Chapter 3

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I woke up in baby my head against the window I was still tired and I tried to remember the last thing I did before I fell asleep then it all came rushing back to me I remember watching Cas's body burning and then Sam pulling me into his arms saying "it will be okay Allison" and I must of fallen asleep in his arms, I looked to my right to see a sleeping jack and then in front of me dean sat driving and Sam on the other side of him, my brain wasn't awake yet so I decided to go back to sleep which luckily for me was easy.

As I slept I had a bad dream "I was running from something I don't know what I dodged the tree branches, soon I arrived at a two storey house the outside was white and had a silver tin roof I walked to the door I knocked a few times before it opened by it's self I walked inside looking for my gun but couldn't find it i walked upstairs and saw a hooded figure standing by a child's bed I looked around the room to see it looked exactly like my foster home room one red wall which was my favourite colour at the time a closet door filled with posters of role models a desk that had lots of paper on it then I looked back at the bed and saw it was me in the bed I was probably about twelve at the time then the hooded figure began to whisper something in my ear I went closer to hear what it was.... i woke up to see the car had stopped my head was hurting so I put my hand on my forehead and groaned "Allison uh Sam and Dean are going to get us a room" I looked over and saw Jack looking at me "okay" I replied "are you okay? You look...." "like I'm hurt?" I asked him to see if that was what he was going to say he nodded "yeh just a bad dream" was all I said.

Sam knocked on my window I hopped out along with Jack we walked inside the building and down the hall dean unlocked the room we all walked in "this is nice" I heard jack say I sat on the bed and Jack found a way to watch the tv and Scooby doo came on I began to watch because growing up I loved it "it's wonderful" Jack was smiling "hey no!" Dean said "but but" Jack and I said he watched the tv for a few seconds before turning it off "no no" Jack's smile faded "you are no fun!" I moaned "Jack sleep on the couch Allison sleep wherever Sam and I get the beds" I walked over to a closet to see if they had a spare pillow and blanket which they did and put myself on the ground "Allison I can sleep on the ground why don't you..." I cut Sam off short "no it's all good I had some sleep you haven't had any for a bit you need all the comfort you can get" he nodded and walked over to the bed Dean handed Jack the bible.

Soon we were eating I was helping Sam paint the sigils and Jack and Dean were eating "slow down it's not going to walk away" dean said "speak for yourself" Dean looked over at me as Sam and I walked over to grab some food Dean grabbed a beer so did Jack he opened the bottle and so did Jack "wait wait wait how old do you think you are?" Dean asked "three day 17 hours and 42 minutes" I snorted at his response I could tell Dean was getting annoyed by Jack's coping "This book mentions by dad but not Castiel Lucifur" "he's been in the bible a lot" dean said "and you knew him?" Jack asked "yeh he's put Sam in hell, he's down horrible things to Allison" Dean said "he's not an easy guy to know he's rough around the edges" Sam said "and that's bad?" Jack asked "damn straight see he turned on his father god" "god he's in here too is he famous or something?" Jack asked "um yeh god basically created everything" "and then he leaves us to clean up his messes like Lucifur" "so god is like my grandfather he is family and that's good" dean rubbed his hands and Jack did the same "sometimes" Dean grabbed his beer and sat back and then Jack did the same "stop will you" dean said "so Jack we know your mom taught you things before you were born and obviously you can you know make people or things move with your mind but um....what else can you do?" Sam asked "I don't know" Jack answered "okay so let's just say you wanted to be somewhere else right now could you?" Sam questioned "teleport can you teleport" "teleport?" "If you wanted to be on the other side of that door right this instant what would you do?" Jack got up and walked to the door and walked outside I chucked a bit.

Jack Kline WingsWhere stories live. Discover now