Chapter 4

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"As I went closer to see who and what the hooded figure was saying I took one step closer to the bed but the room disappeared and it felt like I was falling then all of a sudden I reached the ended of the hole I got back on my feet and took in my surroundings the room was completely dark no light was in the room then I saw the hooded figure I walked closer to it faster and faster only the be held back I looked behind to see a little girl she held my hand and I took in her features her eyes were watery she shook her head "you don't want to know about your past" she whispered the room faded and I woke up on the ground of my bedroom I got up off the ground and looked at the time it was 3:00am in the morning I got back on my bed and let sleep take me.

The next time I woke up it was 9:am in the morning and i was walking around the bunker Sam was walking around computer in his hand "everything good Sammy?" I asked he looked up at me "yeh yeh just showing Jack something" I walked into the kitchen to make myself some coffee then took it the library where Sam was sitting I took a seat down next to him to he was on his phone talking to Jody after he hung up Dean walked in "hey what's up?" He asked "you'll never believe this I just got a call from Missouri Moseley" Sam said "wow what's is been like a decade?" Dean asked "more" "how is she?" Dean asked "not great she said she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case so I put Jody on it" Sam explained "why would you do that?" Dean questioned "because we need to stay here we need to help Jack learn how to control his powers Jody can handle this" Sam explained "yeah maybe she can or she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the Antichrist" before Sam spoke again he sighed "Dean we need him" "no don't" "mom.." Sam got cut off my Dean "don't you if you wanna stay here and mr. Miyagj this kid knock yourself out I didn't sign up for that so I'm gonna go to work" Dean walked away and Sam grunted "so what are we gonna do?" I asked "we are gonna help Jack with his powers" he got up and i followed him.

Jack, Sam and I were in a room "train me? To what?" Jack asked Sam held a pencil in his hand "I've seen what you can do Jack you're powerful but you have to learn to control it you know to focus" Sam explained "so I don't hurt anyone any more?" Jack asked "exactly...... see this pencil I want you to move it..... with your mind" "that's it?" "That's it" Sam said Jack looked at the pencil and focused on trying to move it "I can't ..... nothing I'm useless" "All right all right Jack when you use your powers what was it like?" Sam asked "I don't.... it was like breathing blinking it just happens"  "even with Asmodeus opening the gate that just happened?" "No he made me it was he was in my head but when I saw you, Dean, Donatella and Allison in pain something in me clicked" Jack explained "okay um then imagine him doing that" "no!" "No? why not?" "I can't do this and you keep staring at me waiting!" Jack yelled "you know what let's take a break yeh" "really?" Jack asked "yeh I'll get some food just you stay here with Allison try to relax when I get back we'll try again" Sam sighed Jack looked back at the pencil and sighed Sam walked back in "I'm back Jack I'll be in the library so you can focus Allison come with me" I nodded and walked with Sam to the library were he had a camera set up watching jack.

Sam was reading a book and I was on my computer Sam looked at the computer and saw that Jack was gone he threw his book and ran I followed him "Jack!" Sam yelled he looked around the room and saw Jack hiding in a corner "Jack what are you doing?" Sam asked "I moved the pencil" jack held it in the air "okay look I know this isn't exactly fun..." "no this isn't fun this is the opposite of fun" Jack explained "okay but why is this so hard I've seen you throw people across the room I've been thrown across the room by you I've seen you open a gate to hell and now nothing it doesn't make any sense" Sam Spoke "it makes sense if I'm evil" jack said "what?" Sam and I asked "just go please" "no jack why you think that you're evil because when I look at you that's not what i see and I'm pretty sure Allison feels the same" "yeh well dean sees it he'd said he should kill me" "he what?" I asked "and maybe I should mom said I had a choice to be good and that is was up to me  she's dead because of me I've only been on earth for a few days and I've already hurt people you, Dean, Allison I've already done bad things and no matter how hard I try I can't do the one good stupid thing you Sam want me to do so I must be evil like Lucifur" "Jack listen Asmodeus tricking you Dean none of that is your fault I think that uh after everything that's happened you're probably scared to use your power and me pressuring is certainly not helping" Sam said "really?" Jack asked "really how about we call it until we figure out a better way to help you how does that sound?" "It sounds good" jack said "good come on" Sam helped jack up "Sam Allison why are you being so nice to me?" "Because I know what it feels like you don't belong to feel like there's this darkness inside of you to be scared of who you are what you can do, Dean Cas Allison my family helped me through that so now Allison and I are going to help you. because you are not evil Jack" Sam walked away "Jack I know what it feels like to feel like you don't belong like you can trust no one but in the times of darkness Sam dean and Castiel helped me through it they brought me out of what I was hiding in" Jack nodded.

I walked out of the room and into the library Sam was reading the book from before "Sam I need to talk to you" he looked up from his book "what's up?" He asked "lately I've been having these dreams and I feel like they are trying to tell me something" I explained "okay so what's happened in these dreams so far?" He asked "in the first one I ended up in one of my foster homes I ended up in my twelve year old room there was this hooded figure standing by my bed I couldn't make out who or what is was but it was whispering something to my past self and then in the next dream I was falling I ended up in a completely dark room and I saw the hooded figure again I tried to walk forward but this girl who looked familiar but I couldn't tell who it was she was  pulling me back saying You don't want to know about my past" I explained "okay Allison I don't know why you are having these dreams but I will help you through them because whatever is going on in your brain that could be something." He said "okay thank you Sam."

Soon dean walked in and I was just outside Of the library listening in "How was it um Jody told be about Missouri" "yeh just another day at the office how's the kid he go dark side yet?" Dean asked "nope he's pretty messed up though" "you're telling me" dean said "no dean he's messed up because of you" sam explained "Dean you said you'd kill him" "it wasn't exactly like that" Dean said "then how exactly was it?" Sam asked "I told him the truth you see you think you can use this freak but I know how this ends and it ends bad" "I didn't" "what?" Dean asked "I didn't end bad when I was the 'freak' when I was drinking demon blood" Sam explained "come on man that's totally different" "was it because you could've put a bullet in me Dad told you to put a bullet in me but you didn't you saved me so help me and Allison help Jack and Dean a hour ago Allison came up to me saying that she's having dreams like they are telling her something she said that in her dreams she was in one of her foster homes when she was twelve and that a hooded figure was beside her twelve year old self when she was sleeping whispering something to her then she said she was falling in her dream that she was in a dark room she saw the hooded figure she went to go closer to the figure but she said a little girl who looked familiar to her held her back saying you don't want to know about your past Dean! What Castiel told us is beginning to happen!" I was a bit shocked to hear that I have something about my past that the boys are hiding from me "well Sam you deserved to be saved he doesn't! And when it comes Allison will get what's coming for her!" Dean yelled I was heartbroken "yes he does dean of course he does and I can't believe you'd say something Like that about Allison she's been with us for 2 years Dean!" "Look I know you think you can use him as some sort of interdimensional can opener and that's fine but don't act like you care for him because you only care about what he can do for you so if you wanna pretend that's fine but me I can hardly look at the kid cause when I do all I see is everybody we've lost" Dean yelled yet again  "mom chose to take that shot at Lucifur this is not on Jack" Sam said "and what about Cas?" Dean yelled "what about Cas?" Sam asked "He manipulated him he made him promises said paradise on earth and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you might me able to forget about that but I can't and now we have to hide from Allison the big secret Castiel doesn't want her to know about!" I decided I had enough of the fighting I walked away to my room and closed the door "damn it Castiel why did you have to die!" I shout looking up and I began to cry I laid in my bed letting the tears soak in the sheets.

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now