Chapter One

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Chapter 1 - He's Nobody (Greyson POV)

4 Months Later...

"How has everything been?" Dr. Kuehrner asked me. I really didn't want to be here, talking to a shrink, but my roommate, Jayden, pushed me to do so. At least we were able to come to the consensus that I'd only be here twice a month and not every week.

"Fine," I lied, simply. The doc looked at me, with his expression that said, come on Greyson, we can do better than that. I ignored it and looked out the window. It was a sunny day in Florida.

I wish my mood reflected that.

"How's school?" He asked.

"It's kickin' my ass, to be honest. I'm ready to graduate." I replied to him. School was truly causing me so much grief. It was Thanksgiving break and I was swamped with assignments to do. But I wasn't actually ready to graduate. Now that I was officially back in therapy and my medication usage being monitored, there was probably no way I would get into the military. I didn't even want to think about that possibility. That was what kept me going, knowing I'd be able to make my father proud and follow in his footsteps. Why were people shamed from the military because of mental disorders?

Now, I could understand if the person were a psychopath. But I just had a focusing problem. It wasn't that detrimental!

"How is your mother?"

"Fine." I replied, absentmindedly once again, and he gave me his signature expression.

I'm sure he was annoyed, but at this point, that was how our relationship worked. I'd be vague, he'd give me a look, then, if I was willing, I'd go into more detail.

"She's definitely getting worse. Health wise. She also called me a stupid girl the other day. So there is that." I told him and watched the little red dot of his recorder blink a few times.

"Do you visit her often?"

"Hey, how about we just don't talk about her." I stretched in my seat as I felt a yawn coming on. "I'll take medicinal usage, for four hundred." I said. He smiled. It was pretty much why I was here. All the extra talk was so he could fill the hour time slot. But as long as I was drugged up and he was making that insurance money, nothing else truly mattered.

"Any side effects with it?" He asked. I was taking some decently new medication. It had the same effects as adderall, but it was mixed with some other things that were supposed to be especially helpful for adults with ADHD.

"Yeah, I'm a lot more boring." I said and he laughed, I didn't. The medicine also made me feel a lot more tired, sad and completely not myself.

"Still taking the proper dosage?"

Dr. Kuehrner was probably one of the worst doctors I've been too. He sported these circular wire framed glasses and turtlenecks like it wasn't about eighty degrees out. With his balding head, I knew he was trying to match Steve Job's sophisticated look. But on his short, skeletal figure, it looked like a child in a halloween costume.

"Yes," I drew out the ess.

"Okay, let's change topics. How's work? How's Connor?"

I finally made eye contact with him. "Why are you askin' about him?" He shrugged. "I've told you, I haven't seen him much in months. Psh, I don't see him at all." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want to?"


"Okay," He sighed. Obviously tired of my one word answers. "Have you been able to hang out with Jay?"

"Nah, he still practically lives with his girlfriend. He still comes by on the weekends, but we usually miss each other." I answered, feeling a pang of sadness. Dr. K liked asking about the sensitive things. I really missed my roommate, but now that him and his girlfriend were getting serious, there was nothing I could do about seeing him. I was actually happy for him. Honestly.

"Haven't we spoken last time about planning a hangout with him? Have you done that?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

He was quiet for a moment. I could almost telepathically hear the sigh he wanted to make again.

"Well, how are you? Overall?" He asked.

"Like I said, fine." I rolled my eyes again, this was a waste of time. "Can I go now?" I grabbed my purse from the floor and started getting up anyways.

Once I was home, I wasn't feeling much better. The apartment was empty, as per usual, and the pile of school work I was still procrastinating on, sat on my bed, mocking me.

And I thought therapy was supposed to make you feel better.

I left my room to lay down on the couch. There was no work to do there.

I popped another pill. I knew it was one of the sources of my bad mood, but I didn't really care anymore. It was helping me to stay focus and be bland like the rest of the world, which I was told was a good thing.

I needed something to do. Maybe I could visit the office, but It wasn't fun just hanging with the social media and marketing department. They were nice, but something about being demoted made it worse. I missed the drama of nearly being the boss of a company, which is something I thought I'd never even be able to say.

Man, screw Connor. He was all, oh we are going to be friends and I'm going to work on things with you because I think I love you and blah, blah, blah. Now that he had the Japan deal, he was more busy than ever before.

I had no idea what I even tried seeing in him. After his half-assed attempt at keeping up with me the first month we got back, he just completely shut me out. These past three months were filled with nothing. Not even a text wondering if I was doing my job okay.

I started sinking into the couch. I was willing to accept full couch potato status.

My phone buzzed with a text.

Hey beautiful. I'm leaving the office now. Want to come over?

I smiled. Just the superhero I needed to save me from a dud of a day.

Yes! I texted Peter back. 


Author's Note:

Buckle up friends. Whatever you thought was going to happen, didn't. 

Also... Happy New Year! How is everyone's 2019 going so far? 

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