Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11 - He, Who? (Greyson POV)

More people showed up than I thought was possible for my mother. Family on my dad's side came by, family of hers came, even apparent friends of her came? It was all too much, so I hid in the bathroom, reading the letters from my father.

Dear Greyson,

Today, a buddy of mine died. He made a simple mistake while doing some drills and boom, that's the end of it. Life is so fragile baby girl. It's easy to be scared about your next move. Don't let the fragility of life, make you fragile. Stay confident and live to the fullest. That's all we got in this world. How we choose to live it. I keep praying for you and your momma.

I love you so much.


I needed the words of encouragement since I was the one who had to say a few words today.

I heard a knock at the door, "Are you okay?" I heard Peter's voice.

It was so nice of him to be there for me during this. I thought about telling others from the office, at the very least, Jackson or Amanda. However, I knew I'd have to listen to, 'Are you okay?' endlessly, and I didn't want to do that.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I called back to him, shoving the letter beck in its box. It was like I was carrying his ashes, the way I kept his letters on me. It definitely gave me strength.

I left the stall I was in to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't like the long black dress I was in. It was far too depressing. I opted out of wearing black gloves, but did braid my hair so that I could wear the veiled hat, Mrs. B gave me. She was also in attendance.

My eyes were slightly hidden behind the lacy veil, and I looked exceptionally depressed. I wondered if I would cry during my speech.

I finally rinsed my hands with water, scooped my dad's box under my arm and exited the bathroom.

Peter was sitting on a bench nearby and stood up when I made an appearance. Without saying a word, he took my arm in his and led me to the main space.

I watched as some people had the audacity to bring tissues to their eyes, like they were crying. I walked over to my seat in the front. The pastor came up to me then and told me we were about to begin the service. I nodded in agreement. The sooner we started, the sooner it would end.

It was an open casket service. I wasn't sure what I was doing when I made the arrangements. I just remembered my father having an open casket service and chose that one. My mother had set aside a good amount of money for her death.

She seemed to only think about death in her life. She wanted to have a casket that matched my father's, and be buried in his grave. It was written in her will, and since she was his widow, she'd get at least that much.

I didn't like it. I didn't want to have visits to him, be littered with her memory.

My uncle grabbed my shoulder then and squeezed it. I looked back at him, aunt DeeDee and Liz and they gave me a sad smile. I took notice of some of my cousins before turning back around.

Jay and his girlfriend came then. I wanted them to sit next to me up at the front. They both took turns giving me a hug, Jay also shook Peter's hand and then also reached behind us to shake hands with Uncle Tim. Jay looked so out of character in his black suit. It was definitely too tight, and I knew it had to be the only suit he owned. Probably from high school. It didn't fit him with how much he worked out. Once they took their seats, Jay handed me some flowers he had been holding.

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