I passed out, I must have been out for a few hours, my neighbour found me and called the ambo"

"Did you get a look at them?" Voight enquired

"The first one was probably same height as me. Wearing all black, hood up, gloves. I didn't even know the second one was there until he was on me, and then I was out"

"They say anything?" Adam asked from his position by the door.

Kelly looked a little cautious, like he didn't want to say what he was about to say. Kelly cleared his throat. "Yeah, the first guy said, 'Being her friend is dangerous".

"He must have followed you from the hospital. Kelly came here last night" Lexi elaborated knowing the team would need further explanation "We spoke for about ten minutes in the waiting area"

Will entered the room carrying Kelly's chart "You're lucky. The wounds are superficial" Will explained reading from the chart "but you will need to stay in for twenty-four hours for observation"

"No" Kelly stated firmly "I'm fine"

"No, you're not" Lexi told him "You said yourself you hit your head, in fact smashed was the term you used. Plus, they drugged you, you don't know what lasting effects it could have"

"I feel fine"

"KELLY" Lexi raised her voice "just once... once please don't fight with me. I can't deal with it right now." Lexi waited for a response and when Kelly didn't protest Lexi walked out of the room.

"As soon as these ladies have finished stitching you up Dawson will take a full statement from you" Voight told Kelly before following Lexi out.


The Intelligence team trailed Lexi as she walked back towards Jay's room. She stopped and sat in the same chair she had sat in hours before speaking with Kelly.

Lexi called Chief Boden explaining what had happened to Kelly and advised she would keep him updated should anything change. She hung up the phone and ran her hands over her face.

"I don't get the game here" Adam stated "he didn't rob Severide, he just wounded him and knocked him out"

"The game is to scare me" Lexi told him her face still in her hands. She pushed her hair out of her face and left her hands interwind behind her neck, her elbows leaning on her knees. "To make me see he can strike at any minute. Hurt anyone he wants to" Lexi inhaled and exhaled slowly, she could feel another panic attack coming on. Jay was in surgery, Kelly was being stitched up, when was it going to end? How much more could she take? Enough was enough, she couldn't sit and wait around for someone else to get hurt, she wouldn't wait for Calvin to make his next move. She didn't have any tears left to cry. She needed a plan , a plan to draw Calvin out, get him to come to her, or take the fight to him, no searching the whole city for him.

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