Chapter 21 - No More Chasing Tails

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The Intelligence Team took over Jay's hospital room. Voight stood in the corner, Burgess sat on the edge of Jay's bed, Ruzek and Atwater occupied the chairs Lexi and Will had slept in the night before, Olinsky sat on Lexi's makeshift bed and Dawson stood at the end of Jay's bed.

Lexi stood by the top of Jay's bed, allowing everyone to have a view of her. "Okay" Voight said loudly "Listen up" he said from his position of leaning against the wall. The conversations fizzled out and the room grew slowly quiet. "Lexi needs the floor"

When she was sure she had everyone's attention she started "I have a plan to draw Calvin out, no more chasing our tails, following fake leads, I want to bring him to me"

"We're not going to like this are we?" Dawson asked her tone of voice told him her plan was risky.

Lexi shook her head "Probably not"

"Okay lay it on us" Adam told her.

"First of all, no more protective detail on me..." Lexi commenced explaining her plan.

"What? NO!" Jay objected loudly looking at Hank wondering why he would ever agree to that.

"Let her finish" Voight warned

Lexi ignored the outburst and continued as if nothing had been said. "You heard Benny, Calvin's not after me, not yet anyway, he's targeting the people I care about, everyone I love which includes everyone in this room. Having a detail on me is a waste of resources. So, no protective detail. Plus, I need him to think I'm vulnerable." Lexi took a deep breath giving everyone a minute to process. "I won't be completely alone. You've all heard of the Chi-town Chameleon?"

"The assassin from the 90s?" Atwater asked. Lexi nodded her head. "They told us stories about him in the academy. He has like forty-one confirmed kills, no evidence ever left at a scene except a little clay model of a Chameleon."

"Hey" Burgess chided "it's never been confirmed he's a he!"

Lexi grinned at Burgess always making sure that the women were represented. "Forty-one confirmed kills but it's more like boarding in the seventies range. Anyway..." Lexi shook her head she was getting off track talking about crime rates. "the Chameleon is one of my CI's, they've..." Lexi emphasised 'they've' to not only protect the Chameleon's identity but to show Burgess she agreed with her. "...helped me put away about 35 people, and I'm owed a favour." Lexi went in to complete detective mode, her plan was a good plan, even if it was risky one. "The only thing we are one hundred percent sure of with Calvin is that he's watching me, right? So, the Chameleon is going to follow me, until they can follow Calvin, for as long as it takes"

Lexi allowed the room to fall silent, allowing them to assess what she had told them. "And when the Chameleon catches him?" Dawson asked

"That brings me on to the next part of the plan" Lexi began, she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The next bomb she was about to drop she knew would cause an uproar. "I've given Voight my badge"

Everyone spoke at the same time, Lexi listened to the noise, questions of "is this a joke?", "You can't be serious", "What does that achieve?", "It's all just a ploy though right?" filled the room.

Lexi looked at Voight for some assistance from the bombardment of questions. "ENOUGH" Hank raised his voice silencing the room, he nodded at Lexi telling her to continue.

"I don't plan on putting cuffs on him." Lexi looked each team member in the eye in turn except Jay, she couldn't bring herself to look at him, to see disappointment, fear or hurt in his eyes. "When the Chameleon catches Calvin, I'm not bringing him in." Lexi paused trying to find the words to explain. "I'm not going to put him behind bars for him to be released and come after me again, to hurt someone else I love"

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