Chapter 31 - Family of Misfits

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A week later.

Lexi sat at her breakfast bar reading a magazine when she heard Jay and Will enter downstairs talking as they walked up the stairs. "Hey" Jay said smiling broadly when he reached the top of the stairs and saw her sat looking at him.

"Hey" She smiled back as he kissed her. "Hey Will" she said as he appeared behind his brother.

"Doctor Halstead" Will corrected smiling "I'm here on official, unofficial business" he explained pointing towards the couch.

Lexi walked to the couch taking off her top and lay down for Will to inspect her wound. Will had been inspecting her wound every few days to check for infections and to ensure it was healing as it should be.

"Wow, it's that easy to get girls to take off their shirts" Jay smirked "I just have to tell them a Doctor"

"You picked the wrong profession brother" Will laughed kneeling beside the couch. Lexi rolled her eyes at the brothers as Will pulled back the dressing that covered the stitches on Lexi's stomach. "Tell me if anything hurts" Will began prodding, gently putting pressure on different spots of her abdomen to check for tenderness. He watched her flinch as he pushed closer to the wound. "Sorry, does that hurt?"

Lexi shook her head "it's more uncomfortable than painful"

Will nodded "Are you sure? You're not playing anything down, are you?"

Jay walked to the couch and handed Will a new dressing as Lexi shook her head "No, as much as I love your visits Doc, I'll just be happy when I don't have to be poked and prodded anymore"

Will laughed opening the white plaster and placing it over the wound. "Well I have good news and bad news" Will stood up as did Lexi pulling her top back over her head. "The good news is, you're free, I don't need to see you as your Doctor anymore"

"And the bad news?" Jay asked putting his hand on Lexi's shoulder, a little concerned.

"The bad news is," Will began "You're stuck with the younger, less charming, Halstead brother" Will smiled looking at Lexi.

Lexi laughed "You forgot less handsome"

Jay tutted shaking his head walking in to the kitchen. "Look at you two hilarious idiots bonding over inside jokes" Jay remarked going to the fridge "Beer?" he asked looking at Will.

Will shook his head "no, thanks. I'm going to leave you two alone" Will smiled. Lexi realised they hadn't been alone since she had been home, Will or Gabby had been there for the last week, taking it in turns to sleep on the couch in case Lexi needed them in the night. "Finish your antibiotics, change the dressing every day until the end of the week, and take painkillers, if you feel like you need them"

"Thank you for everything Doctor Halstead" Lexi smiled sweetly hugging him.

Will embraced her "Remember I'm just a phone call away if you need anything and you still need to take it easy for a couple weeks." Lexi pulled out of the hug nodding at his instructions. "No drinking, no heavy lifting, nothing to strenuous"

"Bro, you're killing me here" Jay joked smiling sitting on the counter top drinking his beer.

"I'm serious" Will warned pointing at his brother "anything too energetic could pull her stitches, I'm not stitching her back up because you couldn't keep it in your pants for a couple weeks."

"I'll be on my best behaviour" Jay did the scouts honour hand gesture.

"Game of Thrones and pizza is as crazy as it's going to get" Lexi promised following Will to the door.

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