Chapter 13

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I was talking with Jack and we where sitting on a log "Allison you should sleep you've haven't had any in two days" Jack said to be honest I was tired and I couldn't be bothered protesting "okay Jack" "you can lay your head on my lap if you want" he said "okay" I smiled and I laid down falling asleep as Jack stroked my hair I woke up five hours later to find that Jack was still stroking my hair I sat up and Jack looked at me "did you have a nice sleep?" He asked "yes I did" I smiled a little girl came up to me and grabbed my hand and dragged me along and myself and all the other kids began a snowball war.

I grabbed a piece of snow and formed snowball and then I threw hitting a kid this went on for a few hours and by the time it was over I walked over to Jack who had a huge smile on his face "that looked like it was fun" he said "it was" I said and he grabbed my hand and we began walking around "Allison would you like to see what your life was like before Lucifur did what he did?" Jack asked stopping in his tracks i looked at him "yes" I stuttered we sat down on a log and he placed his hand on my forehead and I looked at the memories of my past

I saw my three year old self I was on a swing and Castiel was pushing me I was giggling Castiel stopped the swing and put me on his shoulders and then he ran around and he was laughing and I had a smile on my face, we walked into our house and we had dinner after we finished Castiel carried me to my room and he tucked me into bed and then grabbed a book and sat on my bed and began reading it "once upon a time a beautiful princess lived and a castle deep within the woods and by her castle had a river and lots of animals visited the princess and the princess took care of them. One day the princess was riding on a deer and the deer lead her to a small village and in the village is were a prince lived and he saw the princess and thought she was beautiful the prince came up to her and spoke "you are so beautiful why haven't I seen you before?" The prince asked "I live in the woods all alone with the woodland animals" the princess said and the prince smiled and he gave her his hand and helped her down from the deer and they then walked around the village the prince asked a question "Allison what did he ask?" Castiel asked "could I be your prince and live in your castle?" I said and Castiel nodded and smiled and then continued reading the story "and they moved into the princess's castle and they loved happily ever after the end" Castiel closed the book and gave me a kiss on my forehead "night bee" he said "night daddy" and the young version of me closed my eyes and fell into sleep.

Jack took his hand off my forehead and looked into my eyes and I hugged jack letting out a few silent tears "I miss him jack and I miss Sam and Dean I miss them all" I said "I know and I miss them too" he said and kissed the top of my head I pulled out and grabbed his hand and we began walking again we heard rustling in the trees we stopped cautious of our surroundings "Allison McDorth and Jack Kline" we turned around and saw a group of angels "let me guess you are apart of Michael's army and you got put on the job of trying to get me and jack" I said "bingo!" One said "okay so either you can make this easy and come with us or could do this the hard way" another said Jack and I looked at each and smirked "the hard way" we said at the exact same time and the angels began to use there powers and flung us back Jack got up first and his eyes turned gold and he raised his hand killing half of the army I got up and raised my hand my eyes turned grey and the other half of the angels in the air and killed them.

Jack and I walked back to camp and I saw that food was prepared and a small boy came up to me and gave me a bowl with soup "thank you" I said and I watched him run of and grabbed another one for himself Jack and I sat down and I ate the soup I ate about half of it and gave the rest to Jack "Allison I'm all good you have it and keep your health help" he said "Jack I'm your girlfriend and just because you are looking after me doesn't mean I shouldn't be looking after you now please eat it" I said and he grabbed the bowl and began eating, Mary came up to jack and I "guys I need you to look after the camp I'm going on a trip" Mary told us "okay we'll see you soon" I said and she walked away with a few of the men in the camp Jack looked tired as he finished eating to soup "Jack have some sleep if anything happens I'll wake you up okay" I said "alright" and he laid his head on my lap i put my hands in his hair and began stroking it.

Six hours later he woke up and sat up stretching his arms "Allison Jack Mary told me to come to one of you if something is wrong" a man named Josh said "what's wrong Josh?" Jack asked "the kids they are badly hurt and we are doing all we can but nothing is working and we are running out of first aid supplies" Josh explained "okay hold on to the first aid supplies for now and Jack and I we can heal the injured" I said and Josh nodded Jack and I walked over to a few kids and we placed our hands on their foreheads, once we healed all the kids we walked over to the log we were sitting on before, Jack grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said "Allison you have something in your hair" he said he grabbed it out of my hair he showed me that it was a leaf.

I gave him a small smile and then Jack's eyes turned gold and he raised his hand I felt something sharp around my neck "Allison I can't believe you didn't see I was a angel" a man said "Josh?" I asked "let her go!" Jack yelled "no I don't think so Michael wants one of you and I kinda thought that Allison would be the way to go because I know that you care deeply for her and watching two love sick birds fall apart is always fun" Josh said "let her go!" Jack yelled again Jack was about to make a move but then Josh's grip tighten "Jack I wouldn't do that if I was you now you see if you try and kill me I'll kill her right here and right now and if you do as I say you probably will never see her again" he said and I could tell there was a smirk on his face, Jack's eyes were still gold and Josh tightened his grip again and i whimpered a bit and Jack lowered his hand and slowly changed his eyes back to blue i mouthed "mouth to me when he turns his head" Jack slightly nodded I was able to get a small rock and I threw it hitting a bigger rock and making a scrapping sound "he did" jack mouthed and I raised my hand and placed my hand on his forearm and my eyes turned grey and I turned Josh into dust.

I sighed in relief "Allison are you okay?" Jack asked "all good" I said Jack grabbed my both of my hands and held them in his Jack and I got up making sure the campsite was okay and making sure everyone was safe as they could be, it was now dinner time and Jack and I waited for everyone who needed the food the most. There was still food left and Jack and I grabbed a bowl of soup we sat on the log we've been sitting at all day after we finished eating two kids came up to us "could you do a shadow puppet show?" They asked "of course" I said and we got up and walked over to were all the kids were sitting we made people with our hands and made them act the roles of star wars whenever they were fighting with the lightsabers the kids were laughing and Jack and I had a smile on our faces after about a hour of doing this Mary came back from her hunt and told the kids to go to bed "hey guys" she said and pulled us into a hug.

"How was the hunt?" Jack asked "good everything good here?" She asked "yeah just two angel attacks" I said "okay I think you guys need some sleep" she said noticing that we looked like we were about to pass out "just wake us up if anything happens" jack said and Mary nodded Jack and I went to a tent and laid down together and I snuggled into his chest and jack held me close to him, we fell asleep within minutes and the very next day we woke up and got up and walked over to Mary "hey guys" Mary said and gave us a smile "so look guys I was wondering if you two would like to go and hunt some creatures" she asked "yeah sure" jack and I said "uh we will leave tomorrow" I said looking at Jack and he nodded.

Jack and I spent the day practicing our powers before we left for the hunt for tomorrow

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