Chapter 8

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Dean made us all coffees as we tried to find out where jack had gone to "anything"Dean asked as he walked in "we got nothing I put a APB out to every single hunter we know but Jack's off the gird" Sam explained and I finished typing off what Sam started Dean looked at Sam and saw he was looking a bit down "the kid was pretty spun out we will find him I mean there's gotta be a sign at some point right?" Dean said "yeah" Sam and I mumbled "Jack can cause a tsunami with a hiccup" I gave dean a glare before going back to what I was doing "I don't know maybe he's covering his tracks" Sam suggested, Castiel walked in and we all looked at him "or this apparent dearth of evidence is in fact the evidence" Castiel said "the evidence of?" Sam asked "of some horrific misadventure that's befallen him like be dragged down to heal by Asmodeus or possibly worse being hijacked to heaven by angels" "yeah but isn't he too fast and furious for angels?" Dean asked.

To be honest what they were saying didn't make me feel at all good I was a bit down after Jack left so before I finished I spoke "Just shut up stop talking about him like that!" I yelled and then I finished what I was doing and slammed the laptop shut and walked to my room "Allison!" Sam cried about to follow me it was faint but I heard it "give her time" Castiel whispered as I laid on my bed letting the tears fall out "I miss you Jack" I whispered and read my favourite book, a hour later a knock was on my door "come in" I spoke softly but loud enough for who ever it was to hear Dean entered and sat on my bed "hey kiddo we have a hunt and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" He asked I nodded and bit my lip "look I know you miss him and us talking about him how we were wasn't helping but we are going to find him I promise you" a small smile was forming but then he did a goofy face and that me me laugh a bit, I pulled him into a hug "thank you dean" he patted my back "well lets go."

We arrived at the police department Dean went inside and Sam and I waited on the trunk of baby "okay this is the last surveillance footage of the last victim before she was kidnapped and killed she turned down an that's when she got grabbed " I explained and then we watched the video "wait stop stop stop" dean said and I stopped the video "make that larger" dean said and I did all of our eyes went huge as we saw a man who we thought was dead "no is that?" "Ketch" "How is that possible" Dean asked "it's not possible that can't be ketch" Sam said "Mom shot him clean through the head" "exactly so that can't be him" Sammy said "what? You kidding me? You think that I forgot the face of the guy who tried to kill me twice that's him and he's 30 feet away from the girl who got tortured and murdered I say case solved" dean threw his hands up in the air "say it is Ketch which I still don't understand why is" a woman came "Sam and Dean Winchester and Allison McDorth?" She asked "do we know you?" I asked "no but I know you in my profession it pays to know the enemy my name is Daniela I'm a witch and I know you don't like witches but I also know you help people who are in trouble" she said.

My hands began to shake as I began to think of the horrible things Ketch did to me and Dean saw my hands shaking and grabbed the iPad "can you I've us a second?" He asked and she nodded "Hey Allison I know what you're thinking if this is Ketch i won't let him hurt you ever again okay?" I nodded and he pulled me into a hug before letting me go, we drove off to Daniela's cabin and we walked inside the house "you live here?" Dean asked "it's a safe house some of us use when we're in hiding from hunters of instance it's almost impossible to find" "yeah we noticed all right here the deal uh we trust you about as much as you trust us but we followed you here so what's going on?" Sam asked "what's going on is I survived he had me the serial killer you're looking for" she explained "well no one he's grabbed has lived so why should we believe you" she showed us scars on her neck "this is how he does it slow cuts with a red hot knife while he was doing it I managed to get a hand free enough to touch him and whisper a spell to disable him just long enough to get away" "what did he want?" I asked "where is Rowena Macleod he kept on asking that over and over again" "Rowena she's dead" I said "that's what I told him every witch he gets tells him that he's going to keep doing this until he hears what he wants" "did he happen to have a British accent?" Dean asked "why do you know him" "is this him?" Sam showed her a photo "yes you have to find him he has to be looking for me he knows I can identify him" "yeah well we want him too" "you can't tell anybody you spoke to me until he's caught no one can know where I am" "hmm well about that I was thinking just the opposite" dean said we stayed there for the night we all heard noises and Dean ran to the door and used a sleeping dart to knock the intruder out once dean took off the mask I began to freak out seeing who it was

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