Chapter 9

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We arrived at the bunker after a few hours and I walked into the kitchen with Sam "I think she's clean" Sam said "anything on Ketch" "no we've checked every hospital in a 50-mile radius nada" I said "crazy son of a bitch probably pulled the bullet out with his teeth" dean said "yeah" Sam sighed "what about Jack" Dean asked and I froze a bit "I talked to Cas he's got nothing it's like either we gotta find something in the lore or wait for Jack to make a mistake" Sam said "yeah well mistakes are what I'm worried about" Dean said his phone rang and he answered it.

"Yeah?" "Dean Winchester?" The man asked "who is this?" Both Sam and I sat down "I have something you might be interested in" "no we're happy with our cable provider thank you" "what about your Nephilim?" I was looking down then but once I heard that my head shot straight up "word on the street he's gone rouge" "yeah what street is that?" "Hell street Hell avenue just Hell really" Sam and I mouthed demon "so what if I told you I had a way to find your boy? Meet me at smile diner at 12:45.

We were walking along the street "now this could be a trap he could be working for Asmodeus" dean said "yeah what about if he's telling the truth this could bring us one step closer to finding jack and bringing him home" I said "you know after Crowley I told myself no more demons" Dean said "Dean we don't know what this guy's deal is" Sam said "yeah we do he's a friggin' demon" "you said it yourself we need a miracle maybe this is it" "you know what miracles are called from demons I don't know but I'm pretty sure it's not a miracle" "okay what about this we hear the guy out and then we go from there" I said "and then we kill him" dean said and we walked into the diner and saw the guy "the famous Winchesters and Allison McDorth the one who is dating the Nephilim child" "some random demon" Dean said "Barthamus Bart's Fine please sit" we sat down "I bought Cherry pie" Bart said showing Dean pie "well Bart don't know what you've heard about us but."

"Everything I've been following your careers for a long time you're a pain in the pitch fork and the halo natural disrupters we have that in common you and I" "yeah we're twinsies" Dean said "all right you said you've something for us?" Sam asked he showed us a old piece of paper with ancient writing on it "that is a Genuine Nephilim tracking spell" I grabbed it off the table and had a look at it "I just won the powerball" dean said sarcastically "you don't believe me" "ya think?" "Wait a second if this is real" I began "it's real" Bart said "why would you even give it to us?" I asked "I'm a crossroads demon Allison after Crowley's promotion to king of Hell the crossroads demon helping people is what I do my raison d'etre"

"Right look you're a demon you  gotta want something in return" I said "you got me I do need something in return call it a favor" "yeah but you already gave us the spell" dean said "half a spell that's half a spell the other half is elsewhere but I'll happily hand it over once we're done" "so here's the thing when a demon tells us to jump we don't ask how high we just ice their ass" dean said looking Bart dead straight in the eye "how very dean of you.... Sam Allison both of you are the smart ones look into that I'll be in touch" he walked away and I handed Sam the paper and dean ate the pie.

We drove back to the bunker and I helped Sam figure if the spell was legit Dean came in "what the verdict?" He asked "the spell we think it checks out we put together a rough translation um it's Canaanite dates back to the time of King Solomon who apparently commissioned it to keep tabs on the queen of Sheba who according to lore was half angel" Sam said "okay so she was a Nephilim?" Dean asked "yep" I said "so what you are both saying that King Solomon created a spell so that he could stalk his girlfriend" "yeah basically and it looks like it works or would work" "if we had the other half which without we've got nothing" "summed it right up dean" I said "look whatever game Bart is playing I  don't wanna play it but..." Sam began "Sam you know these things don't usually go our way" "it doesn't matter Jack is out there in the world and he's alone and scared and he's dangerous and this our chance to find him we have to take it" Sam said "look I'm probably not the right person to make decisions right now but I say we bring Jack home" I said "well let's go" Dean said and we drove to the factory.

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