Chapter 1

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I had been working with Sam and Dean Winchester and their partner Castiel ever since they took me in when I was sixteen and at that time I was getting attacked by a group of demons who I was hunting down but happened to be kidnapped by, when Sam and Dean came in the warehouse that I was kept at they killed the demons and they took me in once they realised I was a hunter.

The two years I have spent with them has been interesting I've met a lot of people such as Mary,Crowley, Chuck, Lucifur, Gabriel, Jody, Donna, Alex and Clare. I've also been in crazy situations that I've never been in before, being the youngest in the group can have a lot of downsides to it and they are:
1. Being the youngest means I get bossed around a lot
2. The boys worry about me a lot which is understandable
3. All thoughts of monsters use my age as a advantage to kidnap me to get to the boys
And the last downside is that people doubt my abilities just because of my age

I never knew my family but I've been given a lot of different stories about them and by now I don't know what to believe, so instead of thinking about my birth family I think of the boys as my family, to me Dean is the older brother I always wanted Dean and I have a little bit in common such as liking pie and the same type of music, Sam is also like a brother to me when Dean is in a bad mood and he's taking it out on us Sam is always protecting me making sure I dot get hurt we also have a bit in common such as being the ones who are excellent at studying I also learnt his famous puppy dog eye look which does come in some use at times, Mary is like a mom that I always wanted and never had she is so sweet, kind and caring and is always there for me and Castiel is like a father to me we have the father daughter bond and whenever we are together we act like we are father and daughter but we never realise we're doing it until someone points it out.

Sam and Dean told me about Lucifur I've met him lots of times and every time I meet him I wish I hadn't, Crowley I like him when he helps us in his own way but then I also hate him when he sends his minions after us to get his ways, Chuck I hate him because he is never around for us, Jody and Donna are like aunts to me and I can always trust them with my problems, Alex and Clare are like sisters to me and to be honest I prefer Alex over Clare because I like the way Alex acts to me she's not mean like Clare but I do like Clare when she's not rude and Gabriel can be a giant pain with his little games he has turned me into a dog for a week and he has also took my ability to speak for a day but when he's around I feel like he's a uncle we do get along well when playing pranks on Dean and on other occasions.

I'm now eighteen and I've been eighteen for three months and in those months I've gotten a anti-protection tattoo and I've been in a lot of pressure lately as well as Sam and Dean, with Castiel gone with helping Kelly get through the pregnancy of the Nephilim child, I've been helping Sam with research about Nephilims while Dean and Mary try to find out where Castiel and Kelly are hiding.

It's been a good few hours of research and my eyes began to fall heavy but I didn't say anything to Sam because we need this information, another hour passed and I was falling asleep and I'm supposing Sam noticed so he sent me to bed saying he could finish the rest, I slept until 1:00 in the morning because Dean woke me up saying he found Castiel and Kelly I jumped out of bed and ran to the library were my shoes sat I already had jeans, a black shirt and a jacket on so if i had to get out of a place quickly I'd be in good gear I got my shoes on and ran to baby with Sam, Dean and Mary I got in the back with Mary and the boys got in the front and Dean began to drive extremely fast, "Okay Allison do whatever we say so you don't get hurt alright?!" Dean had a stern but worried voice "okay" I replied with a bit of worry covering my voice Mary put her hand on my shoulder for some comfort I turned my head at her and smiled.

We arrived at the small house by the lake and Dean's driving slowed down "Uh guys what's that?" Mary asked looking at a glowing orange light "don't know" Sam replied we all got out and went to the door Dean opened it and Castiel came running in with his angel blade once he saw us he lowered it down "what the hell are you doing here?" He asked I didn't here Dean's response because I went to a window a bit far to hear words, Castiel came over to me "Sam, Dean and I are going to the realm stay here with Mary and Kelly she's upstairs" I nodded and walked up the stairs to Kelly once she saw me she tried to force a smile "hey Kelly" "hey" she replied Mary came up and said the same thing.

A hour passed and Kelly went into labour and outside of the house lots of sounds could be heard "Mary go see what's going on" she nodded and walked away soon Kelly asked me to leave she didn't want me to see her in pain I told her everything will be okay as I said by final goodbyes and walked outside to see the worse thing I could imagine Castiel got stabbed by Lucifur "NO!" Sam,Dean and I cried and then Lucifur dragged Mary into the portal as it closed I fell to my knees and hugged Castiel.

A few minutes passed and I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up and saw Dean "go inside the house" his voice was sad I nodded and walked inside and up the stairs to see footprints burnt in the ground i followed them into the nursery and saw Sam talking to a tall figure, Sam saw me "Allison it's okay" he put a hand out to who I'm supposing is Jack I nodded "father?" He asked looking at Sam
"No Jack I'm not your father"
Jack looked at me
"Mother?" He asked
I swallowed hard the few times I met Kelly she was always kind to me
"No Jack I'm not your mom"
He nodded then Dean came barging in gun in his hands he looked at Sam and me then to Jack, Sam looked at Dean knowing what he was about to do "Dean no!" He yelled but Dean already shot Jack, he got up off the ground and a ear piercing scream was heard i covered my ears and a gold wave came out of his mouth and Sam, Dean and I got lifted off the ground and we all crashed into something i got crashed onto a dresser that fell on me and i became unconscious, Sam crashed into a coffee table and Dean bashed into a wall.

After I gained some conscious I saw that Jack was gone and Sam and Dean were waking up Sam groaned in pain as he stood up Dean did the same once Sam saw me he ran over to the dresser and tried to get it off me "Dean! Help" Dean looked over at me and ran over and helped Sam they took it off me and moved it to the side as they helped me up I groaned in agony "Allison you good?" Sam asked "yeh" I forced a smile and he rubbed my shoulder Dean walked down the stairs leaving me and Sam upstairs.

That day was extremely hard and I can't believe I just met....

Lucifur's son

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now