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Epilogue (Greyson POV)

Another 4 months later...

Connor and I were actually in a relationship for about four whole months. It was weird to think, even weirder to call him my boyfriend.

As much as I wish I could've said it was a fairytale and once we were together it was happily ever after, that was just far too hopeful. First of all, we still got into some hefty disagreements. It was a given since we're both stubborn and if he wanted to start raising his voice, there was no way I wouldn't respond in the same manner. The biggest change was, in the thick of it, someone would concede saying, "But I still love you," And everything felt brand new.

What came to a surprise to me was that the longer we were together, the more we actually seemed to be figuring out each other and our limits.


I was currently sitting at Connor's kitchen island, eating before we went out to the beach. Connor was sitting on the couch, typing away on his laptop.

He was still technically on leave, but the man literally couldn't function without work. He became easily agitated and was the biggest pain in my ass so I made him go back. But we agreed only as an advisor to his dad and he'd only physically go in one day a week. He was still allowed to check his laptop every now and then, but he himself was doing an amazing job at not using that too often either. He was super dead serious about his leave.

So, with that being said, where did that leave everything and everyone else?

Last time I checked, the company was still in a bit of turmoil. However, there was a possibility that the Japanese had some connections? I really didn't know, but Connor wasn't stressed, so neither was I.

Peter was still ignoring me. I'd tried to talk to him again, but once he learned that Connor and I were together, he pretty much blacklisted me. He was still working at the company though. Still in his position, doing great things. I wondered if it was awkward for Connor when he went in to those meetings, but Connor never mentioned anything.

Apparently, Sam did try to get into contact with Connor. He still wouldn't tell me how that conversation went, just that he'd, "handled it." Whatever that meant. All I knew was she didn't press charges on me for fucking her up, and she wasn't trying anything. So it felt like water under the bridge.

Adam was weirdly excited for us! We all got together and he was so supportive. Although, with the way he laughed, it felt like he still didn't fully believe it. He also didn't flirt with me that entire time we were all together. Which made sense, but was so off for him. I did happen to notice the long look he gave me before he left that day. I could tell there was a double meaning, but I didn't care enough to look into it.

We also met with Jayden. I didn't think it was necessary, Jay thought it was incredibly necessary. It was at this get together that I learned that Jay had visited Connor some months back in his office to threaten him. I was equal parts surprised, embarrassed and upset. However, to them, that didn't matter as I was mostly ignored in that get together. Jay was still skeptical of Connor and Connor ensured that he was going to take good care of me. Men were something else.

Speaking of men, Jon was so excited!

Actually, let me begin with how he and pretty much everyone else found out. After we became official in the most spontaneous manner ever, I asked Connor if we were supposed to go public with it because of his celeb status. He said he would love to tell the whole world. I was happy that he felt that way, but I knew how things went in the celebrity world. You make that information known and then the paparazzi start harassing you, and then if you break up, it's all over the news! I didn't want that for him, especially since it was all so sudden, so I told him we should keep it private.

He agreed, but apparently that was too much for him because after a press conference he attended, a woman from some magazine got him in a one-on-one interview and asked if he had any plans to ever settle down. He answered with, "Maybe eventually. My girlfriend and I are taking it slow right now."

And just like that, we were an item. A public item. That's how Peter found out and completely shut me out, and also how Jon and the rest of the company found out.

Oh, but the articles were surprisingly nice. They actually called me cute! They said I might've been a model. That one made me laugh.

Anyways, Jon was beyond happy. He immediately gave his blessing and asked that we give him many grandbabies. He was out of his fucking mind. I thought Jack was going to knock some sense into him, but he was even more happy than his brother. I wasn't complaining about their lovely support, but they were all a very dramatic bunch.

Connor was also a lot more dramatic than I thought. After one month of being together, he asked me to move in with him. He said being with me helped get his mind off of work and I wouldn't have to worry about bills, etc.

Obviously... I declined because that was an absolute trash idea.

What else happened?

Oh yeah! Connor fired me! Which sounds like him being a jerk, which he kind of was, but he actually made me stop working so I could focus on school and finish on time. He assured that he'd pay my finances for the time being and that turned into an entire argument. I still had no idea how he won, but there I was, not working and having my shit paid for like a sugar baby.

The only other thing that was going on in our lives was us planning a trip for after my graduation. Possibly for South America, but that was all still in the works.


Connor paused his intense typing and looked up at me. I stopped chewing on my sandwich to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Darling," He spoke, addressing me. Connor was such a softie deep down. "Can you toss me an apple?" He asked. "And maybe even grab my water bottle from the freezer?" He went back to his typing, "Thanks." He said.

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed one of the gala apples on the island and tossed it at him, hitting him in the arm.

"Ouch," He said, confused as he looked back at me, grabbing the apple from the couch. "Why?"

"You think you can make me do favors for you?" I stood up from the barstool, walking over to him slowly. He pushed his laptop to the side, already having a playful smile on his lips. "Like that's my job to do so." I couldn't help the smile on my lips as I straddled him, sitting on his lap. He easily wound his arms around me, looking up at me, expectantly. "But, unfortunately babe. I'm not your wife. I'm not even your assistant."


Author's Note:

And just like that, we are at the end! Wow, I'm so happy. I feel so accomplished, having written and finished my third novel. I've loved these characters dearly and their unique love story. 

As always, but nevertheless, thank you to all of you who have shown support in this novel in one way or another. The votes, the comments, and even just seeing that one more person has read a chapter is motivation enough to keep me chugging along. I truly mean that. 

I remember starting NEHA, and taking this cliche idea of a boss-man/regular-girl love story and wanting to add a new spin on it. Of course, cliches are inevitable, but I hope I was able to add a few plot points that drifted from the norm. 

I've just finished the outline for my next series and am excited to tackle social issues while also keeping romance at the heart of the story. Loving a good cliche, I am taking a good-cop/bad-girl plot, but with a great, many twists. Unlike the big, hot city of Miami we've had here, these characters will be up north in a small Pennsylvania town. I've already made the book cover and am working on the synopsis, so expect this real soon!

Goodbye for now my friends, 

Song: What You Won't Do For Love - Bobby Caldwell 


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