Chapter 2

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As Dean walked out of the room Sam and I stood there looking at each other we decided to go outside to where Dean was standing he must of heard because he asked us a question "can he teleport?" "What?" Sam and I asked "kid does he have wings?" "I don't know" Sam responded.

Once we got in the car Dean was driving incredibly fast "still have holy oil right?" Dean asked "for what?" Sam asked "cause we're gonna have to hit him with everything we got" Dean answered "hold on a second" Sam said "can we just talk about what happened back there?" Sam asked "sure which part?" Dean answered back "let's see, Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Allison has a concussion, Cas is... mom's gone, and apparently the devil's kid hit puberty in 30 seconds flat oh and almost killed us."

"Yeh because you shot him Dean he freaked out" I spoke for the first time since we got in the car "Allison I shot the monster and if you don't know by now that's kind of what we do" Dean answered back "we don't know what he is yet, Allison and I had it under control" Sam answered for me "I'm sorry are you and Allison defending the son of Satan?" "Yes" I answered Dean looked in the rearview mirror to look at me "no speaking until I say so" Dean turned back to look at Sam "I'm not defending him but I am defending Allison oh Allison you can speak whenever you want and with everything that's happened I'm obviously spun out also but we need a plan" Sam said "what oh yeh kill him okay? That's the plan" I was about to say something along the lines of how do you know he's evil just because he's the spawn of Satan does define him but then Dean started talking again "look right now all the matters is finding him and ending him before he hurts anyone else and once we do that we'll figure everything else out"

"What about Cas is he.. is he really dead?" Sam asked and I swallowed a lump in the back of my throat "you know he is" Dean answered fast "Allison get some sleep" Sam said "alright" I said, I don't know how much time passed but when I woke up Dean was pulling into a fast food joint "you really think that Lucifur jr. is at pirate Pete's jolly treats? And he was like what before I destroy the world let me just grab a bag of curly fries?" I know what I was about to say was a bad idea but I didn't care "he has a name Dean and it's Jack" "are you for real I..." he grunted "look if he would have stuck to the main road he must of walked past it and I don't know..." "Fine just make it quick" "you're not coming?" Sam asked shocked "no" Dean was quick to reply again "I'm calling Jody to see if she can help" "yeh okay dean Allison come with me" Sam said I got out of the car and walked inside with Sam.

When Sam and I walked in a drunk lady was asking for fries and the guy who worked there spoke "welcome to pirates Pete's jolly treats arrrrr how can help you two?" The drunk lady spoke "they want fries we all want fries" "shut up" the worker mumbled "ignore her she drunk as" she turned to us and said "just a bit" "right um okay we are looking for a guy he's about your height and he's nude" Sam said "you and me both sister" "what did I say?" The worker asked "sorry" she put her hands up in surrender "and yeh I saw him" I raised my eyebrows "and hey would you like to go out some time?" The worker asked me flirting "uh sorry not interested" I said Sam held back a laugh, as Sam was on the phone I sat down and the worker was still flirting with me as I was trying to listen to what Sam was saying "this is Agent Berry I'm with the FBI I'm calling because.... did you happen to pick up a kid earlier today uh not exactly dressed um..." Sam saw the ordering board and made a weird face I turned to see what he looked at and made the same face "so do you like movies?" The worker asked "no" I said but I actually do but I lied I was still looking at Sam he stopped talking for a moment before turning to me saying "he is! Great that's great okay hold on to him don't release him until I get there all right?" He hung up and looked at me "let's get ready to go" I nodded and got up and walked out with Sam to see the drunk girl talking to Dean he saw us and turned around "got anything?" Dean asked "yeh we know where he is" "good great let's  go" Dean sound annoyed Sam and I hopped in the car and Dean drove away.

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