Chapter 17 - Reunions

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A few hours later Hank, Lexi and Jay walked back in to the Intelligence Unit. The rest of the team had been busy whilst they had been at the prison.

The board was set up with pictures of Calvin Poe, Trent Lamont and Leslie Shay with basic information written beside their pictures, dates of birth, dates of death for Shay and Lamont. Lexi eyed the picture of Shay and averted her eyes.

"I want an update on everything right now" Hank announced "we all need to know what's happening"

"How'd it go with the cell mate?" Olinsky asked from his desk.

"Calvin made Steven believe he and Lexi were a couple" Jay told them leaning on his desk. "Knew a lot about her, her family, where she grew up. Had a picture of her on the wall. Trent visited him whilst he was inside, told him he was his half-brother"

"Yeah that's true" Olinsky added "I found out Trent's Dad, Elliott, had an affair with Trent's baby sitter, Becky Poe. Calvin was the result. I'm trying to find an address for Becky, but I think she moved out of Chicago shortly after Calvin was born"

"Okay, keep on that, that's good work" Voight praised "What else we got?"

"I've been digging in to the picture left on Lexi's car" Adam began motioning everyone over to his desk, so they could see his computer. "I found this" Adam pressed play on the video when everyone had a view of his screen. "I figured the angle of the photo must have been taken from across the street, so I pulled up all the cameras." The video showed Trent Lamont leaning over the bonnet of a black SUV using a professional looking camera to take photos of Lexi and Shay as they were entering Molly's. "You can see Lexi and Shay just at the top of the screen" Adam commentated. Once Lexi and Shay had entered the bar Trent looked directly at the surveillance camera and smirked before getting in to the SUV and driving away.

The video finished, and everyone broke away some sitting at their desks or standing by their desks. "I found footage of the person placing the envelope on your car" Burgess said looking at Lexi. "It was a white kid, about 13 or 14, with a backpack on, I'm assuming he was walking to school. He's got a coat on, so I can't see any school logos or anything. I've followed the cameras back as far as I can but there's too many blind spots and he pulled the envelope from his bag, but you never see him put anything in his bag."

"Okay" Voight said "you and Atwater go back to the area find that kid, see who gave him the envelope, maybe he walks the same route every day"

Burgess and Atwater stood from their desks and began putting their coats on.

Lexi raised her voice above the hum of the team moving about to get the job done "Wait" The Intelligence Unit came to a halt, all looking at Lexi. "I just wanna thank you all for everything. You've all worked tirelessly the last few days, you've all gone above and beyond, and I can never thank you enough for that."

"That's what family does" Burgess smiled at her.

Lexi's desk phone ringing broke the touching moment. "Okay let's go to work" Voight dismissed them as Lexi walked to her desk to answer her phone.

"Detective Shay" Lexi answered her phone "What? Okay, put him in a room I'll be down in a minute" Lexi put the phone back on the receiver and looked at Jay. "Benny Douglas is downstairs, asking to see us"

"Who's Benny Douglas?" Adam asked

"He's the other guy we lived with when we were undercover." Jay explained following Lexi to the stairs.


Lexi, Jay, Platt, Voight and Adam eyed Benny through the observation glass whilst Benny sat at the table in the adjacent interrogation room. Platt had put him in the room at Lexi's request. "Did he say what he wanted?" Lexi asked

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